Personal Training and Learn to Surf Licencing
Personal Training in the Newcastle Local Government Area
To achieve the vision for a vibrant and activated public place and a caring and inclusive community, we support a range of activities across Newcastle's parks, sportsground and beaches. This includes personal training, group fitness and boot camp classes. City of Newcastle regulates these activities by issuing a license permitting this use.
When you need consent
If you are a personal trainer / commercial outdoor fitness trainer (trainers) in the Newcastle LGA and you would like to conduct sessions for group fitness or personal training in the Newcastle LGA, you will require consent to conduct your activities. We manage the licensing of these activities through our Personal Training Licence Application. Agreements are allocated on a quarterly basis.
Permissible use
Trainers must ensure activities are conducted in approved areas. The suitable areas for licensing of personal training, group fitness and boot camp classes are managed in consideration of high activity areas and/or areas of cultural, environmental or natural significance.
Stand Up Paddle / Learn to Surf Licensing - Beaches
The City of Newcastle recognises the important role that access to foreshore public open space plays in enhancing the health and lifestyle of our community. The City of Newcastle acknowledges that there is demand for commercial surf school activities to improve surf related knowledge and skills to visitors and residents.
When you need consent
If you are a commerical Stand Up Paddle / Learn to Surf instructor and you would like to conduct sessions for Stand Up Paddle / Learn to Surf sessions in the Newcastle LGA, you will require consent to conduct your activities. We manage the licensing of these activities through an application for Stand Up Paddle / Learn to Surf Agreements. Agreements are allocated on an annual basis.
How to apply and fees and charges
Personal Trainers can apply for a Licence when operating on Newcastle's parks, sportsground and beaches and Instructors for Stand Up Paddle / Learn to Surf can apply for a License when operating on Newcastle's beaches. For further information on the process, including applications, please contact our Parks and Recreation team on (02) 4974 2000 or visit City of Newcastle's Contact Us page.
Current fees can be found at Fees and Charges for 2024/25 (PDF)