Prepare Statement of Environmental Effects
All development applications and the majority of post consent certificates must be submitted through the NSW Planning Portal. Find out more on our Lodging an Application information page.
A Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) is required to be submitted with every development application. The SEE is a document that outlines the environmental impacts of a proposed development and outlines any steps taken to protect the environment and to manage impacts.
*The Department of Planning and Environment exhibited the translation of existing Business and Industrial zones into the new Employment zones from 31 May to 12 July 2022. To view the detail please visit the Department’s Planning Portal. Employment zones will be in place within individual LEPs by 1 December 2022 when the existing Business and Industrial zones will be repealed. Further information is available on the Department's website.
*As of 1 December 2021, a reference to an Environment Protection zone E1, E2, E3 or E4 in a document should be taken to be a reference to a Conservation zone C1, C2, C3 or C4. For further information please see, Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Amendment (Land Use Zones) Order 2021