

We provide a number of Sponsorship opportunities to support initiatives that contribute to the economic life of the city. CN provides financial Sponsorship for initiatives that will deliver tangible benefits to the City and the community, and help make Newcastle a smart, liveable and sustainable global city.

Our annual Grants and Sponsorship program is currently scheduled to open early June 2025 for application.

Sign up to our Grants and Sponsorship Mailing List to be the first to know about funding opportunities. (Check your junk mail in case it arrives there, and if it does, make sure you mark it as a safe sender).

Supporting Documentation:

Helpful Resources:

Our Sponsorships are classified as either Event Sponsorships or Tourism and Economic Development Sponsorships.

Event Sponsorships are a mechanism to:

  • promote active and vibrant public spaces;
  • grow overnight visitation;
  • provide positive promotional exposure for Newcastle;
  • enhance the city’s image and profile as a visitor destination and event city; and
  • assist events that contribute to the unique character of the Newcastle Local Government Area and Region.

The table below provides further information on Event Sponsorships including types of grants, eligibility, and status.

NameDetailsOpen or closed
GeneralSupport for smaller events that contribute to a varied and diverse events calendar for the city, including alignment with strategic outcomes, generation of economic activity and utilisation of city assets.
IncubatorSupports emerging and established events (new and up to 3 years old) to increase event profile and encourage visitation and/ or participation.
Major EventSupports established events with a successful record of delivery, visitation, overnight stay and collaboration with local businesses to create economic dispersal.

Tourism and Economic Development Sponsorship are for activities that provide economic benefit through one or more of the following areas:

  • Enabling Skills;
  • Enabling Innovation;
  • City-Shaping Initiatives; and
  • Enabling a Vibrant City.

The table below provides further information on Tourism and Economic Development Sponsorship including types of sponsorships, eligibility, and status.

NameDetailsOpen or closed
Visitor (Conference)Supports activities that promote Newcastle as a premier Australian visitor destination, showcasing a rich art, cultural and culinary scene, a vibrant night-time economy, and accessible nature-based and coastal experiences. This includes multi-day business events (conferences) that are aligned to economic pillars and attract overnight stay.
BusinessAims to foster local economic development by supporting activities that enable local skill acquisition, attract highly skilled people to the city, support local business growth and employment and/or encourage innovation and investment.

If you require assistance please email esp@ncc.nsw.gov.au or grants@ncc.nsw.gov.au or call 02 4974 2000 and you will be put in contact with a staff member who can help with your enquiry.

Sign up for our Grants and Sponsorship Mailing List to be the first to know about new funding opportunities. (Check your junk mail in case it arrives there and if it does make sure you mark it as a safe sender).