Smart City Strategy
Newcastle is a city that puts its community at its centre; enjoys smart and digitally connected public and urban infrastructure; and works to develop a thriving ecosystem to drive innovation and creativity.
In 2017 City of Newcastle adopted its Smart City Strategy which leverages digital transformation to improve liveability, sustainability and economic diversity, developing local innovation and attracting talent and investment. Key to the success of the national award winning strategy, is its people-centred approach. Newcastle creates a supportive environment that enables local residents to solve problems and generate new economic growth.
Smart City Awards
- Smart Cities Awards 2019 – Newcastle wins Smart City of the Year (metropolitan).
- Newcastle Smart City Strategy awarded strategy of the year by Smart Cities Council Australia New Zealand.
- Smart Cities Council 2019 – Research and Innovation.
- Smart Cities Council 2019 (highly commended) – Partnerships.
- IDC Smart Cities Asia-Pacific Awards / Urban Planning and Land Use – Hunter Innovation Project Smart City Infrastructure.
- IDC Smart Cities Asia-Pacific Awards / Connected Vehicles – Smart Moves Newcastle Mobility Projects.
- Sustainability prize at the NSW Local Government Excellence in the Environment Awards.
- Sustainable Transport Award at the national Cities Power Partnership Awards.
- Energy Efficiency Award at the Inaugural Cities Power Partnership national awards.
- NSW Green Globe for Climate Change Leadership for their Energy Hunter program with Hunter Business Chamber. Over 350 participating businesses saved $1.1m in electricity costs and reduced annual electricity consumption by 5,600,000 kWh.
- Newcastle City App wins GOLD at the Gov Design Awards 2019 for Mobile Digital Experience.
- The IoT Sensor Lab wins GOLD award at Australia Good Design Awards in 2020.
- Lean In Newy App wins the Economic Development Recovery & Resilience award at the 2022 National Economic Development Awards for Excellence.
- Newcastle Night Galleries wins the 2022 Good Design Award Winner: Product Design - Commercial and Industrial.