Visit Us
Our City Administration Centre is located at 12 Stewart Avenue, Newcastle West, 100m south of the Newcastle Transport Interchange. Find our Customer Service team and Digital Library here.
Customer Service
- Counter service is available Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm.
- We provide information and advice on a wide range of subjects including rates, animal registrations, planning and development (building), trees, traffic enquiries and residential parking permits.
- Information on past and current development applications in our LGA can be accessed via our Development Activity Map and Application Tracker. Documents on Public Exhibition including policies, plans and programs, and our Public Notices are also available online for your convenience.
- Consultations with our Duty Officer are available by appointment only. Please call 02 4974 2000 to book.
- Deliveries for City of Newcastle can be delivered to our Depot, 222 Turton Road Waratah NSW 2298.
- There are a number of unmetered parking spaces close to 12 Stewart Avenue Newcastle West. On street metered parking is available on Wood Street to the rear, adjacent to Quest Apartments, and opposite in King Street (north) adjacent to the Holiday Inn.
- There are public car parks in a number of nearby locations including No.2 Sportsground Car Park and a range of public transport options are also available (bus, train, light rail) to get to 12 Stewart Avenue.
- The building has four accessible car spaces for customers of all tenancies. To utilise a space please enter the driveway off Stewart Avenue. At the boom gate speak with Customer Service staff via the intercom who will open the gate. Car spaces are subject to availability. A valid Mobility Parking Scheme permit must be displayed.