Awards season shines spotlight on City of Newcastle
09 Aug 2022
City of Newcastle’s culture of excellence, transparency and continuous improvement has been recognised amongst its peers at a host of recent industry awards ceremonies.
For the second consecutive year, City of Newcastle’s (CN) Annual Report has won gold at the 2022 Australasian Reporting Awards (ARA) for Excellence.
The Awards give organisations an opportunity to benchmark their reports against world's best practice, with a gold rating recognising a report's high-quality coverage against criteria such as providing a balanced and reasonable picture of economic, environmental, and social performance, as well as transparency of the organisation's core business.
Meanwhile, the Masterplan for the future of Hamilton’s historic and much-loved Gregson Park was recognised as a finalist at the Parks and Leisure Australia NSW/ACT Awards.
The Gregson Park Masterplan celebrates the European and Indigenous heritage of the site, while meeting the recreational and accessibility needs of the community. It features a larger inclusive play space with water play, yarning circle, and a planted swale with indigenous plantings, a new community shelter, more shaded seating, and the potential for community gardens and a kiosk.
Finalists in this award are recognised as outstanding examples of strategic planning that have enriched and revitalised a community.
At the Local Government NSW Awards, CN’s Public Art Reference Group (PARG) was a finalist in the Leo Kelly OAM Arts and Culture Awards category. This award recognises councils that have excelled in strategic policy, planning, delivery and evaluation in arts and culture.
Established in 2018, the PARG provides advice on the commissioning and development of new public art works in the city that are reflective of Newcastle’s history, culture, and community.
City of Newcastle’s 2020-21 Annual Report is available for download as a full version or a summary version.
Visit City of Newcastle’s website for the 2020-21 Annual Report along with further information about the Gregson Park Masterplan and the Public Art Reference Group.