Strategic Alcohol Management
Sections 642 and 632A of the Local Government Act 1993 provide NSW Local Government’s with the power to establish an Alcohol Free Zone (AFZ) and Alcohol Prohibited Area (APA) in locations where anti-social behaviour or crime has been linked to the public consumption of alcohol. AFZ can be declared in any public road or car park and include the adjoining footpaths and nature strips. Approved outdoor dining areas are exempt from AFZ restrictions.
APA can be declared in any CN managed park, reserve and or beach. Once these zones and areas are established, the drinking of alcohol is prohibited at any or set times. AFZ and APA are collectively known as ARA. The object of ARA’s is as an early intervention measure to prevent the escalation of irresponsible street drinking to incidents involving serious crime. They aim to address alcohol related anti-social activity including disorderly behaviour in public places. ARA’s also aid public perceptions of an area’s community safety and in turn contribute to local economic viability. CN has approximately 170+ existing AFZ’s and 37 existing APA’s which are enforced by the NSW Police Local Area Command.
At its Ordinary Council meeting on February 2022, the City of Newcastle adopted the Alcohol Regulated Area network, after a comprehensive review and 30 day public exhibition. By way of resolution, the Alcohol Free Zone and Alcohol Prohibited Area established the network for 4 years to 2026.
ARA’s are designed as an early intervention measure to prevent anti-social and irresponsible behaviour related to alcohol consumption in public areas like streets, footpaths (excluding approved outdoor trading areas), public parks, beaches and reserves.
An extract of the Minutes are included here: