Public Hearings
Residents and ratepayers are provided an opportunity to voice their opinion or concern to an independent facilitator under certain circumstances.
Council will arrange a public hearing following the exhibition of a planning proposal which seeks to change the classification of Council owned land from community land to operational land. Holding a public hearing on such matters is a requirement of the Local Government Act 1993 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
A public hearing may also be held where required by the Minister for Planning, or where determined necessary by Council, as part of the community consultation for a proposed amendment to Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012.
The Local Government Act 1993 also requires a public hearing to be held when community land is to be categorised for the first time or if the categorisation of community land is changed. All community land must be categorised in one of five categories:
- park
- sportsground
- area of cultural significance
- general community use
- natural area (further categorised as either foreshore, watercourse, bushland, escarpment or wetland).
Public hearings currently scheduled
There are no public notices / public hearings scheduled at this time.