Wallsend Local Centre


What's coming for Wallsend?

We have a range of projects planned for Wallsend Local Centre over the next ten years. These projects will:

  • Renew ageing infrastructure including footpaths, roadways, lighting and drainage.
  • Improve the look and feel of the streetscape with high quality infrastructure, landscaping, and new trees.
  • Improve safety by reducing the speed limit to 40km/hour within Cowper Street between Bulkara Street and Newcastle Road.
  • Improve safety and connectivity by upgrading Cowper Street intersections at Kokera Street, Nelson Street and Newcastle Road.
  • Create safe and direct connections for cyclists in line with our 'On our bikes 2021-2030' Newcastle Cycling Strategy.

Project status

Alongside the Wallsend Public Domain Plan, we are also working to deliver flood mitigation measures to reduce the severity of flooding in Wallsend.

We have broken this work into stages:

  • Stage 1: CompleteThe northbound transport stop was relocated on Bunn Street. The mural outside the Merindah Childcare Centre was completed in late September 2020.
  • Stage 2: Complete. Tyrrell Street Bridge was replaced in March 2020.
  • Stage 3: In Design. This stage is being delivered in coordination with Ironbark Creek Stage 7 Works. The project is comprised of two parts:
    • Stage 3A: Upgrade of the stormwater infrastructure at Cowper Street. Currently exploring design options to widen Ironbark Creek channel to achieve appropriate flood mitigation.
    • Stage 3B: Upgrade of the Cowper and Kokera Street intersection, through the installation of pedestrian links and traffic control signals. Our design is approved by Transport for NSW (TfNSW). We will provide updates to the community on construction timing and impacts before commencing work on site.
  • Stage 4: Underway. The tender for the Boscawen Street Bridge replacement was awarded on 28 February 2023, with works scheduled to commence by mid-2023. The detailed design for the Nelson Street Bridge is also underway. These works will be completed after the delivery of Boscawen Street Bridge. We will provide updates to the community on construction timing and impacts before commencing work on site.
  • Stage 5: Upgrade of the Nelson Street and Cowper Street intersection through installation of traffic lights – and upgrade of the Newcastle Road and Cowper Street intersection through the installation of a roundabout. The delivery of this project will follow the completion of Stage 3 works, subject to funding approval. This stage has received blackspot funding from TfNSW.

View the Wallsend Local Centre Public Domain Planning Process Flow Chart (PDF).


In May 2015 Newcastle’s elected Council resolved to develop a Town Centre Master Plan for Wallsend. This became part of the Local Centres Public Domain Renewal Program, which commenced in 2016.

Under the program, Wallsend Local Centre was audited and assessed as a high priority for renewal.

The objectives of the Wallsend Local Centre Public Domain and Traffic Plan (PDP) include:

  • Improving safety for pedestrians, cyclists and traffic.
  • Reducing crime and improving safety from crime.
  • Improving connectivity, accessibility and wayfinding.
  • Improving the look and feel, as well as human comfort by providing more seating and shade.
  • Environmental improvements including planting more trees.
  • Improving the business environment.

Thank you for having your say

We are focused on improving the Wallsend town centre to create a great place to work, shop, study and socialise. We want to ensure everyone has a say in the development of this local area.

To learn more about the feedback we have gathered on Wallsend Local Centre, visit our Wallsend Engagement Hub.

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