
Newcastle’s leash free areas allow your dog to be exercised without the use of a lead

Leash free rules:

  • All dogs are to be accompanied and supervised
  • All dogs must be able to be controlled without a leash
  • Dogs that are declared dangerous dogs (such as aggressive and restricted breeds identified by the Companion animals Act 1998) are not allowed to use any designated leash free areas
  • Dog owners / controllers MUST remove all dog faeces that may be deposited by the dog under their control
  • Dogs MUST NOT be encouraged to attack. The dog owner is liable under legislation if the dog attacks a person or animal
  • Dogs are permitted leash free between sunrise and sunset only except in time restricted areas
  • Within time restricted leash free areas, dogs are allowed leash free between sunrise and 9am and between 5pm and sunset.
  • Dogs are not permitted on the Memorial Walk

These areas are patrolled and penalties apply for non compliance.

Leash free locations
Leash free area maps