2021/2022 Annual Report
05 Dec 2022
As outlined in City of Newcastle’s (CN) recently published 2021/2022 Annual Report, CN spent $349 million in the last financial year to provide services and facilities to more than 167,300 residents. A $100 million capital works program was delivered, and the organisation managed $1.91 billion of assets including roads, bridges, drains, land, halls, recreation and leisure facilities, libraries and parks for the benefit of the local community and visitors.
The report also highlights CN’s commitment to engaging with the community with over 10,000 community members providing feedback on 22 projects spanning strategies and plans, transport, parks and recreation and facilities and services. Newcastle’s new Community Strategic Plan, Newcastle 2040, was part of the engagement with the community undertaken in 2022 with more than 5,000 community members contributing to shaping the vision for Newcastle.
During 2021/2022, our volunteers contributed more than 7,839 hours to a broad range of programs, continuing to provide an invaluable resource for our community, contributing to natural areas and increasing our cultural and community connections, helping make Newcastle a wonderful place to live.
The successful delivery of our $100 million capital works program over the past 12 months is a great achievement for our organisation and the community, especially considering the additional challenges of COVID-19 and the number of weather-affected days during the year. It is a result that deserves to be celebrated, including the delivery of three local centre upgrades at James Street Plaza Hamilton, Mitchell Street Stockton and Shortland Local Centre. City of Newcastle also focused on integrated and accessible transport, with the finalisation of a 1.1km shared path along Watkins Street, Merewether, linking Glebe Road, The Junction, with Merewether Beach featuring new and upgraded crossings and making it safer for pedestrians and cyclists. The environmental portfolio also saw the continued protection and enhancement of CN’S natural environmental assets during 2021–2022, including the successful completion of the priority creek rehabilitation, including works at Sygna Close, Rankin Park; Blackbutt Reserve creek headwaters; Nereida Close, Kotara; and Waterdragon Creek, Kotara and the completion of the inland cliff line rehabilitation at Braye Park quarry, Waratah West.
Our 2021/2022 Annual Report is now available online for community members to view. To find out more about our progress and contribution to Newcastle, read the report here.