3D Fly through of Beresfield local centre
26 Mar 2018
A new fly through video shows the future streets of Beresfield including smart lighting and Wi-Fi as the first of Newcastle City Council's local centre upgrades gets underway.
Residents can take a virtual trip along Beresfield streets to see how they'll look after the completion of the $2.4million project.
Flying through the 3D renders of the area, the video showcases changes to Addison Street, Lawson Avenue and Beresford Avenue, due to become reality over the coming months.
"It's exciting to see this virtual view of how Beresfield local centre will look when this significant project is completed," said Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes.
"When watching the video, you immediately notice the prominent "smart poles," which will provide smart lighting and access to Wi-Fi. Beresfield is the first local centre in Newcastle to have smart poles installed.
"You also can clearly see the renewed road surface, wider pedestrian pathways, more public spaces in Beresford Ave, and new street trees, seating, bike racks and bins," said the Lord Mayor.
You can find the video and more info about the project on Council's website.
Smart pole installation is planned in various locations across the Newcastle local government area as part of Council's Smart City strategy. Each pole provides Wi-Fi to a range of about 100m as well as smart, energy efficient, automated lighting technology.
A public domain plan was developed for Beresfield Local Centre, which involved community consultation to identify issues and possible solutions to ensure the community's priorities were addressed in the revitalisation project.
Construction is to be completed in stages, with full completion of the project anticipated in the second half of this year, weather permitting.
The renewal project includes:
- A 40km/h zone and pedestrian friendly street design
- Road and pedestrian lighting upgrade
- Lighting to the railway station
- Drainage renewal
- Water sensitive urban design with a rain garden
- New site appropriate street trees
- New public space in Beresford Avenue
- New seating, bike racks and bins
- New kerb, gutter and footpath
- Renewed road pavement
- Retention of on street parking
- Free WiFi
More detailed information about this project and the local and neighbourhood centres public domain program is available on
Council's website.