Integrated Planning and Reporting

Integrated Planning and Reporting

Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) legislation was introduced by the NSW State Government in 2013 and sets requirements for all Councils to lead the development of long term plans for their city, detailing community aspirations and strategic directions.

City of Newcastle has embraced this opportunity to engage with our community to ensure our planning and reporting is informed, relevant and responsive to community needs.

During 2024 and 2025, we've been reviewing our current CSP - Newcastle 2040. We listened to your aspirations for the future of Newcastle, and we have updated our CSP to ensure we're heading in the right direction towards a city that we can all be proud of. 

Newcastle 2040  is due to go before Council for endorsement on 15 April 2025.

Our Community Engagement Strategy provides a framework for how the community can participate in our planning and decision-making'.

IP&R Framework