This is an automatically generated sitemap of all pages on the City Of Newcastle, Newcastle Region Library and Blackbutt Reserve websites.
- Our Community
- Get Involved
- Grants and Sponsorships
- Health and Safety
Hire a Venue
- Blackbutt Reserve
- Civic Theatre and Playhouse
Community Halls and Centres
- Alice Ferguson Community Centre
Carrington Community Centre
- Elermore Vale Community Centre
- Elermore Vale Community Hall
- Fletcher Community Centre
- Frequently asked questions
- Hamilton South Community Centre
Henderson Park Hall
Henry Park Hall
- Jesmond Neighbourhood Centre
- Maryland Neighbourhood Centre
- Minmi Progress Hall
New Lambton Community Centre
Tarro Community Hall
- Wallsend Pioneers Memorial Hall
- Wallsend Railway Goods Shed
Warabrook Community Centre
- Fort Scratchley
- Newcastle City Hall
- Newcastle Museum
- Park and Beach Events
- Park and Beach Weddings
- Sportsground Bookings
Have Your Say
- Rates
Waste and Recycling
- Summerhill Waste Management Centre
- Collection Services
- Waste Enquiries and Requests
- Bulk Waste Service
- Problem Wastes
Waste and Recycling A-Z
- Waste Education
- Litter and Illegal Dumping
- News and Events
- Pets and Animals
- Transport and Parking
Meet the Future
- Action on Climate
Trees and Urban Forest
- Our urban forest
We're planting trees in your street
- Fletcher
Mayfield & Mayfield East
- George Street (even side)
- George Street (odd side)
- Henson Avenue (odd side)
- Henson Avenue (even side)
- Margaret Street (odd side)
- Margaret Street (even side)
- Abel Street (11)
- Abel Street
- Arthur Street
- Crebert Street (Ingall to Arthur)
- Ingall Street (Hann to Crebert & 61 Crebert)
- Walsh Street (odd side)
- Walsh Street (even side)
- Our Coastline
- Waterways
- Bush Fire
- Flooding
- Invasive Species
- Get Involved
- Contaminated Land
Meet the Future
- Our City
- Our Economic Vision
- Attracting Talent
Supporting Local Business People
- Business Improvement Associations
- Special Business Rates
- Newcastle Business People Newsletter
- Amplify Access & Achieve Purposeful Profit
- Clean Energy Transition Community Education Program
- Feedback Futures
- Female Founders Program
- Hunter 100: Circular Economy Youth Leadership Program
- Future Fresh
- Level up Learning
- New Digital Skills Program
- Side Hustle Bootcamp
- Sustainnovation Challenge
- Tourism Product Mentoring Program 2021-22
- Virtual Startup Internship Program: Smart Cities
- Grants and Sponsorships
- Tenders
Business Regulations
- Business Activation
- Food and Drink Business
- Environmental Health
- Outdoor Permits
- Licence for Fitness Trainers
- Planning an Event
- Enabling Innovation
- City Shaping Economic Initiatives
- Creating a Vibrant City
- Facilities
- Development Applications
- Accelerated Development Applications
- Development Information for the Community
- Application Tracker
- Development Activity Map
Building and Construction
Building and Development Information Guides
- Advertising Signage
- Air Conditioning
- Asbestos
- Boarding Houses and Co-living
- Building Height Explained
- Carport
- Change of Use
- Demolition
- Fences
- Fire Places - Domestic Oil and Solid Fuel Heating
- Garage
- Home Based Commercial Enterprises (HBCE)
- Home Building Compensation Fund (HBCF)
- Lead Paint
- Mobile Business
- Owner Builders
- Pollution Signs
- Retaining Wall
- Secondary Dwellings - Granny Flats
- Shed
- Shipping Containers
- Short Term Rental Accommodation
- Studio
- Solar Panels
- Subdivision
- Swimming Pool/ Spa
- Temporary Events and Uses on Private Land
- Tiny Houses
Construction Certificates
- Driveway Inspection Request
- Fire Safety
- Flood Certificates
- Principal Certifier, Building Inspections and Occupation Certificates
- Road Naming
- S10.7 Planning Certificates
- Street Numbering
- Swimming Pool Requirements
Building and Development Information Guides
- Strategic Land Use Planning
- Art and Culture
- History and Heritage
- Parks
- Beaches and Baths
- Sportsgrounds and Facilities
- Outdoor Exercise Facilities
- Sportsground Bookings
- Sportsground Closures
- Grants and Projects
- Swimming Centres
- Personal Training and Learn to Surf Licencing
- Skate Parks and Tennis Courts
- Basketball Courts
- Beresfield Golf Course
- Buildings, Halls and Venues for Hire
- Stockton Beach Holiday Park
- Water Safety
- Things To Do
- Beaches
- Council
About Us
- Report an Issue or Request Assistance
- Careers
News and Updates
Latest News
- City of Newcastle shines a light on seniors for statewide festival
- $50 million investment in the future of Wallsend
- Best-selling authors serve up a sizzling summer of reading in Newcastle
- Big ideas for Newcastle backed by SBR city centre funding
- Citizen of the Year leads the way for Indigenous literacy
- City charged up to make the switch towards net zero
- City of Newcastle books top spot with State’s most popular libraries
- City of Newcastle calls for next wave of trainee lifeguards
- City of Newcastle celebrates 2024 as a year of achievement
- City of Newcastle celebrates powerful turnout for 'Electrify Everything'
- City of Newcastle clears the way for Bar Beach upgrades
- City of Newcastle committees seeking fresh voices
- City of Newcastle delivers a splash of colour to Blackbutt Village
- City of Newcastle election results 2024
- City of Newcastle funds youth-led climate action projects to empower next generation
- City of Newcastle honours research legacy of Distinguished Laureate Professor Roger Smith
- City of Newcastle investigates affordable housing on inner city site
- City of Newcastle kicks off campaign for inclusion with Count Us In Sport events
- City of Newcastle moves forward with independent review
- City of Newcastle plans multimillion-dollar upgrades to support women's sport
- City of Newcastle secures $1 million grant to roll out innovative development assessment process
- City of Newcastle seeks partner for landmark affordable housing project
- City of Newcastle seeks partner for landmark affordable housing project
- City of Newcastle setting new accessibility benchmark on New Year's Eve
- City of Newcastle shores up future for harbourside site
- City of Newcastle to open up more green space in heart of the city
- City of Newcastle unveils vision for Waratah Park
- Community and councillors back Islington cycleway connection
- Community comes together as Wallsend celebrates milestone moment
- Community dives in to shape next steps of Newcastle Ocean Baths revitalisation
- Community invited to dive into consultation on year-round pool facility
- Community invited to drop in and enjoy world-class walk overlooking South Newcastle Beach
- Community invited to have a say on the future of Newcastle
- Community invited to share feedback on Newcastle Show public holiday
- Community invited to spring into Gregson Park’s reimagined playspace
- Community invited to take first steps towards Mayfield local centre upgrade
- Community unites for World Stroke Day Morning Tea
- Community use of coastal buildings in focus to aid future planning
- Construction boom sparks interest in development review panel
- Council update: Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 26 November 2024
- Council update: Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 3 December 2024
- Emergency repair works at Stockton Beach
- Events and exhibitions give Newcastle Museum two million reasons to celebrate
- Exhibition unearths treasured memories of A Place Called Hollywood
- Exhibition’s international debut for prehistoric summer at Newcastle Museum
- Explore wonders of the natural world this school holidays
- Extraordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 14 January 2025
- First Nations art to take pride of place in Newcastle Art Gallery
- First new work commissioned for expanded Newcastle Art Gallery
- Free community event to celebrate renewed coastal precinct
- Free fitness station puts active ageing on the agenda
- Grant paves way for Paralympian to champion NSW’s first wheelchair-accessible skate bowl
- Hunter Indoor Sports Centre
- Inclusivity at the heart of Hamilton playground upgrade
- Independent financial audit affirms City of Newcastle’s transparency and strong governance
- It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Newcastle
- Lord Mayor's scholarship recipients honoured by City of Newcastle
- Major grants boost to help Newcastle's most vulnerable
- Major international skateboarding event heading to Newcastle
- Major investment to boost apprentice and trainee numbers in Newcastle
- Making it easier to get the party started in streets across Newcastle
- Man's best friend digs new temporary home
- Many hands make light work to improve habitat on National Tree Day
- Maud Street upgrades rolling out to create safer cycling connections
- Media Statement - Rising Tide event
- Multimillion-dollar project delivers renewed stability for Memorial Drive
- New Annual delivers hands-on festival experience
- New Annual in full swing ahead of grand finale
- New Annual opens with a celebration of music and movement
- New citizens make it a happy new year in Newcastle
- Newcastle Art Gallery gets official reopening date
- Newcastle Art Gallery opinion piece
- Newcastle Art Gallery unveils sculptural solution to accessibility issue
- Newcastle City Council appoints new Directors to Airport Boards
- Newcastle Museum issues call to arms to rugby league fans
- Newcastle Ocean Baths' nomination on State Heritage register
- Newcastle proves fit for a queen (or six) with blockbuster musical to debut in 2025
- Newcastle residents urged to join war on textile waste during National Recycling Week
- Newcastle's newest citizens take the pledge of a lifetime
- Nominations open for Newcastle Citizen of the Year Awards
- Novocastrians invited to have their say on future of affordable housing
- NSW Government commitment needed to deliver ongoing Stockton sand nourishment strategy
- Nuatali Nelmes resigns from Newcastle City Council
- One step closer to a more pedestrian-friendly city
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 10 December 2024
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 23 July 2024
- Festivities, film and food headline City of Newcastle's NAIDOC Week 2024
- 2022/23 Annual Report highlights city on the grow
- A new playspace for Gregson Park
- Accessibility on the agenda as City of Newcastle delivers amenities upgrade at Wallsend pool
- Accessible new strategy to drive community's engagement in decision-making process
- Amenities upgrade to ensure new swim season is accessible for all
- Another step closer to sand for Stockton Beach
- Anticipation grows ahead of Newcastle season for blockbuster The Rocky Horror Show
- Arts Minister marks milestone as Gallery expansion lays the foundation for cultural tourism boom
- Back-to-back champions to be honoured with civic reception
- Bathers Way South Newcastle Beach project set for completion with new contractor
- Beachside crossing upgrade to enhance access for pedestrians and cyclists
- Becca Hatch to headline free Museum Park concert as part of New Annual festival
- Bee workshops helping to turn Newcastle into pollinator-friendly city
- Beresfield students join generation restoration on World Environment Day
- Bright future ahead for Shepherds Hill Cottage
- Budget to deliver record infrastructure program as investment in community continues to grow
- Call for tender for first stage of Smith Park upgrade
- Call for tender to construct new community facility at Blackbutt Reserve
- CEO Code of Conduct Report Released
- Champion for women's sport recognised with City of Newcastle's highest honour
- Citizen of the Year honoured for pioneering COVID-19 treatment
- City embraces Beatlemania as major events partnership attracts rock royalty to Newcastle
- City makes progress toward boosting supply of affordable housing
- City of Newcastle and University expand region’s art and culture commitment
- City of Newcastle backs heritage protection for three suburban gems
- City of Newcastle backs zero emissions future with hydrogen truck trial
- City of Newcastle balances the books with third straight Budget surplus
- City of Newcastle brings community together for World Stroke Day
- City of Newcastle celebrates gender pay equity this May Day
- City of Newcastle celebrates harmony during Reconciliation Week
- City of Newcastle celebrates Japanese Sister City agreement
- City of Newcastle celebrates National Science Week with free community events
- City of Newcastle celebrates sporting life of Deaf community through Australian-first exhibition
- City of Newcastle champions disability inclusion with launch of Count Us In festival
- City of Newcastle charging towards environmental legacy
- City of Newcastle confers its newest Australian citizens
- City of Newcastle creates striking new chapter in artistic legacy of iconic beach-side walkway
- City of Newcastle delivers flood improvements for University Drive
- City of Newcastle delivers million-dollar investment to support innovative local business projects
- City of Newcastle delivers million-dollar sports and recreation hub for community
- City of Newcastle double 2024 trainee and apprenticeships
- City of Newcastle facilitates vital emergency response training
- City of Newcastle ignites anticipation ahead of New Year’s Eve celebrations
- City of Newcastle improving food security for students
- City of Newcastle invests in the next wave of trainee lifeguards
- City of Newcastle issues call to arms for more green thumbs
- City of Newcastle joins global fight against plastic pollution
- City of Newcastle kicking goals with strategic approach to sports facilities
- City of Newcastle kicks off multimillion-dollar investment into playgrounds
- City of Newcastle leading the state in prioritising housing diversity
- City of Newcastle makes tree-mendous start to festive season
- City of Newcastle MEDIA STATEMENT
- City of Newcastle moves forward with multimillion-dollar upgrade plans for Georgetown
- City of Newcastle moves forward with recycling options
- City of Newcastle offers $900,000 to fund fresh ideas
- City of Newcastle prioritises infrastructure investment and budget responsibility
- City of Newcastle progresses dual-lane road upgrades in Wallsend
- City of Newcastle ready to revitalise next stage of Hunter Street Mall
- City of Newcastle rolls out plans to get Novocastrians on their bikes
- City of Newcastle searching for unsung heroes
- City of Newcastle secures future of key biodiversity corridor
- City of Newcastle set to breathe new life into Lambton Park cafe
- City of Newcastle strengthens ties with three of its neighbours
- City of Newcastle swings into action with million-dollar investment into playgrounds
- City of Newcastle takes next step in revitalisation of Harbour Foreshore precinct
- City of Newcastle takes next step towards final stage of Newcastle Ocean Baths upgrade
- City of Newcastle takes next steps towards revitalisation of iconic harbourside precinct
- City of Newcastle invites local creatives to take centre stage at The Playhouse
- City of Newcastle leading the way with faster DA approvals
- City of Newcastle pedals ahead to deliver first bike repair station
- City of Newcastle pitching in to help local sporting clubs
- City of Newcastle steps up war on waste with free community workshops
- City of Newcastle switches on safety improvements at notorious intersection
- City of Newcastle trials new technology to improve parking and safety
- City of Newcastle welcomes its newest citizens home
- City set to roll out welcome mat for Run for the Voice campaigner Pat Farmer
- Cliff works underway at South Newcastle Beach to enhance public safety
- Code of Conduct investigation
- Community digs deep to create habitat on National Tree Day
- Community input needed to make Newcastle a more walkable city
- Community invited to celebration of First Nations creativity and culture
- Community invited to have their say on final stage of upgraded Newcastle Ocean Baths
- Community invited to have their say on the future of Broadmeadow
- Community invited to help shape revitalisation of Georgetown local centre
- Community invited to help update shared vision for Newcastle
- Community paws-itively thrilled as Tessa the guide dog returns home to Stockton
- Community support for dual-lane road upgrades in Wallsend
- Connection and lifelong learning in focus for 2024 Seniors Festival
- Energy crusader hoping to spark change in Newcastle
- Environment, mobility and ageing population the focus of future development planning
- EV investment charges up city-wide net zero vision
- Expert panel helping to raise the bar for urban design in Newcastle
- Fans say let it be in Newcastle as McCartney highlights benefits of major events
- Female football in focus at new-look Darling Street Oval
- Fifteen projects to boost vibrancy across the city in 2024
- Five-year investment secures long-term future for flagship New Annual festival
- Football fever lands in Kotara as City of Newcastle delivers million-dollar revamp
- Funding boost for Newcastle Museum and Art Gallery
- Future investment on the agenda as City of Newcastle seeks long-term vision along the coast
- Gallery takes art to the community as expansion continues
- Hamilton's green heart prepares for reimagined playspace
- Hardship support provides relief for Newcastle ratepayers
- Have your say on plans to reduce traffic congestion in western corridor
- High flying start as festival of art and culture swings into action in Newcastle
- Improvements on the way for Smith Park
- Inclusive connection for Bathers Way takes shape
- Indoor pool plans move forward with community consultation
- Inspirational Matildas midfielder receives Key to the City of Newcastle
- Interim orders issued to protect city's heritage
- Jason Donovan in The Rocky Horror Show sets new box office record for Civic Theatre
- Lambton Pool celebrates 60th anniversary with grand re-opening
- Local artists create a feast for the senses at this year's New Annual festival
- Local productions to UpStage the classics in Newcastle
- Lord Mayor unveils vision for key link in her Bathers Way project
- Major music festival making a moo-ve to Newcastle
- Make a natural connection with Newcastle's coastline this summer
- Mayfield streets to sparkle through new cleaning program
- Media statement - Minmi development application
- Media statement - Newcastle Basketball Stadium
- Memorial Drive bank set to be stabilised via $5 million project
- Multimillion-dollar community facility coming soon to Blackbutt Reserve
- National tourism conference headlines local events boom
- New ambassador program welcomes international students to Newcastle with open arms
- New Annual delivering peak platform for arts and culture investment
- New Annual wraps up with weekend of free festival fun
- New cafe on the horizon as part of Newcastle Art Gallery expansion
- New era for Adamstown Park as Masterplan approved
- New grandstand sets inclusive benchmark for Newcastle
- New link to extend safer connections across Newcastle’s cycleway network
- New Novocastrians reflect on road to Australian citizenship
- New online tool to simplify development controls in Newcastle
- New playgrounds open as City of Newcastle delivers multimillion-dollar investment into recreation
- New program to enhance inclusive tourism offering
- Newcastle Art Gallery expansion reaches new heights
- Newcastle coastline to make major Air Show debut
- Newcastle inland pools smash visitor records
- Newcastle leading the way in housing approvals
- Newcastle leads the way with progressive urban planning, design and development
- Newcastle Museum offers chance to explore Indigenous stories of the stars
- Newcastle Ocean Baths pump tests signal progress toward swim-ready water
- Newcastle ready to get the party started for global popstar Pink
- Newcastle secures Women's State of Origin match in 2024
- Newcastle secures worldwide blockbuster musical The Rocky Horror Show
- Newcastle Williamtown Air Show will be the largest single day event in Newcastle history
- Newcastle youth take centre stage for week of celebration and self-expression
- City of Newcastle Councillor information sessions
- Next steps in protecting Newcastle's cultural heritage
- Nuatali Nelmes marks milestone nine years as Lord Mayor
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 12 December 2023
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 22 August 2023
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 23 April 2024
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 23 May 2023
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 25 February 2025
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 25 July 2023
- Investment in Newcastle's public swimming pools continues
- Emerging artists making their mark on Darby Street
- Darby Street outdoor dining transformation begins
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 25 June 2024
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 26 March 2024
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 26 September 2023
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 27 August 2024
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 27 February 2024
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 28 February 2023
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 22 November 2022
- Newcastle emerges as the new street art capital
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 27 September 2022
- Future liveability and amenity of Wickham enhanced
- Awards season shines spotlight on City of Newcastle
- $1.1 million bill to repair City's southern beaches
- Ancient ocean predators on display at Newcastle Museum
- Businesses invited to enhance New Annual festival spirit
- City of Newcastle optimises kerbside collection schedule to accommodate housing growth
- City of Newcastle presents vision for sustainable waste future
- City of Newcastle rallies community to power ahead toward cleaner energy future
- City pays tribute to Queen Elizabeth II
- Council gives its support to Supercars date for Newcastle 500 in 2023
- Expansion project moves underground as mine remediation kicks off at Newcastle Art Gallery
- Festival of arts and culture kicks off in Newcastle
- First look at final stage of East End revitalisation
- Media statement – Beresfield Golf Course
- New funding round open to innovative projects in the City Centre
- Newcastle development application times cut by 25 per cent
- Newcastle leading race to host a FIFA Women's World Cup team
- Newcastle’s development boom continues to skyrocket
- Newcastle’s newest citizens take the pledge
- Newcastle's largest playground at heart of Harbour Foreshore Masterplan
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 23 August 2022
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 28 May 2024
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 28 November 2023
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 29 October 2024
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 31 October 2023
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 8 October 2024
- Out of this world exhibition touches down at Newcastle Museum
- Perkins Street stairs open to public
- Predicted population increase drives changes to Social Infrastructure Strategy
- Program to increase access to renewable energy in Newcastle
- Pups put their paws up for free microchipping at Lambton Park
- Quest to bring international surfing event to Newcastle gathers momentum
- Rainbow of sand provides welcome sight off Stockton coastline
- Record Budget to deliver widespread community benefits
- Record capital works and a booming visitor economy as City of Newcastle wraps up 2023
- Record road investment drives projects forward across the city's west
- Refugee kids kicking goals thanks to increased grants and sponsorships program
- Renewable energy decision-makers and community unite to empower Newcastle towards net zero future
- Research project aiming to prevent local extinction of threatened marsupial
- Residents encouraged to have their say on council review
- Residents to pave the way to a more walkable Newcastle
- Revitalisation of iconic harbourside precinct swings into action
- Revitalised Harbour Foreshore Precinct to take shape this year
- Riverwall repairs provide rock solid future for popular running route
- Road renewal paves the way for the next stage of Wallsend town centre
- Road safety improvements given green light at Adamstown
- Road works underway ahead of dual lane upgrades
- Roadworks to enhance safety and amenity around former Supercars circuit
- Safer crossing on the cards as City of Newcastle invests in popular coastal precinct
- Safer cycleway connections for Hunter Street
- Sand on the way for Stockton Beach
- School art competition to uncover creative visions for Newcastle's sustainable waste future
- Search begins for local programming as new Festival Director announced
- Selfless volunteer rewarded with City of Newcastle's highest honour
- Sharing ideas to shape the future of community engagement
- Sneak peek inside expanded Newcastle Art Gallery
- Sparkly addition to Newcastle skyline as Art Gallery expansion progresses
- Splash into summer at reopened Newcastle Ocean Baths
- Statement from Lord Mayor Ross Kerridge about Rising Tide event location change
- Statement from Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes on the passing of the Hon. Richard Face
- Statement from the Rufo family and City of Newcastle
- Step into September school holiday events and activities
- Stockton Local Centre receives $5 million upgrade
- Strategic push to secure major events delivers multimillion-dollar windfall for Newcastle
- Street party to kick off bumper New Annual program
- Students unleash creativity to promote water safety
- Surfest rides wave of support back onto international stage
- Surge in public art cement's Newcastle's reputation as a cultural destination
- Swimmers ready to dive into new season as City of Newcastle continues its investment in public pools
- Safety first as City of Newcastle lifeguards prepare students for summer
- Swimmers to return to Newcastle Ocean Baths
- Swing into New Annual's packed program of free events
- Tender awarded for record roadworks project
- Tenders called for next stage of Bar Beach repair work
- The Rocky Horror Show wraps up astounding season at Civic Theatre
- Transforming Hunter Street's hidden bridge
- Updated planning and design guidelines set to future-proof the city
- UpStage to scale dramatic new heights following successful 2024 season
- Visitor numbers surge as community embraces revitalised Newcastle Ocean Baths
- Volunteers celebrated for dedicated service to the city
- Wallsend preparing for a party 150 years in the making
- Wallsend set to shine for 150th anniversary celebrations
- Wallsend's rich history to be celebrated with 150th event
- Weather warning for Newcastle's coastline
- Community encouraged to lend their green thumb on National Tree Day
- Council to consider Darby Street trial concept following support from community
- Distinguished scholars receive Keys to the City of Newcastle
- Domestic violence support service bolstered by Newcastle Lord Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast
- Elton John rockets into Newcastle on back of new City partnership with Venues NSW
- Get involved in green makeover for local streets
- Local suburban business precincts to benefit from activations and beautification
- Local youth experience a taste of local government
- Museum visitors invited to drop-in and explore Newcastle's skateboarding subculture
- New life for upgraded Shortland Local Centre
- Newcastle reaffirms sustainable development goals on 25th anniversary milestone
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 26 July 2022
- Recycling plans set to progress with strong community support
- Rehabilitation of Ironbark Creek flows on
- Statement on coastal damage following weekend weather event
- City of Newcastle welcomes disaster relief for local community
- Community feedback sought on parking at Blackbutt Village
- Inspirational OzHarvest founder Ronni Kahn visits Newcastle during Library and Information Week
- Indigenous stories in the spotlight this NAIDOC Week
- Community-focused app delivers positive outcomes during COVID-19
- Expert panel canvas the future of public art in the city
- New playgrounds in western corridor opened ahead of school holidays
- Digital platform helping to create youth connections with Art Gallery collection
- Inaugural Meg Purser Communications Scholarship awarded
- City of Newcastle celebrates contribution of dedicated volunteers
- City of Newcastle's investment in waste to lock in future affordability
- Excavations to explore archaeology of Cathedral Park as part of plan to revitalise site
- Flood improvements underway in Waratah West
- Hazardous swell forecast for Newcastle coastline
- Improved connection to Richley Reserve as Blackbutt Village upgrade progresses
- Investment in libraries continues with refurbishment of Wallsend Library ready to begin
- Driving towards a future of possibilities
- Count Us In festival puts disability inclusion front and centre
- $150,000 in funding available to activate local business precincts
- Newcastle Art Gallery scores a clean sweep of national awards with celebration of Indigenous art
- Newcastle Museum exhibition celebrates diversity and depth of creative talent in community
- NSW Government declaration to protect cultural significance of Aboriginal ceremonial site
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 24 May 2022
- Call for community input on proposed new recycling facility at Summerhill
- City of Newcastle explores affordable housing options
- City of Newcastle marks return to in-person citizenship ceremonies
- City opens $1 million grants and sponsorships round
- Community views to guide the expansion of Newcastle’s footpaths
- East End revitalisation taking shape
- Lord Mayor Emeritus of Newcastle Greg Heys’ significant planning document collection catalogued
- New ideas for improved public space coming to Darby Street
- Newcastle launches repair café to reduce waste
- City's vision locked in following record community input
- City embarks on record year of road investments
- Early works to commence underneath Newcastle Art Gallery ahead of expansion
- Bootcamp to kick-start new beginnings for young entrepreneurs
- Brian Suters AM honoured for architectural legacy
- Chance for last slide down iconic Lambton Swimming Centre attraction before replacement
- City of Newcastle advocates for Indigenous constitutional recognition
- Civic Theatre hosts 66th annual Combined Schools Anzac Service
- Community feedback invited on amended planning guidelines
- End of COVID-19 restrictions sees Budget return to surplus alongside mega infrastructure spend
- Museum exhibition takes young minds on curious adventure through science
- New basketball courts unveiled as multimillion dollar investment in National Park continues
- Newcastle’s CBD set to come ‘alive’ with $500,000 injection into vibrant program of free events
- Next steps in planning for Wickham’s urban renewal
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 22 March 2022
- City seeks action from Deputy Premier's Taskforce to return sand to Stockton Beach
- Interim Heritage Order claim for Newcastle Ocean Baths dismissed by Heritage NSW
- Newcastle residents invited to start curbing plastic waste on Global Recycling Day
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 26 April 2022
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 28 June 2022
- Recovery from weekend weather underway
- Remedial work at Stockton Beach following recent weather events
- Remediation of former Shortland landfill site ready to commence
- Seniors Festival to celebrate reconnection
- Share your ideas for Waratah Local Centre upgrade
- Social and affordable housing gets fast-tracked
- Statement on coastal damage following weekend weather event
- State-wide approach needed for sand nourishment program
- Australian stories on show at Newcastle Museum
- City of Newcastle moves forward with recycling plans
- Concept plans reveal grand ambition for second stage of No.1 Sportsground upgrade
- Council to consider plan to fast track food waste recycling by four years
- Exhibition celebrates 50th anniversary of protest movement that saved Blackbutt Reserve
- Islington Park re-opens to the public
- Live performances give Novocastrians something to smile about as restrictions ease
- Tea and scones provide seniors with social connection
- Help continue to shape City of Newcastle's vision for the future
- Multimillion dollar Blackbutt Village upgrade ready to commence
- New plan sets challenge for Newcastle to be an inclusive and accessible city
- Newcastle Ocean Baths upgrade to begin 14 March
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 22 February 2022
- Playground upgrades heading west with multimillion dollar investment
- Progress Pride Flag raised at City Hall in support of LGBTIQ+ community
- City of Newcastle drives towards electric future
- Cultural events to support local performers in the lead-up to New Annual festival
- Environment in focus as new strategy takes shape
- Newcastle's newest residents bring a $25 million opportunity
- Side hustlers encouraged to turn their ideas into viable businesses
- Community invited to comment on ambitious shared vision for Newcastle
- Keeping our kids safe over the holidays
- Newcastle Art Gallery expansion set to start Monday
- Record investment celebrated as challenging year comes to a close
- Landmark Newcastle Art Gallery exhibition receives national recognition
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 18 January 2022
- Annual sand top ups needed for Stockton coastline
- Paralympian Lauren Parker takes out top gong in Newcastle’s Citizen of the Year Awards
- Art illuminates city spaces at night through interactive smart city technology
- Surge in development to inject $1.8 billion into local economy
- Celebrate inclusion on International Day of People with Disability
- City of Newcastle projects receive $1.2 million funding boost
- Civic Theatre set to reignite city with live performances in 2022
- Festive fun comes to Newcastle's Civic precinct
- Richmond Vale Rail Trail a step closer
- Roaring good time in store at Newcastle Museum as visitors vote for best dinosaur in show
- Unique digital exhibition to reflect on the HIV crisis in the Hunter
- City of Newcastle welcomes improvements to Infrastructure Contributions Bill after advocacy
- City trials world-leading technology in raingardens to keep waterways clean
- Community feedback sought for Tennis Strategy
- Funding support takes entertainment outdoors this summer
- Gregson Park's history celebrated in new Masterplan
- New laws get tough on abandoned shopping trolleys
- New Year's Eve celebration to welcome in the Newcastle new year
- Newcastle joins #RacismNotWelcome street sign campaign
- COVID safe Council meeting
- Exhibition turns back time to highlight Newcastle's transformative decade
- Newcastle launches architectural design competition
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 23 November 2021
- A smarter way to park by the beach
- Life's work on show at Newcastle Art Gallery
- Major sporting events return to Newcastle as local sides clash with A-League heavyweights
- City of Newcastle helps drive lifesaving blood and plasma donations
- City of Newcastle invests $135,000 into multi-arts activation at landmark site
- Live performance to make a sparkling return to the stage at Newcastle's Civic Theatre
- Newcastle joins Australian-first coffee capsule recycling trial
- Nominate now for inaugural Meg Purser Scholarship
- Ordinary Council Meeting 26 October 2021
- Funding future infrastructure top of the agenda with population and development set to boom
- Major events the ticket to Newcastle’s economic success
- New plan to ensure Newcastle is an inclusive community for all
- Newcastle benefits from record infrastructure spend to buffer impact of COVID on local economy
- Protest art takes centre stage at Newcastle Art Gallery
- Share your ideas for Georgetown local centre upgrade
- Solar farm anniversary shines a light on City's power pledge
- South Newcastle Beach stone shelter stands the test of time
- Sporting facilities set for upgrades thanks to City of Newcastle grant funding
- Community satisfaction increases as major projects are delivered throughout the city
- Bathers Way just got even better
- $450K in grants to support jobs and business growth
- Cheers to COVID-Safe picnics
- City of Newcastle welcomes its 500th citizen in 2021 online
- City pledges continued action on climate change
- City of Newcastle on track to appoint contractor for Newcastle Ocean Baths upgrade
- Employment opportunities in focus as City responds to COVID-19
- Financials highlight cost of COVID but strong foundation holds City in good stead for future
- Funding programs offer $1.25 million boost for COVID-affected sectors
- Hamilton’s James Street Plaza lights up
- Health and wellbeing at the heart of City of Newcastle’s local business support
- Improved safety coming soon for Shortland Local Centre
- New funding to welcome back live performances
- Newcastle 500 to return as Supercars season opener in March
- Newcastle recognised for innovative approach to economic development
- Nominations now open for City of Newcastle 2022 Citizen of the Year Awards
- Online vote crowns People's Choice for Kilgour Prize
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 28 September 2021
- CN and Newcastle Art Gallery Foundation agree on $10 million contribution to long-awaited expansion
- City’s swimming centres to reopen Monday
- No. 1 Sportsground set to celebrate centenary with a makeover
- Books delivered direct to your door
- Environmental upgrades underway at Summerhill Waste Management Centre
- Another cycleway link completed
- Car park demolition to reveal first glimpse of stunning city to harbour view corridor
- City to progress significant remediation of former Shortland landfill site
- City's commercial kitchen facilities dish up support to charities
- Bright young minds to participate in Future Innovators Summit
- Help shape public art in Newcastle
- Hunter Street boasts City's newest cycleway
- Residents and visitors set for one more summer splash before Newcastle Ocean Baths' upgrade
- Statement on pools and staged resumption of services
- Street verge to become the next frontier for city's gardeners
- Summerhill Waste Management Centre service resumes for domestic customers
- City supports community organisations to continue vital work amidst COVID-19
- City extends COVID-19 community support
- Hamilton’s James Street Plaza makeover complete
- Have your say on plan for Mayfield cycleway network
- Lori Pensini wins Kilgour Prize 2021
- Newcastle Ocean Baths pool designs finalised
- City supports Aspen Medical disability vaccination hub
- City prepares operators for tourism-led economic recovery
- Newcastle welcomes 150 new citizens online in City first
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 24 August 2021
- Proposed Development Contributions Plans to Fund Future Infrastructure
- Community steers vision for historic Gregson Park
- City continues activation of unused space in National Park
- City services and facilities COVID-19 lockdown update
- City of Newcastle recognised for innovative cultural change and city planning excellence
- City support establishment of new COVID-19 testing clinic in Wickham
- Contract for Business Improvement Association Support Services
- Decade of discoveries as Newcastle Museum notches up 10 years at Honeysuckle
- Directors reappointed to State Government roles
- Entrepreneurs set to bolster local economy
- Facilities deliver digital experiences to keep community busy
- Grants boost support services for vulnerable members of the community in Hamilton
- Hiroshima Day flag-raising reaffirms City’s commitment to Nuclear Free Zone
- New Annual postponed until September 2022
- Newcastle caters for ageing population in city planning
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 27 July 2021
- Rapid response funding supports COVID-driven demand for community services
- Rock bags offer emergency protection but sand remains the focus for Stockton
- Summerhill Waste Management Facility Statement
- Valuation delivers multimillion-dollar boost to Newcastle Art Gallery collection
- Van Gogh Alive to headline Newcastle’s 2022 New Annual festival
- Vibrant program sets the scene for New Annual's return
- Village Hub precinct set for expansion as Wickham evolves
- Visitors invited to ‘Seek Off Beat’ tourism experiences
- War on graffiti expands through youth community partnership
- Weather warning
- Weather warning
- Weather warning for Newcastle's coastline
- Weather warning for Newcastle's coastline
- Western suburbs welcome new premier dog facility
- Wheels in motion to improve active travel along Parkway Avenue
- Widespread support delivers tick of approval for record Budget
- Windfarms offer up billions of investment dollars for Newcastle
- Winning architectural design unveiled for prominent West End site
- Women claim almost three quarters of spots on new Council
- Work begins on renewal of Georgetown's village centre
- Work begins on upgrade to National Park Netball Courts
- Work continues to protect Stockton's coastline
- Work continuing behind the scenes at Blackbutt Reserve
- Work set to commence on $1.5 million Wallsend Active Hub
- City commits to elevating women in sport
- Community shapes new vision for Newcastle's iconic Harbour Foreshore
- $800,000 available to support innovative local business projects in City CBD
- City extends COVID-19 hardship support
- City of Newcastle Councillor information sessions
- City of Newcastle creates career opportunities for Newcastle youth
- City welcomes funding to progress Hunter Park project at Broadmeadow
- Exhibition provides window into Newcastle’s creative past and present
- Finalists revealed as KILGOUR PRIZE 2021 attracts record entries
- Fine-free libraries offer more for members
- Flood improvements coming for University Drive
- Hunter Homeless Connect benefits from Lord Mayor’s prayer breakfast support
- Inspirational Newcastle citizens raise flags at City Administration Centre
- Landmark public space for the city gains new ground
- Newcastle Art Gallery expansion set to proceed
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 29 June 2021
- Scholarship to honour Meg Purser’s passion for communications and community
- Training programs to help local businesses and residents
- Transformation of Hamilton’s James Street Plaza close to complete
- Tuxford Park oval renamed to recognise Shortland local Bob Palmer’s contribution to community
- Two City iconic venues set for a refresh
- Vice Regal visit to mark completion of Newcastle City Hall restoration
- City invites community input to imagine ‘a place for everyone’
- Mentoring program gives rise to more tourism experiences in Newcastle
- Safety upgrades on the way for Shortland local centre
- City lifeguard’s courageous service recognised with national award
- City of Newcastle brings the compost revolution to the family home
- City’s new civic and community hub and COVID-19 response win state accolades
- Community invited to help shape the future of Newcastle coast
- Community tree planting greens city
- Landmark exhibition showcases art and culture of the Torres Strait
- New flood study to build flood resilient communities
- Newcastle Museum exhibit earns industry’s highest honour at national awards
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 25 May 2021
- City delivers new playgrounds in Mayfield and New Lambton
- Calling all poets to help reinvigorate regional poetry scene
- City develops concept design for Newcastle Ocean Baths pool upgrade following community feedback
- City of Newcastle seeks community feedback on Harbour to Cathedral Corridor
- City's four-legged residents to benefit from further off leash area improvements
- Airport runway upgrade a boon for Greater Newcastle
- April’s events see hotel occupancy bounce back to pre-COVID-19 levels
- City opens record $1 million grants and sponsorships round
- City prepares locals for future jobs through ‘New Skills’ Program
- City takes next step in $20 million-plus Wallsend flood commitment
- City welcomes 150 new citizens with return to face-to-face ceremonies
- City’s East End upgrades to start next month
- Community backs City’s $330 million budget
- Cutting-edge technology unlocks new ways to preserve and share Newcastle’s stories
- Dedicated Veterans Employment Program launched by City of Newcastle
- Digital storytelling workshops bring young imaginations to life
- eSafety focus for Libraries and Information Week
- Film series uncovers stories of Newcastle
- First phase of City’s East End upgrade underway
- Livestream brings world’s finest authors to Newcastle’s Digital Library
- New environmental management contract to support Summerhill Waste Management Centre
- New exhibition gives unique perspective on city landmarks
- Newcastle’s ‘forgotten diva’ Florence Austral celebrated in new exhibition
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 27 April 2021
- Potential new residents get a taste of Newcastle’s best as part of targeted relocation program
- Weather warning for Newcastle and Hunter coast
- Wickham Masterplan updated as the west-end transforms
- Work commences to breathe new life into Dixon Park Kiosk
- $2.4 million makeover for Kotara unveiled
- City calls on the community to shape 2040 vision
- City delivers new local centre for Merewether
- City seeks early feedback from community on north Stockton CMP erosion management options
- King Edward Park recommended for Heritage Register
- New online directory makes it easier to find the right local community service
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 23 March 2021
- Plenty of laughs on offer at Newcastle’s home of comedy
- Redeem your Dine & Discover NSW vouchers in Newcastle during the school holidays
- Statement on Jill Gaynor employment termination appeal
- Streets are shared spaces in Newcastle
- The Station set for live site as world’s best surfers drop-in to Newcastle
- Tourism plan to shape Newcastle’s visitor economy as a destination with a difference
- Preliminary design for Newcastle Ocean Baths Stage 1 shows improvements to access and safety
- Bumper weekend of events paves the way for action-packed April
- City and Fort Scratchley Historical Society pledge to uphold Newcastle’s military history
- City of Newcastle Budget confirms Newcastle on road to recovery from economic impact of COVID-19
- Early literacy program facilitates connections with culture
- Independent report commends City of Newcastle’s rapid response to COVID-19
- Newcastle local live music scene to benefit from City’s bumper April events calendar
- $3.3 million upgrade to Stockton’s Mitchell Street
- 10-year vision for cycling and parking in City gets the green light
- Best and brightest attracted to Newcastle with launch of New Move and 10,000 Reasons campaign
- City celebrates disability inclusion at Count Us In festival
- City continues commitment to mitigating Wallsend flooding
- City’s draft Economic Development Strategy puts people at the heart of economic opportunity
- COVID-19 causes massive increase in household rubbish volumes
- Love Our Coast survey now open
- Action on Wallsend flooding as space made for stormwater channel widening
- Concept for new Foreshore Park open for feedback
- City launches first one-stop-shop for grant funding
- Newcastle projects identified as nationally significant on Infrastructure Priority list
- Next step in coastal plan for north Stockton
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 23 February 2021
- Plan for $1.5 million sports play hub in Wallsend now open for community feedback
- City of Newcastle joins the line-up with new international surfing event
- City set to boost live music scene during New Annual festival
- City supports live music and creative industries by raising resident awareness of vibrant night-time
- City transformed as Newcastle embraces New Annual festival
- Community encouraged to stay safe at local beaches
- Council Street, Cooks Hill unveiled after $6 million overhaul
- New Annual brings city to life with busy opening weekend of cultural events
- Paws on patrol as City’s Rangers welcome new addition to team
- Questacon’s Colour exhibition at Newcastle Museum extended due to popular demand
- Shortland local centre upgrade plans out for feedback
- Star Jets player among Newcastle's newest citizens-to-be
- Tenders called for Dixon Park Kiosk refurbishment
- Thousands embrace inaugural New Annual in welcome boost for Newcastle’s arts sector
- Transformation of Hamilton’s James Street Plaza begins
- Upstanding Novocastrians honoured at award ceremony
- City deliver on promise to community by investing millions in Priority Projects
- Summerhill’s Community Recycling Centre open after closing temporarily
- Family fun focus for Australia Day
- Statement on Ocean Bath cleanliness
- Full program unveiled one month out from inaugural New Annual festival
- Australia Day award winners honoured
- Dive into 2021 with City’s Summer School Holiday program
- City praised for drought response efforts
- Festive season a chance to reflect and give thanks
- First look at Stockton’s container café
- Incorrect report in Newcastle Herald regarding contract for Newcastle Ocean Baths upgrade
- Newcastle Libraries launch Your Summer Stories
- Development applications move online from 1 January
- Local professional surfer the face of a new COVIDSafe summer campaign
- Newcastle takes up pole position for 2022 Supercars season
- City Taskforce Update 4 December
- Tender awarded for Newcastle Ocean Baths pool upgrade
- Curtains go up on inaugural New Annual program
- Signage collaboration all about keeping our kids safe
- Choose your own journey through innovative new exhibition at Newcastle Museum
- City’s waste needs met for the next decade thanks to $24 million project
- City and University of Newcastle align in solidarity
- Civic Theatre set to come alive with new season
- High Commissioner honoured with a Key to the City
- Development supports shared funding of local community infrastructure
- City of Newcastle sets strategic approach to sports facilities
- Application for sand source exploration licence a step closer to returning a sandy beach to Stockton
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 8 December 2020
- Community sets vision to enhance Carrington’s greenspaces
- City of Newcastle honours new inductee to Ambassador Program with a Key to the City
- Hit reset with community-focused New Year’s events
- Celebrate A Very Newy Christmas
- City’s westward move delivers new era of modern service
- Stockton’s Mitchell Street set for a facelift
- City Hall to come alive with love songs and serenades
- City explores public space connecting the Harbour and the Cathedral
- Ordinary Council Meeting 24 November
- New $1.2m inclusive playground at Stevenson Park delivered in partnership with community
- Newcastle Art Gallery celebrates the bliss of domestic life
- Greater Bank celebrations gifts trees to the City of Newcastle
- City of Newcastle's Annual Report reflects achievements in challenging year
- $1 million boost for City of Newcastle projects
- Community invited to have a say on City’s Parking and Cycling Plans
- City set sights on tourism to bolster future of COVID disrupted economy
- Ocean baths up for redevelopment
- City of Newcastle sets its five-year climate plan
- City of Newcastle celebrates 40th Sister City anniversary with Ube, Japan
- Help shape the future of Newcastle’s National Park
- City to complete more than 2,000 metres of new and upgraded footpaths by end of financial year
- Help plan the City’s vibrant and accessible community spaces
- Volunteer guides back in action for New Annual
- What’s ON website to help drive awareness of Newcastle’s event economy
- Whispers of something new at Stockton Ferry Wharf
- Music Month in the City
- Nominate those who have gone above and beyond for 2021 Australia Day Awards
- City puts Indigenous storytelling in spotlight for NAIDOC Week
- City unites to address surging youth unemployment
- Newcastle Art Gallery ready to rock with rare images of music royalty
- Newcastle Art Gallery resumes tours and programs
- City's new Economic Development Strategy to play a critical role in COVID-19 recovery
- Newcastle Libraries celebrate University of Third Age’s 30 years of lifelong learning
- Construction underway on first leg of City Centre to Merewether cycleway
- City’s new heritage strategy gets tick from community and Council
- City advocates for creative industries impacted by COVID-19
- Ordinary Council Meeting 27 October 2020
- Council holds first meeting in new chamber
- City Taskforce Update 23 October
- City’s Special Business Rate Forum Facilitates Collaboration and Creativity
- Kilgour Prize 2020 People’s Choice awarded
- Weather warning for Newcastle and Hunter
- City’s 2019/20 financials confirm record infrastructure investment and impacts of COVID-19
- Fort Scratchley open Sundays only
- Normal operating hours resume at Fort Scratchley
- Community invited to envision libraries of the future
- Newcastle Libraries support people living with dementia
- Taskforce looks to Hunter River for Stockton sand as City upgrades coastal protection works
- Business benefits from City’s million-dollar event and project funding
- Statement regarding alleged offences at Newcastle Ocean Baths
- Tenders called for Newcastle Ocean Baths pool upgrade
- Newcastle Libraries have more for members: including an extended fee free period
- Long weekend beach safety in everyone’s hands
- City of Newcastle leads data collection drive as part of night time economy trial
- Vintage inspired mural brings Civic Theatre wall to life
- Mentoring program to create buzz for Newcastle tourism experiences
- City’s new flagship arts festival unveiled
- Newcastle set for COVID Safe Summer as City extends lifeguard patrols
- Residential development activity remains strong through COVID-19
- City unveils new community basketball courts
- See the world in a new light at Newcastle Museum
- Museum offers more to discover
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 22 September 2020
- Community signals strong support for Night-time Economy Trial
- Repair of Shepherds Hill Cottage back underway
- Stockton Swimming Centre to undergo emergency maintenance
- Libraries return to live programs
- City on track to deliver 7,000 square metres of additional shade at Foreshore Park
- Resource Recovery Centre diverts over 3,100 tonnes of waste in first year
- $630,000 boost for Newcastle Museum and Art Gallery
- New Emergency Operations Centre opened ahead of bushfire season
- Share your Newcastle night-time economy experiences
- Movies on the big screen set to return to Newcastle CBD following closure of Tower Cinemas
- Statement Regarding Newcastle Maritime Museum Society
- Centenary celebrations come early as Newcastle’s No.1 Sportsground upgrade commences
- Remediation of former Shortland tip to protect local environment
- City’s New Year’s Eve Foreshore fireworks event cancelled
- Take a trip down memory lane to help shape the future of Gregson Park
- Community and stakeholders to help shape City’s integrated transport network
- City Taskforce Update 4 September
- City Taskforce Update 7 August
- City of Newcastle supports trial for small bars and restaurants to boost night-time economy
- City of Newcastle's flash flood alert service provides early warning to residents
- Plan for City’s growing sporting population open for comment
- City of Newcastle addresses government grant disadvantage in inquiry submission
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 25 August 2020
- Housing affordability atop City of Newcastle's priorities for its growing population
- Capital works focus drives record investment
- South Newcastle Beach transformation begins
- City of Newcastle’s erosion plan for Stockton gets Ministerial green light
- City invests $500,000 in supporting COVID-19 hit local industries
- City invests in playground renewal as families find fun closer to home
- City of Newcastle supports local tourism operators to grow the visitor economy
- National Geographic Traveler names Newcastle a Smart City
- Council update: Tuesday 23 October 2018
- Historic Gregson Park fig preserved for the future
- Stockton Erosion Update
- Michael Bell wins KILGOUR PRIZE 2020
- Council gives preliminary tick to new climate action plan
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 28 July 2020
- City shores up Marine Rescue with a permanent home at Stockton
- Weather update
- Wallsend gets $2 million overhaul
- Million-dollar boost for COVID-affected sectors
- Joslin Street Local Centre's multimillion-dollar upgrade to include expanded public open space
- City updates Gallery expansion plans to include more exhibition space
- City Taskforce Update 1 May 2020
- City Taskforce Update 15 May 2020
- City Taskforce Update 5 June 2020
- City Taskforce Update 3 July 2020
- Stage set for reopening of Civic Theatre
- City implements COVID-19 food safety inspections
- KILGOUR PRIZE 2020 winner announcement to be livestreamed
- Updated weather warning
- New map offers helicopter view of local development
- Weather warning for Newcastle and Hunter
- Grants target collaborative responses to COVID-19 pandemic
- Funds for City’s most vulnerable a far-reaching boost for stretched community sector
- City supports accredited training for COVID affected workers
- Wheels turning on driverless vehicle trial
- Affordable school holiday fun at City’s cultural venues
- Winter sport returns across the city
- Newcastle back in business and ready to host events
- City of Newcastle submits Stockton CMP for certification
- Pop-up cycleway for Honeysuckle Drive
- City of Newcastle makes sustainability a priority as United Nations goals drive local action
- City's libraries reopening in July
- History and humpbacks on offer as Fort Scratchley reopens to the public
- KILGOUR PRIZE 2020 finalists announced
- Newcastle football fans set for a win from the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup action
- Community to help decide next dog park location
- Solar farm powering City operations and revenue
- More millennials skipping the big city to make the move to Newcastle
- Council update: Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 23 June 2020
- $3.1 million boost for cycleway link from the city to the beach
- Museum set to welcome back visitors
- Stockton’s long-term coastal plan goes to Council after strong community endorsement
- $275 million boost to City’s economy from COVID-19 inspired works program
- Newcastle visitor economy receives a boost with the opening of a new Visitor Information Centre
- Help shape how we manage Newcastle’s rich heritage
- City to consult on future of Gregson Park
- Long-term actions for Stockton’s coastline get the tick of community approval
- Additional $20 million committed to help further mitigate Wallsend flooding
- Community invited to have their say on Newcastle Harbour Foreshore
- City’s libraries set to reopen
- City to prioritise upgrades to Newcastle Ocean Baths' pools
- Creatures of Blackbutt Reserve welcome back visitors
- City grateful for $10 million bequest to Gallery
- Want to help during the COVID-19 pandemic? This app is how
- Art Gallery to re-open next week
- Libraries resume outreach services next week
- City of Newcastle confirmed as a key player on the Deputy Premier's Stockton Erosion Taskforce
- Special Activation Precinct great win for region
- Additional upgrades for streets around Mall
- Council update: Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 26 May 2020
- No.1 Sportsground set for major revamp
- Strong take up of City’s COVID-19 support
- City of Newcastle tackles COVID-19 unemployment through action and advocacy
- Newcastle Ocean Baths restoration to receive $9.5 million from sale of local buildings
- Tenders called to build new Bathers Way leg
- Weather warning for this weekend
- City’s action to address climate change set to be strengthened
- Electric vehicle chargers installed portside
- Public spaces re-open but social distancing remains
- Statement on 2020 Newcastle 500
- COVID-19 costs City of Newcastle $18m
- City of Newcastle develops information toolkit to support community wellbeing
- Our plan to save Stockton Beach is now on public exhibition
- Shovel-ready infrastructure projects key to supporting local jobs in wake of COVID-19 pandemic
- Stockton Community Liaison Group welcomes latest briefing on long-term coastal planning
- Celebrated senior artist Tom Gleghorn OAM homeward bound to Newcastle Art Gallery
- City of Newcastle makes thousands of online training courses available free to community
- Large swell warning as beaches remain closed
- Street tree program ramps up after autumn rain
- Vision for Fern Bay and North Stockton adopted
- Community invited to update cycling strategy
- City awards contract for cutting-edge recycling facility
- Council update Tuesday 28 April 2020
- Merewether local centre upgrade set to begin
- City leaders join forces in historic coordination of COVID-19 recovery
- City's COVID-19 support rolled out quickly
- City welcomes State Government progress on sand nourishment for Stockton
- Stay home this Easter long weekend
- Free parking permits for front-line workers
- Grants program enables community sector to give a hand up
- Social distancing in place at Summerhill Waste Management Centre
- Events and public gatherings
- Stockton Coastal Management Program team remains essential through COVID-19 uncertainty
- Final parcel of former rail corridor sold to City
- Beaches, playgrounds and public areas closed
- City provides community financial hardship support in response to COVID-19
- City to support Newcastle’s community and economic resilience with comprehensive COVID-19 plan
- Mall Car Park closed for structural assessments
- $3.3 million Tyrrell Street Bridge opens in Wallsend
- Park and Ride on hold and Blackbutt Reserve closed to the public
- Customer Service moves to phone and online
- Update on City’s swimming centres
- Cultural facilities close temporarily in line with social gathering restrictions
- Council update Tuesday 24 March
- COVID-19: how we are responding
- Ordinary Council meeting to proceed under restricted conditions
- City’s libraries limited to digital services only to combat spread of COVID-19
- City works with Hunter Surf Life Saving to monitor crowds at beaches and ocean baths
- City working with key partners on COVID-19 response
- City’s cultural facilities’ response to COVID-19
- Statement on events and sponsorships amid COVID-19
- City eases COVID-19 pressures for supermarkets and doctors’ surgeries
- City of Newcastle 2020-21 draft budget available now
- City to announce COVID-19 Community and Economic Resilience Plan
- Statement on Blackbutt Reserve
- Statement on Hamilton Carnivale
- Aboriginal ingenuity on exhibition at Museum
- Newcastle Ocean Baths closure notice
- City working collaboratively with Worimi community on Stockton cabin relocation
- Bumper weekend of events set to attract thousands
- City provides plan for reopening of Lexie’s café
- Council gives outdoor dining fees the chop
- Council update Tuesday 25 February 2020
- Community feedback flows for Newcastle Ocean Baths revitalisation
- City provides plan for reopening of Lexie’s café
- Changes to City’s Recycling Processing Contract
- City to fund ocean baths restorations
- Celebrate 90 magical years of Civic jewels
- Council update Tuesday 28 May 2019
- Imminent risk to Lexie’s Café building forces City to keep building closed
- Newcastle leads the State in business confidence
- Stockton Holiday cabins relocated, Lexie’s café closed ahead of severe weather
- City welcomes funding support as natural disaster declared at Stockton beach
- Newcastle community helps form picture of City’s future
- Precautionary action taken ahead of hazardous conditions
- $1 million in funding open to activate city
- Magic of theatre celebrated on big screen at Civic Playhouse
- 'Maker Lab' part of Innovation Festival
- Volunteers wanted to guide visitors
- City expands drought response plan
- Wallsend set for transformation as flood mitigation works surge ahead
- City welcomes cheerful Brazilian among 270 new Aussies
- Exhibition relives momentous Novocastrian anniversaries of 2019
- Light rail eases pressure on parking
- Community invited to farewell Jill Emberson at memorial service
- Splash of events for Australia Day
- Afghani refugee happy to call Newcastle home
- City centre to come alive with new events and activations
- Vale Jill Emberson 1959 - 2019
- Development heralds revival of Hunter St Mall
- How to donate to the bushfire appeals
- Bushfire Recovery Assistance
- Statement on cleanliness of Newcastle Ocean Baths
- Festive season a time to celebrate 2019’s achievements
- Newcastle 500 delivers return for city’s investment
- Signs signal start of holiday road safety
- The Drop Festival 2020
- Plans for Newcastle Beach progress with feedback from the community
- 30 years on: Remembering the 1989 earthquake
- Joy Cummings’ trailblazing spirit captured in bronze
- City marks 90th birthdays of Civic jewels
- City to bring emergency operations into 21st Century
- Council update Tuesday 10 December 2019
- Kick off the new decade with indie rock and butterflies
- Stockton to see sand before Christmas
- Harbour Foreshore Precinct Masterplan consultation to begin in early 2020
- Trucked sand to start arriving at Stockton next week
- Councils raise awareness to prevent car theft this Christmas
- City powers into sustainable new era
- Newcastle's environmental initiatives win major award
- City’s works program receives $4m boost to $84.8m
- Newcastle 500 delivers for city in 2019
- Council Update Tuesday 26 November
- Future of transport on show as City gears up for Supercars
- City to launch flagship cultural event in 2020
- Councillors to vote Tuesday evening on City’s first new library in 13 years
- Women’s support network gets Supercars boost
- City unveils towering harbourside Christmas tree
- Have your say on Carrington’s green space planning at community drop in session
- BETWEEN TWO WORLDS opens at gallery
- City of Newcastle recognises climate emergency
- City closes Blackbutt Reserve in response to catastrophic bushfire conditions
- Guraki Committee drives reconciliation for 20 years
- $160 million King Street development caps off record three months for Newcastle
- Building demo makes way for West End cycling link
- Time to nominate the passionate, inspirational and courageous
- Plenty to enjoy in Newcastle this Supercars weekend
- City returns another surplus
- Council update Tuesday 22 October
- City awards 100 per cent renewable contract
- Owner of new City building agrees to release rent details
- Newcastle drawn into monarch’s mystery
- Furry friends flock to city’s new fenced dog park
- City unveils new playground
- Newcastle leads the way with smart city infrastructure
- Nobbys Beach changing places, changing lives
- Planning underway for growing sporting community
- "Game changing" recreational hub for Stockton
- Portal to city's tech future opens
- Boarding houses shut down due to fire safety risk
- Glebe Road Federation cottages recommended to be named heritage
- Council budget open for public comment
- Record $100 million ambitious works program in Council's draft 2018/19 budget
- City limbering up for more outdoor exercise
- Night life plan open for comment
- More off-leash parks for Newcastle pooches
- Stylish overhaul for the East End
- Work underway to improve Bar Beach access
- Working around the clock to future-proof landmark
- Works continue to protect Stockton's coastline
- Young Novocastrians encouraged to drive climate solutions
- Young waste warriors go behind-the-scenes at Summerhill
- Youth take centre stage for week of activities
- Youth Week to highlight the contribution of city's young people
- Youth-led festival to liven up Laman Street
- Newcastle’s unique attractions immortalised in custom Monopoly board
- City Hall serves up lunchtime menu of music
- City answers parking call from Darby St traders
- New On Demand transport service to be trialled in Newcastle
- Stockton Safety Update
- Map Newcastle's iconic street art online
- Newcastle’s first disability inclusion festival launched to break down barriers
- City invests in tourism as visitors, expenditure soars
- Lifeguard patrols kick off as beach season begins
- Vera Deacon given City’s highest honour
- ‘Hardworking man’s softer, gentler side’ wins Kilgour Prize 2019 People's Choice
- Council Update Tuesday 24 September
- City of Newcastle begins construction on Tyrrell Street Bridge Replacement
- Five star hotel fitout set to start as City of Newcastle makes final preparations for move
- Pioneering civic leader to be immortalised in bronze
- Multimillion-dollar investment for a smarter, safer Beresfield
- City delivers works in face of ongoing Stockton erosion
- New Civic home for Visitor Information Centre
- Hamilton’s heritage character to be preserved
- Cycleways and green space for the West End
- City commits to supporting flagship events
- City’s cultural duo appointed to State roles
- City welcomes smart city funding
- Ward boundaries under review
- Green light for funding policy
- Council Update - Tuesday 27 August
- City sets sights on 100% renewable electricity target
- Local agency engaged to support vibrant business precincts
- Help shape our growing city's future
- Dixon Park Surf Club unveils revamp
- Bumper investment delivers capital results
- City prepares for electric vehicle future
- Blak Douglas wins $50,000 Kilgour Prize
- New concept plans for Newcastle Beach
- Park and Ride locked in
- Council Update Tuesday 23 July 2019
- Business areas to get events funding boost
- Breakthrough in finding a car park in the CBD
- International honours for Smart City success
- City wheels out first driverless vehicle
- New playground open in Adamstown
- City to seek clarification about offshore sand extraction
- Evocative snaps mark 30 years since quake
- Green tick for new city budget
- City makes pact with local artist for NAIDOC Week
- Council Update Tuesday 25 June 2019
- Statement on lease to male-only tennis club
- City backs diverse events calendar
- Carrington upgrade hailed in park celebration
- Ecosuburbia event for smart, liveable sustainable city
- Whale of a day set to mark nautical showpiece
- Key to the City for proud Novocastrian Naval Officer
- City opens new grandstand at Merewether
- Final Farewell to HMAS Newcastle
- Union welcomes layout of City’s new admin HQ
- No.2 protected for historic rugby Test
- Trees and tech deployed to #BeatAirPollution
- Storms force Stockton closures
- Economic, Art and Community Grants now open
- Events, projects clear winners under new BIA model
- Financial assistance due to light rail construction still open to City businesses
- Newcastle wins second smart city gong
- City to honour Humble librarian in annual address
- New playground for Wallsend
- James Drinkwater solo exhibition at Newcastle Art Gallery opens 1 June.
- City says thanks to committed volunteers
- City Hall refurb motoring along
- Community welcome to learn about fenced dog park plan
- City leads with purchase of electric cars
- Fire safety issues resolved at Carrington boarding house
- 250 new Novocastrians welcomed at City Hall
- Fitness stations to energise Stockton
- From New York to Newcastle - Gallery exhibition celebrates internationally significant artist
- City opens $500k funding programs
- Construction starts on Stockton drawcard
- Park and Ride to roll on into May
- Lifeguards save 100 in busiest season to date
- Start-ups help catapult Smart City
- Stockton recreational drawcard ‘opens’
- New Council Administration Centre Delivers $13 million Saving to Ratepayers
- Council update Tuesday 16 April 2019
- Newcastle dentist’s lost WW1 letters revealed
- High seas beckon for budding adventurer
- New model for Business Improvement Associations to go on public exhibition
- City budget targets young talent
- City set for healthy budget surplus
- City strengthens Anzac Day partnerships
- First fenced park planned for City’s pooches
- City steps up to fund Park and Ride
- Statement on Business Improvement Associations
- Council update: Tuesday 26 March 2019
- State Government decision looming for Park and Ride
- Progress on City admin buildings
- City invites public to museum Valuation Day
- Parking discounts driving-up app’s use
- Local flora exhibition blossoms from partnership
- Underworld mugshots on display at Museum
- City launches Sailing regatta
- Stevenson Park set for major renewal
- State-of-the-art lighting for popular football field
- Newcastle to host historic women’s Rugby Test
- New West End plans put to public
- Council update: Tuesday 26 February 2019
- Major exhibition SODEISHA: connected to Australia opening 2 March 2019
- City launches convenient civil works mapping tool
- Art Gallery welcomes most visitors in a decade
- New logo for a new city
- City announces Australia Day awards honours
- Jill Emberson named Citizen of the Year
- City set to welcome 194 new citizens
- Australia Day fun to finish with a bang
- South Newcastle Beach project update
- Civic operators welcome first five-star hotel
- Novocastrians celebrate New Year's Eve
- City offers free Christmas recycling
- New City Hall ramp revealed
- City keeps boarding house residents safe
- City offers 25 per cent off on-street parking price
- Holidays herald important road safety message
- Council demands answers from Board of Newcastle Maritime Museum Society
- Newcastle 500 Brings in Record Airline Numbers
- Colourful family-fun on offer for NYE
- Community invited to Bathers Way - Newcastle Beach sessions
- City hails first five-star hotel
- Funding competition to create more vibrant city
- Council update: Tuesday 11 December 2018
- Business improvement associations set for overhaul
- We Love Newcastle
- Imagination to underpin 90th birthday season
- City takes next steps in sustainability
- Student-programmed MARS Rovers take over 'Civic Precinct' in miniME challenge
- Council update: Tuesday 27 November 2018
- Supercars action begins
- Best dressed Newcastle 500 business named
- Gallery lands $40,000 for major exhibition of Japanese ceramics
- City adopts paid family and domestic violence leave
- First of six fitness parks built on Fernleigh Track
- Building begins on City's solar farm
- Supercars documentation made public
- Love where you live? Tell us why and win!
- Olsen Ormandy's creative force hits Newcastle Art Gallery
- The future of Newcastle's transport set to arrive in 2019
- Dress up your business for Newcastle 500
- Park and Ride celebrates first birthday
- Eternal Flame to be unveiled Sunday
- Free flood alerts now available across city
- Gallery has 500,000 reasons to celebrate
- Newcastle demos SDGs for UN visitor
- Supercars charity luncheon helps ‘sistas’ escape harm
- City goes back to back with women Jets
- City to make final checks on skate park design
- NSW Waratahs latest major sporting team coming to Newcastle
- Museum energy upgrade wins Climate Council award
- Smart City events to attract start-up businesses to Newcastle
- Maiden Supercars event a huge economic win
- Lambton kids link centuries through time capsule
- Australia Day Awards now open online
- National apology to screen at City Hall
- Matildas role models emblazoned across city
- Newcastle: Let me entertain you
- Vice-Chancellor honoured by City
- Beresfield local centre reaches first milestone
- Re-use and recycle with GST
- Ton of businesses take up City's financial help
- Representation of 'the bridging & rebuilding of cultures' wins Kilgour Prize People's Choice
- City welcomes new citizens
- Council update: Tuesday 28 November 2017
- Council update Tuesday 22 May 2018
- Sacred Cathedral artefacts included in Anzac Day dedications
- Council update - 26 September 2017
- Council update - 18 July 2017
- City registers new record for building approvals
- City proud to play host to Newcastle 500 gig
- Maritime Museum collection moves to safe site
- Summer fun begins at pools and beaches
- Bike pic race hotly contested
- Businesses rev up for Newcastle 500
- Council update: Ordinary Council meeting Tuesday 25 September 2018
- Eternal Flame construction set to begin
- A harvest of Hunter wine history
- False claims made about Council financial statements
- City grant brings live music to TiNA
- China Week celebrates soaring numbers of Chinese visitors
- City of Newcastle welcomes Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan
- Queens Wharf Tower loses its head
- City opens arms to new citizens
- City welcomes diversified investment
- City invites guests to help with whale count
- Get on your bike, snap a pic and win
- Gallery's Lycett paintings still inspire after 200 years
- Newcastle scores Matildas Chile World Cup warm up
- Newcastle reaffirms support for refugees
- Life's an adventure at Blackbutt
- LEDs to light up residential streets
- Quarterly survey helps City keep finger on pulse
- Queens Wharf Tower to be laid to rest
- Marketing and engagement refresh for city's changing face
- Council update: Ordinary Council meeting Tuesday 28 August 2018
- Council and State Government commit funds to identify solution to Stockton erosion
- Newcastle embraces pride
- Coastal management plan for Stockton approved
- Reptiles, solar cars and more at Science Fest
- Paper Armada sails into Gallery's collection
- Newcastle in Women's Rugby World Cup bid
- Campaigns
- Grants to brighten local shop fronts
- Head west for winter fun
- City hails bicentenary of Macquarie Pier's first stone
- Natasha Walsh wins Kilgour Prize 2018 with self-portrait
- Loose-fill asbestos testing by Department of Fair Trading
- Faces to heroic names honoured on website
- Jubilee Memorial returns home to Parnell Place Park
- Council update Tuesday 24 July 2018
- Grants bring boost for music, sport and culture across city
- Financial assistance offered to inner-city businesses
- Funding for business group Newcastle Now suspended pending external review
- Council active in war against plastic
- Gallery exhibition celebrates local artist's love affair with art
- Australian Deaf Games heads to the Hunter
- Take a virtual tour of Hunter sites with Aboriginal Elders
- New playgrounds open ahead of school holidays
- Partnership brings affordable housing to Wickham
- UN goals included in city's strategic plan
- Council extends plastic free July challenge
- Zara's House named prayer breakfast beneficiary
- Council update Tuesday 26 June 2018
- Record works program and smart city boost in new budget
- Service upgrades for Park and Ride
- Acoustic comforts heat up Darby Street
- $5m State grant for South Newcastle makeover
- Trees to flourish in Cooks Hill
- New Council premises taking shape
- Replacement pines planted on Foreshore
- Howard Mole named Freeman of the City
- Lord Mayor's breakfast supports Zara's House
- Park and ride for free on 1 and 8 June
- Smart City technology to increase access to Aboriginal language and heritage
- Big thank you to selfless volunteers
- Council supports affordable living plan
- New electric bike stations first spoke in smart transport wheel
- Council buildings once-in-a-lifetime real estate opportunity
- Memorial Walk features on stamp sheetlet
- Preparations begin for Foreshore tree replanting
- Council and community to develop make-over for Stevenson Park, Mayfield West
- The Archibald Prize 2017 in Newcastle
- Free Saturday parking to help city traders
- Help for CBD businesses in draft budget
- Jets live site in King Edward Park
- Huge economic bump from Hyundai A-League Grand Final
- City opens arms to new citizens
- Council update 1 May 2018
- Major overhaul for Townson Oval grandstand
- Council begins roll out of smart city tech
- Youngsters to sound Last Post for decades to come
- Suburban services offer Anzac Day options
- Anzac Day commemorations honour Indigenous heroes
- Park and ride to Nobbys Dawn Service
- Unity through Diversity for Youth Week
- Kerbside works to begin on Watt Street
- Council extends community assistance
- Lord Mayor praises youngsters' ANZAC tribute
- Free chemical cleanout day Saturday
- Record grants and sponsorships on offer in 2018
- Council launches easy parking app
- Local centre upgrades underway in Carrington's main street
- Council design to focus on better customer service
- Community Recycling Centre now open at Summerhill
- Directors for Newcastle Art Gallery and Museum
- Council update Tuesday 27 March 2018
- 3D Fly through of Beresfield local centre
- Schoolkids enlisted to research diggers
- Council update: Tuesday 20 March 2018
- Micro music festival to bring tunes to Darby Street
- Stunning photos take out inaugural Smorgasboard contest
- New Foreshore parking spaces open
- Council forms Community Liaison Group on Stockton Beach erosion
- Queens Wharf Tower up for resurrection
- Breast Cancer Trials handed Key to the City
- Summerhill solar farm to be built with CEFC finance
- Newcastle Art Gallery offers retrospective of Elisabeth Cummings
- Upgrade for crossing near primary school
- Hop into March with Council's frog-friendly environmental workshops
- Council update: Tuesday 27 February 2018
- Fort Scratchley presents Music of the Guns concert Saturday 3 March
- Warren Smith made Freeman of the City
- Forum to tackle cost of living in Newcastle
- Newcastle Museum will be crawling with spiders and filled with butterflies!
- City drops Summer Smorgasboard
- Lord Mayor's top 10 picks for Newcastle stay
- Council cultural funds to support music, dance and art projects across Newcastle
- Chance to re-imagine clifftop cottage at Shepherds Hill
- Newcastle Art Gallery exhibition celebrates Australian women abstract artists
- New interim CEO apppointed
- Council commemorates National Apology 10th anniversary
- Council meets with NSW Government on Stockton erosion
- Art collection comes out of the shade
- New app helps task Council workers with jobs
- Bangarra returns to Newcastle's Civic Theatre
- Exemption sought from $3.7m waste fees
- Queen's Baton Relay coming to Newcastle
- One City, One Book 2018: The Birdman's Wife
- Tree removal underway today in Council Street
- Mark Hughes named Citizen of the Year
- Long, hard road to Newcastle ends in joy
- Apprentices in training for tradie Olympics
- Newcastle to host biggest citizenship ceremony in NSW
- Call for revised liquor licensing laws in Newcastle
- Council update Tuesday 23 January 2017
- Free park and ride service extended a month
- New tech to explore Art Gallery online
- Heavy swells expose WWII tank traps
- Australia Day celebrations head to suburbs
- City streets back to normal post-Supercars
- Stage 2 of Nobbys improvements set to start
- Doggy pageant heats up
- New reptiles for Blackbutt Reserve
- Statement re Dixon Park Beach incident
- Playground revamps on their way
- Fun and fitness for Camp Shortland
- Is your K9 our A1 pup?
- Merewether Beach among Australia's best
- Park and Ride for a hassle-free New Year's Eve
- Council helps with Christmas recycling
- New Bathers Way section unveiled
- Newcastle to farewell 2017 with neon NYE
- Local big bash a great option for holiday fun
- Council greenlights rail rezoning
- Shepherds Hill step closer to community use
- Council goes west as part of "City Change"
- Camp Shortland options open for comment
- City, environment to benefit from organics recycling plant
- $750K upgrade for Dixon Park Surf Club
- Newcastle: A city of change and progress in 2017
- Key to the City for Newcastle Eye Hospital Foundation
- Historical Waratah gasworks investigation completed
- CEO appointed
- Council update Tuesday 12 December 2017
- Statement re former Waratah gasworks
- Council update: Tuesday 5 December 2017
- West End plan opens for comment
- Reign of Queens Wharf Tower set to end
- Eventful summer still to come
- Extra council services for Newcastle 500
- Council partners with domestic violence charity
- Council update - 21 November 2017
- City stores dress up and rev up for Newcastle 500
- Volunteer guides do the city proud
- 'Rock this City' exhibition showcases local history of pub rock
- Tourism campaign attracts friends and relatives of locals
- Work begins to overhaul Tarro roadway
- Bold and adventurous Season 2018 announced for Civic Theatre Newcastle
- Council welcomes marriage equality vote
- Spike in abuse of city's parking rangers
- Australia Day Awards now open online
- The Newcastle Shop offers one-stop visitor services over the busy summer months
- Tim Maguire exhibition at Newcastle Art Gallery is cinematic in scale; romantic in nature
- Access All Areas Film Festival Screening at Wallsend Library
- Council and State Government in partnership to free up hundreds of CBD car spaces
- More time for summer at Beresfield Pool
- Council signs on as major sponsor of Jets W-League
- DINOSAUR rEVOLUTION brings amazing beasts to Newcastle Museum
- Newcastle Museum welcomes one millionth visitor
- Stockton parking woes set to ease under car park expansion plan
- Council update: Tuesday 24 October 2017
- Much-loved works from Newcastle's collection on display for summer
- East end renewal taking shape as Newcastle 500 draws closer
- Council update - 18 October 2017
- Shining lights of Newcastle community to take part in Commonwealth Games Queen's Baton Relay
- Council update - 17 October 2017
- Council flying the flag for marriage equality
- Nobbys Pavilion to be overhauled
- Grants improve sporting facilities
- Council supports marriage equality
- Blackbutt overwhelmed by community response to reptile theft
- Touching portrait of everlasting love wins KILGOUR PRIZE 2017 People's Choice
- Sign up for garage sale trail
- City crosses sticks with hockey masters
- Right to Know Week 2017
- Recruitment of permanent council boss begins
- Council commences new three-year term
- Piano Lessons comes to Civic Theatre Newcastle 6-7 October
- East End road works
- Spring into the school holidays
- Landfill site evolving to minimise waste costs
- Water safety campaign helps tourists stay safe
- Wallsend upgrades on exhibition
- Waste fleet adds hybrid electrics
- MONTAGES: The Full Cut, 1999 – 2015 at Newcastle Art Gallery
- Newcastle Ocean Baths overhaul begins
- Bike week celebrates future on two wheels
- Renewal of historic wall under way
- Rail corridor proposal open for comment
- Port fund tips in $450,000 for active hub
- Call for building owners to submit Fire Safety Statements
- Ton of experience behind city's floral displays
- Poetry slam champ to be unearthed at museum
- Solar eclipses coal at council waste centre
- Between dream and earth celebrates the life and art of Mazie Karen Turner
- Lord Mayor, ICEO diaries to be published online
- City adopts smart city strategy
- Plan imagines future of Fern Bay-North Stockton
- Rail rezoning proposal to open for comment
- Council update - 22 August 2017
- Newcastle building approvals top $1 billion
- Council opens upgraded playground
- Fossils, drones, green slime and more at Hunter Science Festival 2017
- Council prepares for possible sea level rise in low-lying areas
- Council update - 15 August
- City supports popular events
- Rates by email a saving for council
- Council takes action to secure Swan Street safety
- Artist Cameron Stead wins Newcastle Art Gallery's $50,000 Kilgour Prize 2017
- Two hours free parking for customers and clients of Watt St businesses
- Economic sponsorships boost local economy
- New look North Stockton boating hub opens
- Council pushes light rail extension
- Kids plant trees for National Tree Day
- Council update 25 July 2017
- Olsen gifts five new drawings and a sculpture to Newcastle Art Gallery
- Bold new contemporary circus from Circa
- Mr Stink comes to life on stage at Civic Theatre
- Council welcomes Qantas Wallabies to No.2
- Parking help for Newcastle East residents
- Historic cottage gets overhaul
- New playground swings into action
- Matildas to play Brazil in Newcastle
- Finalists announced for Newcastle Art Gallery's KILGOUR PRIZE 2017
- Whale tale discovery talks at Bar Beach
- Council to invest in Newcastle's arts and cultural organisations
- Popping the cork on City Administration Centre's 40th birthday
- Double celebration for NAIDOC Week
- New adventure playground for Blackbutt
- 2017/18 budget approved by Council
- Council update 27 June
- City extends warm welcome to Cold Chisel stars
- Council update - 20 June 2017
- Work begins on shared community vision for Newcastle
- Stunning production of Thérèse Raquin comes to Civic Theatre
- Council update - 13 June 2017
- More shade and car parking on foreshore
- Grants help make vibrant city
- Melbourne Comedy Festival rolls into Newcastle for June long weekend
- 'The Ghost who walks' returns to Newcastle Art Gallery in THE PHANTOM SHOW
- Hill Bathers Way section underway
- 75 years on: Community invited to Fort Scratchley commemorative event
- Seven Stages of Grieving comes to Newcastle for Reconciliation Week
- One Million Stars at Newcastle Museum
- Council update Tuesday 23 May 2017
- New-look Shortland Esplanade taking shape
- City opens arms to new citizens
- New lives emerge from multicultural program
- Remembering the Pasha Storm
- Council update Tuesday 9 May 2017
- Council opens King Street car park on Saturdays
- Wickham Project begins with street upgrades
- Super support for community fun day
- Update ordinary council meeting Wednesday 26 April 2017
- Extraordinary Council meeting - 31 March 2017
- Scouts man Fort on Anzac Day
- Sponsorship program strikes chord with city vision
- Eight in 10 Hunter residents see benefits in Supercars Newcastle 500
- New households drop off unwanted chemicals
- Better boating hub for North Stockton
- The Great War in Broad Outlines exhibition honours ANZAC sacrifice in Belgium
- Summerhill hosts State Protection Group Dog Unit
- Talent to flow from sportsground upgrades
- Council update extraordinary general meeting Tuesday 28 March
- Youth Week offers chance to get involved
- Council to consider Esplanade traffic extension
- Rid your home of unwanted chemicals
- Free BBQ picnic to celebrate harmony
- City on song with Make Your Place grants
- Supercars fast tracks city upgrades
- Council update ordinary council meeting 14 March 2017
- Council tackles graffiti through art classes
- Local spirit part of free Anzac exhibition
- Newcastle 500 fast tracks Foreshore shade, improved access and amenity
- Zavros brings muscle to Newcastle Art Gallery with exhibition MAGIC MIKE
- Bumper week and year for Novocastrian seniors
- Music of the Guns back at Fort Scratchley
- THE ISLAND exhibition at Newcastle Art Gallery contemplates the plight of asylum seekers
- Newcastle Show - Council Services
- Statement re councillor resignation
- Council update ordinary council meeting 28 February 2017
- Catch A Ticket to Paradise? exhibition at Newcastle Museum
- Sink your teeth into another bloody classic at Civic Theatre Newcastle
- Council driving innovation in small business
- Foreshore access during Supercars preparation
- Class in for multicultural business program
- Jasper Jones comes to Civic Theatre
- Esplanade upgrade extended for Bathers Way
- Council update ordinary council meeting 14 February 2017
- No merger tick of approval for city vision
- Bar Beach bowl damaged by fire
- Newcastle beaches & pools and extreme temperatures
- Statement Waratah gasworks site testing
- Perseverance exhibition showcases traditional Japanese tattoo art
- Web page reboot for flood awareness
- Oz Day gongs for Sister and local charity group
- Austyling on Australia Day
- Fewer snags for contact centre customers
- New playgrounds provide sense of community
- Festive season recycling soars
- Business skills program for refugees
- Future stars to rock Honeysuckle NYE
- Key to the City opens the doors to City Hall for the Newcastle Knights NRLW 2022 Premiers
- Sport back in action at No.1 Sportsground following $8 million upgrade
- Tenders called for Boscawen Street Bridge replacement
- Working together to achieve an inclusive, liveable city
- A closer look at Newcastle’s southern beaches
- Community invited to join the party on Darby Street
- City of Newcastle advocates for greater recognition and inclusion of carers
- Hit Broadway musical to make Newcastle debut in 2023
- Trainee and apprenticeship opportunities on offer for 2023
- Federal co-funding welcomed for Stockton Beach
- Avenue of trees to commemorate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee
- Capital works top $100 million as City of Newcastle confirms outcome of financial year
- Environmental works underway at former Shortland landfill site
- City entices entrepreneurs to Newcastle
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 25 October 2022
- Newcastle on track to capture more of lucrative business tourism market
- Nominate a local hero for the Newcastle Citizen of the Year Awards
- Newcastle’s largest playground now open in Wallsend
- Church Walk Park
- Colourful career of former Commonwealth Meat Inspector celebrated with Freeman of the City honour
- Students picture new vision for sustainable waste future
- Media statement – inland pools review
- Ambitious play for the lucrative cultural tourism market
- Sixteen projects to boost City’s night-time economy
- City's regional waste strategy receives Council green light
- Inclusivity at the heart of new playspace for Gregson Park
- Investing in people key to Newcastle's economic future
- Newcastle Ocean Baths turns 100
- City of Newcastle champions disability inclusion in the workplace
- International stars head up sizzling summer of events in Newcastle
- Dog lovers to head west with City of Newcastle unveiling plans for new fenced off-leash dog park
- Christmas cheer lights up Newcastle's Civic precinct
- World Cup live site gives Novocastrians chance to cheer on Socceroos
- City’s new Enterprise Agreement reflects commitment to inclusion, diversity and equity
- 2021/2022 Annual Report
- Historic lifeboat to be preserved for future generations by Newcastle Museum
- App boosts accessibility at cultural facilities
- Memorable moments await Civic Theatre audiences in 2023
- Call for tenders to design next stage of Bathers Way project
- Divers flip out for Lambton pool's latest upgrade
- Australian-first aerobatics display takes New Year's Eve celebrations to new heights in Newcastle
- Protection for Stockton Beach
- Search is on for First Nations creatives to star in Newcastle Museum exhibition
- Community to have their say on future of Newcastle 500
- Winner of the 'Green our City' competition announced
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 13 December 2022
- Multimillion-dollar funding boost for Newcastle's largest playground
- City of Newcastle takes next step towards expansion of Newcastle Art Gallery
- City of Newcastle takes milestone step in journey to deliver sustainable waste vision
- Sunny days ahead with the arrival of new kiosk
- Coastal projects take shape heading into 2023
- Media statement - NSW Government funding for Stockton protection structure
- Elton John travels road paved with economic gold to Australia's burgeoning global event destination
- Success of Sir Elton John’s Newcastle tour extends across the city
- New grandstand to give spectators plenty to cheer about
- Playground program breathes new life into the city's recreational spaces
- First Nations voice amplified by 2023 Newcastle Citizen of the Year accolade
- Broadway smash hit Come From Away breaks ticket sale records
- Dates announced for return of New Annual as search begins for local programming
- Next steps in the expansion of the Newcastle Art Gallery
- Citizenship ceremony leads change and celebrates diversity
- Bathers Way CRG Expressions of Interest
- City welcomes step forward for Stockton Beach
- Darby Street trial creates record trade boom for local businesses
- City welcomes Labor pledge for Stockton Beach
- New program to boost social connections for seniors
- Pop powerhouse becomes latest global music star to set sights on Newcastle
- Show of pride as Newcastle supports celebration of diversity and inclusion
- City of Newcastle supports Voice to Parliament with free community barbecue
- Newcastle welcomes hit Broadway musical Come From Away
- Community to have its say on future of Newcastle 500
- Mitch Revs painted Elton John piano to go under the hammer for women and children in need
- Have your say on the future of Wickham
- Offshore wind farms drive new jobs and investment for Newcastle
- Advocacy puts local government priorities in the spotlight
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 28 February 2023
- Boscawen Street Bridge set for replacement
- Commitment needed to deliver renewed plan for Stockton
- City turns up the heat on inland pool upgrades
- Come From Away cast takes final bow in Newcastle to rave reviews
- Refreshed playgrounds being reopened to the community
- Inspiring humanitarian receives Key to the City on International Women's Day
- Supercars fun starts with free community events on offer
- Newcastle 500 wraps up with more chances for community to have their say
- Multimillion-dollar grandstand upgrade at Wickham
- Beautification projects breathe new life into New Lambton shopping precinct
- Newcastle to remain the regional home of basketball
- New initiative set to boost Newcastle's global reputation as a preferred destination to study
- Budget to deliver record infrastructure boost alongside second consecutive surplus
- Darby Street's outdoor dining on the table to stay
- Exhibition tells Australian military stories through tattoos
- Works to start at Stockton's Mitchell Street seawall
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 28 March 2023
- Opportunity for jobs and housing in regionally significant Broadmeadow precinct
- Community continue to have their say on Newcastle 500
- Media statement – street furniture theft
- Pickleball hits Newcastle for the first time
- Media statement – functions at Fort Scratchley during Newcastle 500 weekend
- Community wade in on 20-year plan for Newcastle's public swimming pools
- Newcastle Museum set to preserve unique piece of Australian aviation history
- Five new playgrounds officially open across the city
- Mall building demolition application to be expedited
- Youth take over city for week of celebrations
- $150,000 in funding up for grabs to activate suburban business precincts
- Ordinary Council Meeting Wednesday 26 April 2023
- Tender awarded for Newcastle Art Gallery expansion
- Meet the Lord Mayor's Scholarship recipients for 2023
- Rare birds of a feather flock together for Newcastle Libraries' exhibition
- Newcastle Museum shines spotlight on First Nations creatives
- City taps into local investment to harness community development
- Mayfield tree planting and playground opening
- Lambton pool grandstand demolition gets underway
- Sensors to help improve parking in Darby Street
- Community is key to shaping the future of Broadmeadow
- City of Newcastle confers record number of Australian citizens
- Revitalisation of Hunter Street Mall set to continue
- Million-dollar investment on track to improve Newcastle's footpath network
- Hands-on lessons help sow the seeds for a new generation of environmental champions
- City of Newcastle appoints interim contractor for South Newcastle Beach project
- Newcastle footballers score multimillion-dollar grandstand upgrade
- City welcomes news of next Stockton Taskforce meeting
- Key cultural conference puts Newcastle in the spotlight
- British theatre impresario keen to bring more Broadway shows to Newcastle
- New dog facility to get tails wagging in western suburbs
- New recycling plant ushers in new era for recycling in Newcastle and the Hunter
- City of Newcastle's record Budget to deliver everyday benefits to community
- Have your say on the revitalisation of Newcastle Ocean Baths
- Newcastle crowned NSW’s ‘Top Tourism Town’
- $1 million in grants and sponsorships on offer from City of Newcastle
- New milestone for multimillion-dollar Ironbark Creek catchment rehabilitation
- Air Show set to thrill Newcastle region
- NSW Government Taskforce meet to progress sand solution for Stockton
- Multimillion-dollar grandstand upgrade underway
- City of Newcastle's Enterprise Agreement paves the way for rest of NSW
- Have your say on plans to reduce congestion along Longworth Avenue
- Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 27 June 2023
- City of Newcastle sets the scene for New Annual festival with launch of 2023 program
- Sharing stories of First Nations culture to celebrate NAIDOC Week
- Full steam ahead for trip back in time with special Newcastle Museum exhibition
- Live sites to bring World Cup action into the heart of Newcastle
- City of Newcastle receives proposal for $10 million makeover of Lambton Pool
- Artists to make their mark on Newcastle Art Gallery expansion
- Artificial intelligence in the spotlight at City of Newcastle's Humble Lecture
- Live music and performance grants to help local talent shine
- City of Newcastle develops environmental roadmap to help combat climate change
- Community invited to provide feedback on updated flood study
City News
Local Centres Program
- Beresfield Local Centre
- Orchardtown Road, New Lambton
- Carrington Local Centre
- Georgetown Local Centre
- James Street Plaza, Hamilton
- Joslin Street, Kotara
- Llewellyn Street, Merewether
- Streets as Shared Spaces trial activation, Darby Street
- Mitchell Street, Stockton
- Shortland Local Centre
- Wallsend Local Centre
- Waratah Local Centre
- Local Centres Facade Improvement Scheme
- Moore Street, Birmingham Gardens
- Priority Projects
Projects and Works
- Priority Projects
- Local Centres Program
- Pedestrian and traffic improvement program
- Road rehabilitation and resurfacing program
- Playground Replacement Program
- Newcastle Art Gallery Expansion
- Newcastle Ocean Baths Upgrade
- Western Corridor Road Upgrades - Longworth Avenue and Minmi Road, Wallsend
- Rail Bridge Row
- Delivering for Wallsend
- Delivering for Wickham
Adamstown Park
- Astra Street, Shortland - Remediation of former landfill
- Bar Beach Works
- Bathers Way, King Edward Park
- Bathers Way, South Newcastle
- Blackbutt Reserve multipurpose community facility and café
Broadmeadow Regionally Significant Growth Area
- City Centre to Merewether Cycleway - Stage One
- Coastal Buildings Revitalisation Plan
- Cottage Creek bridge replacement, Hunter Street
- Darling Street Oval, Hamilton South - Grandstand
- East End Village
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Installation
- Fernleigh Track, Tunnel Renewal
- George Street, Mayfield - Stormwater and Road Upgrades
- Georgetown Local Centre upgrade
- Glebe Road, Adamstown - safety improvements
- Gregson Park Playspace
- Harbour Foreshore Precinct
- Hunter Street Trial Cycleway
- Ironbark Creek Rehabilitation
Islington cycleway improvements
- Jefferson Park
- Johnson Park, Tarro Reserve & Pat Jordan field upgrades
- Repair works, King Street breakwater
Lambton Park War Memorial Swimming Centre
Maryland Fenced Off-Leash Dog Park Stage One Works
- Maud Street, Waratah West - road safety improvements
- Memorial Drive embankment stabilisation and new footpath
- New protection structures, Southern end of Mitchell Street seawall
- Nelson Street, Wallsend - Road Resurfacing
- Orchardtown Road Upgrade, New Lambton
- A new future for Queens Wharf
- Proposed Organics Processing Facility
- Passmore Oval Wickham Grandstand
- Richmond Vale Rail Trail
- Shepherds Hill Cottage
- Shortland Esplanade embankment stabilisation
- Sportsfield upgrade, Smith Park, Hamilton
Wallsend Active Hub
- Wallsend, Boscawen and Nelson Street bridge replacements
- Water heating upgrades across our inland pool network
- Civil Works Reports
- Calculation of infrastructure in need of renewal
- Your Newcastle
- Road Closures
- Public Notices
- Media Centre
- Newcastle shines as host destination for business tourism
Latest News
Forms and Publications
- Fees and Charges
Forms and Permits
- Accelerated Development Application (ADA) Eligibility Checker
- Animal Permanent Identification (Microchipping)
- Animal Registration Form
- Animal Rescue Enquiry
- Annual Fire Safety Statement - Lodgement Form
- Annual Fire Safety Statement - Request for a Stay of Infringement
- Request a Bulk Waste Service
- Report a Dead Animal in a Public Space
- Waste Enquiry - General
- Graffiti removal
- Report Illegal Dumping or Litter in a Public Space
- Register a Pet or Update Pet Ownership Details
- Report a barking dog
- Report an unleashed dog
- Report Building and Construction Issues
- Report illegal signage
- Report Nuisance Bird or Livestock
- Report Pollution (Air, Land, Noise, Water)
- Waste Account: Apply for Additional (Paid) Bin Services - Business or Non-Rateable Property
- Waste Account: Apply for Additional (Paid) Bin Services - Residential/Mixed-Use Rated Property
- Apply for a Kerbside Waste Service (New Set of Property Entitlement Bins)
- Waste Account: Cancel or Amend an Additional (Paid) Bin Service
- Waste Account: Update Details
- Request a Waste Education Talk or Tour
- Application for a Waiver or Reduction of Fees and Charges
- Application for deferral of Rates and Charges against Estate
- Application for permanent closure and sale of public road
- Bulk Waste Container Supplier Application
- Bulk Waste Container Permit Application
- Bulk Waste Container Supplier Registration Renewal Form
- Archived Council Minutes
- Authorised Consultant - Amendments to Nominated Professionals Application Form
- Authorised Consultant Application Form
- Building Information Certificate Application Checklist
- Cancel Direct Debit
- Cemeteries-Applications for Monumental Works
- Cemeteries-Funeral Directors permit to undertake work
- Cemeteries-Memorial Garden Suite Perpetual Interment Right
- Cemeteries-Monumental Works Permit Application
- Cemeteries-Niche Wall Order For Interment Application
- Cemeteries-Niche Wall Perpetual Interment Right Application
- Cemeteries-Order For Interment Application
- Cemeteries-Perpetual Interment Right Application
- Cemeteries-Perpetual Interment Right Transfer
- Change of Address
- Change of Existing Street Numbering Application
- Citizenship Ceremony Form
- Claim for compensation: potholes
- Claim Your Lost Pet in Ranger Care
- Community Directory - New Listing
- Community Facility Booking Form
- Community Land - Donation of Reserve Furniture
- Community Land - Placement of a Shipping Container on a CN Sportsground
- Community Land - Temporary Access Over Community Land
- Compliments and Feedback Form
- Contaminated Land Request for Information
- Cost Summary Reports
- General Enquiry Form
- Dead or Dying Tree Removal Form
- Deceased Pet Online Form
- Development Forms and Checklists
- Direct Debit Request Form
- Driveway Line Marking Application
- Flood Information Application
- Food Business Notification
- Customer Complaint or Feedback
- GIPA-Access Application (Formal request)
- GIPA-Internal Review of Access Application (only for Formal request)
- Guide to Estimating Cost of Works
- Heritage Minor Works or Maintenance Notification
- Historical Development Documentation Application
- Hoarding Application
- Installation of a Human Waste Storage Facility
- Local Heritage Item Nomination Form
- Make a Claim: City of Newcastle Vehicles
- Make a Claim: Injury or Property Damage
- Mandatory Data Collection Information Sheet
- Meeting Request with the Lord Mayor
- Mobile Food Van Truck Application
- Native Vegetation Removal Form
- Notification of Skin Penetration Procedures
- On-Street (Temporary) Parking Application
- Operate an On-Site Sewage Management System
- Outdoor Alfresco Dining Application Form - Temporary
- Outdoor Trading Submission Online Form
- Outdoor Trading/ Dining Application
- Outdoor Dining Renewal Form
- Outstanding Notices and Orders Certificate Application
- Owner Details and Consent Form
- Parking Permits
- Pensioner Concession Application Form
- Pet Desexed Status Online Form
- Plan Standards
- Political Donations and Gifts Disclosure Form
- Pollution Notification Form
- Post Development Approval Information
- Pre-Application Urban Design Review Panel Booking Form
- Pre-Development Application Consultation Form
- Prepare a Site Waste Minimisation and Management Plan
- Prepare Statement of Environmental Effects
- Private Tree Removal Application Form
- Promote Your Event
- Property-Section 603 Certificate Application
- Proposed Traffic or Parking Amendment Submission Online Form
- Public Art Standing Committee Application Form
- Public Swimming Pool and Spa Pool Notification Form
- Rates notices by email
- Report a Bin Issue - Broken/Damaged Bin
- Report a Dog Attack
- Report a Bin Issue - Missed Collection Service
- Report a Bin Issue - Missing/Stolen Bin
- Report a Parking Meter Fault
- Report a Stray Dog
- Report Storm Damage Tree Removal Form
- Report your Lost Pet
- Request for Certificate of Compliance
- Request for DA Information
- Request for Refund Application
- Road Naming Application
- Road Occupancy Licence Application
- Road Occupancy Licence Extension Request
- Section 10.7-Planning Certificate Application
- Section 138 - Application for a Driveway and/or a Road Opening Permit Type 1
- Section 138 - Application for New Infrastructure on a Public Road Type 2
- Section 22 Swimming Pool Exemption
- Section 68 Activity under the LGA
- Shipping Container Permit
- Standard Lodgement Requirements for Development Applications
- Street Numbering Application - New Development
- Street Stall Application
- Submission
- Submission Online Form
- Temporary Disability Parking Zone
- Thank you - Citizenship Ceremony
- Thank You - City of Newcastle Volunteer Request
- Thank you - Community Directory
- Thank you - Complaints
- Thank you - contaminated land
- Thank you - Events Sponsorship Program
- Thank you Building Waste Containers
- Thank you Councillor for your submission
- Thank you for contacting City of Newcastle
- Thank you for registering
- Thank you for your Bulk Waste Service request
- Thank you for your Community Hall booking
- Thank you for your missed waste notification
- Thank you for your submission
- Thank you from Blackbutt Reserve
- Tree Pruning Specification Form
- Weed Identification Form
- Work Zone Application Form
- Your claim for compensation has been submitted
- Your claim form has been submitted
- Your Motor Vehicles claim form has been submitted
- Your Public Liability claim form has been submitted
- You've taken the Pledge!
- Strategies
- Supporting Strategies and Plans
- Policies
- Public Exhibitions
Our Responsibilities
- Conflict of Interest Declaration - Councillors
- Conflict of Interest Declaration - Thank You Message
- Councillor Onboarding 2024-2028
- Access to Information
- Audit
- Code of Conduct
- Customer Service
- Delegations and authorisations
- Annual Disclosure of Interests Return
- Disclosure of Interest Return - Thank You Message
- Disclosure of Interests Return
- Integrated Planning and Reporting
- Newcastle 2040
- Open Diaries
- Privacy Statement
- Rates
- Reports of fraud, corruption and serious wrongdoing
- Our Organisation
- Our Commitment to Sustainability
- Emergencies
- Contact Us
Quick Links
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