Crisis and Emergency Support
The City of Newcastle is committed to strengthening and streamlining access to information and connections for all Novocastrians.
We have created this quick link web page to help you find up to date information and links to vital support resources.
In addition, we recently developed a Hamilton Help on Hand Services resource.
Essential links and contacts
Awabakal Medical Service
Denison Street, Hamilton
P 1800 292 225
Providing primary health care, aged care, children, and family services to Aboriginal people living throughout the Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens and Hunter Valley regions.
Brother to Brother
A 24 hour hotline supporting Aboriginal men.
T 1800 435 799
Durungaling Hostel
19 Spruce Street NEWCASTLE NSW 2299
P 02 9043 9540
Accommodation for Indigenous people who need to be away from home for a range of reasons. Our hostels are safe, comfortable, affordable and offer three meals each day during your stay.
Financial Support and Counselling for Victims
Financial support and counselling is available if you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island person who is a victim of crime such as family violence or sexual assualt. Call the Victims Services Aboriginal Contact Line and ask to speak to the Aboriginal Contact Officer
T 1800 019 123
P 02 4957 5900
Wandiyali is a Newcastle-based Indigenous community organisation. Each year Wandiyali assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members through the delivery of its many services. Our services cater for various ages, ranging from birth to elders.
Muloobinba Family Support Services
P 02 4969 5299
Child and family support Referrals by phone only. No walk-ins
Northern NSW Aboriginal Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service
P (02) 49677756
Tenancy Advice: By telephone Representing tenants before the tribunal If you are having problems with your landlord regarding: Eviction prevention; Tenancy Agreements; Bond Claims; Repairs/Maintenance; Residential Tenancies Tribunal. Community awareness workshops
Yarn Safe (Ages 12-25)
Mental Health for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders aged 12 to 25
T 1800 435 799
RSPCA NSW – Community Domestic Violence Program
P (02) 9782 4408
Assists families with temporary housing for pets of people who are seeking refuge from domestic violence, and helps to address the link between animal and human abuse and child protection.
RSPCA NSW - Community Homelessness Program
P (02) 9782 4408
Alcohol and Other Drugs Information Service
24 hour 7 day a week telephone counselling, support, referrals adn information for those affected by alcohol adn other drugs.
P 1800 250 015
Family Drug Support
24 Hours a day 7 day a week telephone support to families and carers in crisis due to alcohol and other drug issues.
P 1300 368 186
Lifeline Australia
1800 551 800
Suicide Call-back Service
T 1300 659 467
A mobile website that connects people with services they need straight away such as housing, a meal, money, counselling and much more. If you are with Telstra you can access Ask Izzy without phone credit/
T (02) 4949 4201
Online and telephone counselling for young people
T 1300 659 467
A mobile website that connects people with services they need straight away such as housing, a meal, money, counselling and much more. If you are with Telstra you can access Ask Izzy without phone credit/
T (02) 4949 4201
Online and telephone counselling for young people
1800 551 800
Beyond Blue
24/7 support line and chat line
T 1300 224 636
LGBTIQ Support and Referral Service
T 1800 184 527
Newcastle Family Support Service
Support for families seeking support (including fathers) during difficult times
T (02) 4926 3577
M 0490 331 617
Mental Health Line
T 1800 011 511
Reach Out
Personal Protective Equipment Support Program for Local Government
(Community Groups and Organisations Only)
E City of Newcastle Community Planning
T 4974 2280
Business Continuity and Emergency Response Training Course
COVID-19 Disaster Payment (NSW) - if you get a Centrelink Payment
COVID-19 Disaster Payment (NSW) - if you DON’T get a Centrelink Payment
Disaster Payment Pandemic Leave
COVID-19 Check In Without a Smart Phone Get a COVID-19 Check In Card
Residential Tenancy Support Package
Pharmacy Home Delivery - Call your local pharmacy to arrange via Australia Post
Job Seekers Hotline
P 132 850
Older Australians Commonwealth Hotline
P 132 300
Disability Support Pension
P 132 717
Multilingual Phone Service
P 131 202
Head to Health Clinic for Australians in Lockdown
Pop up clinic in the Hunter offering COVID-safe face-to-face, as well as video and phone supported mental health and assessment services ensuring people can acces services from their own homes if they cannot travel
W Head To Health Pop Up Clinic
Headspace - Coping with stress related to COVID-19
Support resource for young people during lockdown
Australian Red Cross Lockdown Wellness Kit
A confidential national helpline for anyone in Australia who has experienced or been affected by sexual assault, domestic or family violence, and their non-offending supporters.
Mens Line Australia
A telephone and online counselling service offering support for Austalian men anywhere, anytime
Jenny's Place
63 Scott Street Newcastle
P (02) 49278529
Emergency crisis accommodation, supported crisis accommodation and assistance to find longer term accommodation.
NSW Rape Crisis Centre
T 1800 424 017
NSW Rape Crisis is the 24/7 telephone and online crisis counselling service for anyone in NSW - men and women - who has experienced or is at risk of sexual assault.
Nova for Women and Children
558 Hunter Street Newcastle
T (02) 40235620
Supports women who are at risk of homelessness to remain safely in their home and assists women who are homeless or in crisis to be housed. Case management assistance available.
Baptist Care Hope Street – Mayfield
88 Hanbury Street, MAYFIELD
P (02) 4032 5288
Emergency relief by appointment only
Baptist Care Hope Street – Wallsend
58 Cowper Street, WALLSEND
P (02) 4032 5224
CatholicCare Hamilton South Community Kitchen
29 Fowler Street, HAMILTON SOUTH
P (02) 4979 1339
Provides hot, nutritious meals across the region.
Broadmeadow Assistance Centre
32 Brunker Road, BROADMEADOW
P (02) 4922 1540
Help with food and utility assistance. Appointment only - please phone. Current Centrelink Income. Statement required.
Grainery Care
58 Maitland Road, MAYFIELD
P (02) 4967 4777
Foodbank Shop - 58 Maitland Rd, Mayfield
Newcastle Meals on Wheels
A program that delivers meals to individuals at their homes who are unable to purchase or prepare thier own meals.
P 02 4957 7097
Jesmond Neighbourhood Centre
T 4979 8555
E administration@jesmond.org.au
Information and referral service, emergency relief support, photocopy, fax and printing support, personal items and community programs. Download a brochure
Newcastle Care - Hope Café
85 Tudor Street, HAMILTON
P (02) 4969 2799
P 0438 474 008
LIVEfree Project
486 Glebe Road, ADAMSTOWN
P 0412 429 193
Doorstep Deliveries of Essential Goods, RUOK Check Conversations - via the phone NDIS individual mentoring Medical Advocacy Crisis Relief Food parcels from Oz Harvest Transport assistance, Online Wellbeing Resources.
Soul Café
2/49 Hunter Street, NEWCASTLE
P (02) 4926 1758
Soul Cafe serves hot meals free of charge to the highly disadvantaged of the Newcastle region.
Housing NSW Contact Centre Newcastle
P 1300 305 667
Rental assistance, Private rental subsidies, Temporary Accommodation, Emergency temporary accommodation, Supported and Crisis accommodation
Jesmond Neighbourhood Centre
P 4979 8555
E kikki@conectabilityaus.org.au
Emergency Relief such as food, personal items, information and referral support, No Interest Loan Applications, Photocopying, printing and faxing for low income households.
P 1800 152 152
Provides 24/7 referral to accommodation and services
Matthew Talbot Homeless Service
82 Hannel Street WICKHAM
P (02) 4961 1411
Supports men and men with children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie areas.
Samaritans Specialist Homelessness Service
P (02) 4960 7280
Intake and Community Engagement is the first link to assistance for young people aged 12 to 24 who are at risk of homelessness in the Newcastle & Lower Hunter areas.
St Vincent De Paul Society NSW
956 Hunter Street NEWCASTLE
P (02) 4967 6277
Hunter Homeless Connect
Hunter Homeless Connect Inc. is a volunteer not for-profit organisation that connects vulnerable people in the community with vital services, via our annual Hunter Homeless Connect Day event, Connecting the Hunter Program and the Community Connections Directory.
Reach Homeless Services
P 0435 828 410
Provides free clothing, blankets, hygiene bags, weekend survival packs and referrals to other health and welfare organisations.
Jenny's Place
63 Scott Street Newcastle
P (02) 49278529
Emergency crisis accommodation, supported crisis accommodation and assistance to find longer term accommodation.
Nova for Women and Children
558 Hunter Street Newcastle
T (02) 40235620
Supports women who are at risk of homelessness to remain safely in their home and assists women who are homeless or in crisis to be housed. Case management assistance available.
Hunter Community Legal Centre
Level 2, 116 Hunter Street, NEWCASTLE
P (02) 4040 9120
Migrant Employment Legal Service
P (02) 8002 1203
Migrant Employment Legal Service (MELS)is state-wide service offering FREE and CONFIDENTIAL employment legal advice and representation to migrants, temporary visa holders and people from cultural and linguistically diverse backgrounds in NSW
University of Newcastle Legal Centre – Older Persons Legal Clinic
NeW Space, 409 Hunter Street NEWCASTLE
P (02) 4921 8666
Free legal advice and assistance to people aged 60 years and over and to Indigenous people aged 50 years and over.
Australian Centre for Disability Law (ACDL) COVID-19 Assistance Project
T 1800 800 708
Free Legal Assistance to people with a disability and their associates who have experienced legal problems due to COVID-19 Restrictions
Hunter Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service
P (02) 4969 7666
Free advice line, information and advocacy for tenants.
Hunter Gender Alliance
Local information and resources for Trans and Gender Diverse people including recommended professionals and social groups
129 Maitland Road Islington
Open Monday to Friday 9-5pm
P (02) 4962 7700 1800 063 060
As You Are at Headspace Newcastle LGBTIQ+ Youth Group
P 02 4929 4201 |
ACON Hunter sexual health clinic
129 Maitland Rd, Islington FREE, confidential and anonymous drop in clinic
Hunter Multicultural Communities
2A Platt Street WARATAH
P 02 4960 8248
Providing health, wellbeing, social services and cultural activities to the multicultural, CALD and broader Hunter Region communities.
Embrace: Multicultural Mental Health
Mental Health Australia is partnering with the federation of Ethnic Communities' Council of Australia (FECCA) and the National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA)
STARTTS – Newcastle
Newcastle TAFE
Maitland Road TIGHES HILL
P 02 4923 7193
Cutting edge psychological treatment and support to help people heal the scars of torture and refugee trauma and rebuild their lives.
Northern Settlement Services
8 Chaucer Street HAMILTON
P (02) 4969 3399
Provides a range of services in the areas of settlement, aged care, youth and vulnerable families across the Hunter, Central Coast and New England regions of NSW.
Newcastle Muslim Association
P 0422676 232
Disability Gateway
COVID-19 Information Helpline
T 1800 643 78
Community Disability Alliance Hunter
2/408 King Street, Newcastle West
P 0490 053 454
Latest COVID-19 Information and supports, advocacy, mentoring, advice, training and resources for community members with a disability.
A disability-specific information service with a free call number
T 1800 029 904
National Relay Service:
If you are deaf, have a hearing or speech impairment the National Relay service can help you.
T 1800 555 677
Mercy Services
13 Brooks Street, West Wallsend (Main Administration Centre)
P 02 4962 6680
A wide range of activities and services for older people, as well as people living with a disability including home care, community transport, residential aged care, substance and family support and client safeguarding.
Friend Line telephone support service
A free and anonymous telephone service for seniot Australians to chat with a volunteer
T 1800 424 287
Nova Care
Hunter based home care, social and advocacy support for seniors
P 1300 363 654
W https://www.novacare.org.au/
NSW Ageing and Disability Abuse Helpline:
T 1800 628 221.
Available 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
My Aged Care
1800 200 422
The National COVID 19 Older Persons Information Line (Older people and carers):
1800 171 866
National Dementia Helpline
1800 100 500
Seniors Rights Service
1800 424 079
Carers Australia Gateway
1800 422 737
For Language assistance
Translating and Interpreter Services call
131 450
NSW Health Resources
COVID-19 Translated Resources by topic
COVID-19 Vaccines Multicultural Outreach – Stakeholder Pack
Headspace Newcastle
582 Hunter Street NEWCASTLE
P (02) 4929 4201
Headspace Newcastle can provide young people, aged 12-25, and their families with information and support on a wide range of issues.
ITEC Youth
Ground Floor, 59 Ridley Street,
P (02) 4945 6100
Case work for young people under the supervision of Youth Justice NSW. Referrals via Youth Justice NSW only.
Path 2 Change
11 Charles Street, WALLSEND
P (02) 4951 2144
Specialised support and access to education, training and employment opportunities for youth at risk of homelessness
Samaritans Reconnect – Hamilton
38/54 Clyde Street, Hamilton North
P (02) 4014 9380
Reconnect is a free and confidential service for young people aged 12-18 years.
Youth Off the Streets
35 Station Street Weston
P (02) 4936 1917
Hunter Valley Outreach (12 to 25years)
Yarn Safe
Mental Health for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders aged 12 to 25
T 1800 650 890
Youth on Track
433 Hunter St, NEWCASTLE NSW 2300
P 0477 380 117
An early intervention program for young people at risk of offending case management, court support, early intervention programs.