Time Gun Firings
Step back in time for a seafaring tradition
Fort Scratchley has reinstated the time honoured seafaring tradition of firing a gun at 1pm to coincide with the Customs House time ball drop.
The time ball and gun firing at precisely 1pm was used in ports around the world in the 19th century to allow sea captains to adjust their navigation instruments.
Newcastle is one of the very few ports around the world that have the capability of firing a gun in tandem with the drop of a time ball.
This firing is sponsored by Newcastle Ports Corp and Hunter Water. This tradition is best viewed from the parade ground at Fort Scratchley with Customs House in the background.
Demonstration Schedule
- 1pm, Daily | Firing of time gun (weather permitting)
- 12pm and 1pm every 3rd Sunday | Mark V11 firing
- Wednesdays | Morse Code demonstrations
Please call Fort Scratchley 4929 3066 to double-check the Fort is open if in any doubt.
Firings are 1pm every day the Fort is open.