Report a Bin Issue - Broken/Damaged Bin

Please complete the Report a broken bin form if your general waste (red lid) or green waste (green lid) bin is damaged.

To report a broken recycling (yellow lid) bin, please contact Cleanaway on 02 4920 1455 between 7am and 5.30pm on weekdays.

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City of Newcastle is committed to protecting your privacy. We take reasonable steps to comply with relevant legislation and our Privacy Management Plan.

Purpose: We will use the information to process your request.
Intended recipients: authorised City of Newcastle Officers and its contractors or agents.
Supply: voluntary.
Consequence of non-provision: We may not be able to process your request.
Storage and security: information will be stored in accordance with our Record Management Policy.
Access: by contacting us by phone on (02) 4974 2000 or attending City of Newcastle's office.

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