Preparing for an Emergency

Planning and preparing for emergencies before they occur can help you protect your family and your property, reduce the impact of the emergency, and recover more quickly after.
Get ready in five simple steps
- Know your risk - Think about the area you're in and the types of disasters that could affect you.
- Plan now for what you will do - Sit down and talk with your family and plan for what you will do if a disaster affects your area.
- Get your home and property ready - Prepare your home by doing general home maintenance and checking your insurance coverage.
- Be aware - Connect with emergency services and warning systems to stay informed.
- Look out for each other - Share information with your family, friends, neighbours and those who may need assistance.
Prepare your business
If you run a business, it is crucial to have an emergency plan in place so you can protect your business and employees as much as possible.
The Get Ready Toolkit has been specially designed by the NSW Government to help NSW business owners prepare for disasters. It includes:
- Get Ready Business guide to prepare for disasters
- Templates and checklists to help you build a Business Continuity Plan
- A step-by-step guide for recovering from a disaster
- Insurance claims for small business guide
Prepare your pet
Emergency situations can happen quickly. Planning in advance for how to take care of your animals helps to keep everyone safe, including your four-legged friends.
Think about what essential things your pet will need if you have to leave your home, how you will carry and transport your animal, and where you can go to stay safe.
The SES has a guide to help you prepare an Animal Emergency Plan.
The Department of Primary Industries also has resources to support you in caring for you animals before, during and after an emergency or disaster.
Resources to help you prepare
The Australian Red Cross has useful guides to help your prepare for an emergency, one step at a time.
This includes:
- How to make an emergency plan
- Survival kit checklist
- Get Prepared app
Types of Emergencies
Find more information to help you prepare for: