Outdoor Exercise Facilities
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Camp Shortland fitness stations
Nobbys Road , Newcastle East 2300
Fitness Station
Outdoor fitness stations located at Camp Shortland, Newcastle East End. Stations include balance beam, stepping poles, box jumps, sit up board, push up, pull up and chin up bars.
Note: These fitness stations are removed when events are held in Camp Shortland.
Fernleigh Track fitness stations
Near Brisbane Water Road Enterance , Adamstown 2289
Fitness Station
Outdoor fitness stations located at the Adamstown end of the Fernleigh Track. Two stations include pull up, chin up, push up and parallel bars.
Islington Park fitness stations
Maitland Road , Islington 2296
Fitness Station
Outdoor fitness stations located at Islington Park. Two stations include achilles stretch, push up, step up and pull up bars.
Kurraka Reserve fitness stations
Kurraka Drive , Fletcher 2287
Fitness Station
Outdoor fitness stations located at Kurraka Reserve, Fletcher. Four stations include bench press, leg lift/dip bar, quad extension, aerobic walker, chest press, chin up, pull up, step up and push up bars, box jumps and sit up boards.
Lambton Park fitness stations
50 Howe Street , Lambton 2299
Fitness Station
Outdoor fitness stations located at Lambton Park. Five stations include sit up board, parallel, chin up, pull up and push up bars.
Myers Park fitness stations
Myers Lane , Adamstown 2289
Fitness Station
Outdoor fitness stations located at Myers Park, Adamstown. Three stations include aerobic walker, hand cycle, leg press, stretch station, step up, resistance hooks, trapese rings, sit up boards, parallel bars, box jumps, chin up bar, butterfly press, back extension, bench press, pull up bars, leg lift/dip bar and push up bars.
Stockton Fitness Stations
Along Fullerton Street , Stockton 2295
Fitness Station
Outdoor fitness stations located on coastal areas of Stockton. Seven sites with 17 stations including bench press, push up and chin up bars, shoulder press, stretch station, sit-up board, aerobic walker and cycle seat. Parallel and pull up bars, leg lift/dip bar, decline sit up board, plyobox jumps, quad extension, back extension and tai chi wheels.
Wallsend fitness stations
11 Boscawen St , Wallsend 2287
Fitness Station
Outdoor fitness stations located at Wallsend Active Hub in Federal Park. Six stations include push up bar, stretch station, aerobic walker, bench press, leg press and sit up board.
Warabrook fitness stations
Eucalyptus Circuit , Warabrook 2304
Fitness Station
Outdoor fitness stations located at Eucalyptus Circuit Reserve, Warabrook. Two stations include step up bench, plyo box jump, push up and sit up boards, parallel, chin up and pull up bars.