DA Fee Estimate Calculator

Use this tool to calculate an estimate of your Development Application fees. For guidance on how to answer the questions, select the 'More info' buttons below.
This calculator is designed to provide an estimate only. All fees will be confirmed by City of Newcastle (CN) at the time of lodgement.
Please note, this is designed for Development Applications only – for any other fee estimates, please contact Customer Service.
Find out more about Lodging an Application with CN. For general planning advice, you can arrange to speak with a Duty Officer.
*Please note: Further fees may be applicable at the time of lodgement (e.g. Long Service Levy) and following determination (Development Contributions). All fees are subject to change each financial year and with any changes in legislation. If you are planning to apply for a Construction Certificate (CC) with CN or Appoint CN as Principal Certifier (PC) for your development, you may be eligible for a 20% discount on some CC and PC fees, if lodged prior to DA approval.
This is an estimate of fees only, based on the information you have entered in the calculator. Fees are subject to change and will be confirmed by CN at the time of lodgement. CN may determine further fees are applicable while your application is under assessment. Please refer to CN's Fees and Charges for further information.