Lord Mayor

Lord Mayor's Biography

Dr Ross Kerridge became the 15th Lord Mayor of Newcastle in October 2024.

Ross was born and bred in Newcastle. Both his parents were active citizens who strongly believed that everyone had an obligation to improve our community. Ross shares these values.

He attended Newcastle Boys High School and after graduating worked at the BHP steelworks as a labourer, as did many of his school mates.

Ross went on to study medicine at Sydney University and after initially working in General Practice and Indigenous Health in Central Australia, he specialised as an Anaesthetist, training in Sydney, London and Canada.

Prior to becoming Lord Mayor, Ross worked for many years as a Senior Specialist Anaesthetist at the John Hunter Hospital. He teaches medical students as an Associate Professor at the University of Newcastle and is involved in the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI).

During his medical career, Ross was involved in a number of changes to improve safety, efficiency and quality of care in hospitals and health care. He was a strong advocate for and recognised leader in the development of Perioperative Medicine across the globe.

Away from medicine, community involvement has always been a large part of Ross’ life.  He believes communities are at their best when there is broad respect and tolerance of our differences, where everyone contributes as actively as they can, and where everyone is valued as a member of the community.

Ross believes the community is a sounding board, which can provide an indication to elected representatives if there are problems or concerns in the community.

Ross recognises that Newcastle has a long, rich and complex heritage. He enjoys walking around the various parts of Newcastle, meeting members of the community and hearing their stories and hopes for the future. He believes this provides an opportunity for all involved to reflect on how the city has changed over the years and consider its great achievements, the happy and sad times of the past, learn lessons, and make plans for the future.

Ross and his wife Marion have two children and recently became grandparents. 

Role of the Mayor (s226)

  • to be the leader of the council and a leader in the local community
  • to advance community cohesion and promote civic awareness
  • to be the principal member and spokesperson of the governing body, including representing the views of the           council as to its local priorities
  • to exercise, in cases of necessity, the policy-making functions of the governing body of the council between             meetings of the council
  • to preside at meetings of the council
  • to ensure that meetings of the council are conducted efficiently, effectively and in accordance with this Act
  • to ensure the timely development and adoption of the strategic plans, programs and policies of the council
  • to promote the effective and consistent implementation of the strategic plans, programs and policies of the             council
  • to promote partnerships between the council and key stakeholders
  • to advise, consult with and provide strategic direction to the general manager in relation to the                                   implementation of the strategic plans and policies of the council
  • in conjunction with the general manager, to ensure adequate opportunities and mechanisms for engagement         between the council and the local community
  • to carry out the civic and ceremonial functions of the mayoral office
  • to represent the council on regional organisations and at inter-governmental forums at regional, State and               Commonwealth level
  • in consultation with the councillors, to lead performance appraisals of the general manager
  • to exercise any other functions of the council that the council determines.

Membership on CN Committees: 

CEO Performance Review Panel - Member

Publication of the Lord Mayor's Diary

City of Newcastle is committed to openness and transparency through its Open and Transparent Governance Strategy.

As part of this commitment, we will publish a summary of the Lord Mayor's diary on its website on a quarterly basis, including:

  • Details of the organisation
  • Group or category of person(s) attending the meeting
  • The date and purpose of meetings.

The summary will not include:

  • Individuals names
  • Internal meetings with staff or Councillors
  • Meetings of a personal nature.

View the Lord Mayor's Diary

Contact Details

For operational matters, please visit our Report an Issue or Request Assistance service catalogue to submit your request for action using the relevant form. You will receive an automatic acknowledgement with reference number.  

For events and meeting requests, please complete this form and the Lord Mayor's Office will get back to you. 

For media enquiries, please contact media@ncc.nsw.gov.au

For all other matters: 

Lord Mayor's Office
City Administration Centre,
 12 Stewart Avenue, Newcastle West
 PO Box 489, Newcastle NSW 2300 

Email: lordmayoroffice@ncc.nsw.gov.au 

Contact: +61249742000