S10.7 Planning Certificates
When buying or developing a property, it is important to find out about planning controls or hazards that may affect the land. Section 10.7 Planning Certificates contain specific information about planning controls and limitations that apply to the land which may affect how you can use the land.
Types of Planning Certificates
There are two types, with the s10.7(5) being a comprehensive overview of the attributes that apply to a piece of land.
A separate application is required for each individual lot/land parcel. Properties that cover multiple lots will require an application for each lot. The reason for this is that planning controls are applied to each individual lot and may differ for each lot within a property. Please check that you have accurately identified all land parcels for which you require a Planning Certificate. For strata title land where a certificate is required for the entire site, only one application is necessary.
Planning Certificate contains information correct on the date of issue. Planning controls can change; it is therefore recommended that you rely only on a recent certificate for accurate information.
When can I expect to receive my Planning Certificate?
Planning Certificates are typically emailed within 5 business days.
Urgent Planning Certificates are emailed within 1 business day (additional fee applies).
Registered users can submit this via our online eServices platform. For non-registered users, submit your application and contact our Customer Service team on 02 4974 2000 to upgrade to and arrange payment for an urgent application.
If you would like to become a registered user please contact us.