Budget to deliver record infrastructure program as investment in community continues to grow
18 Apr 2024
Almost $140 million will be invested into infrastructure projects across the city as part of a record Budget delivering essential services alongside a modest $4.1 million surplus.
The Council will place its draft 2024-25 Budget and Delivery Program on public exhibition for community feedback next week.
More than $415 million will be invested across 60 services and more than 280 projects to be delivered across Newcastle during the next financial year.
Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said the Budget will set a new benchmark for CN's investment in the local community.
"During the past decade Council has worked incredibly hard to balance the needs and expectations of our growing community with our commitment to making sure we are financially sustainable," Cr Nelmes said.
"In that time, we have more than doubled our annual infrastructure program as we continue to deliver essential projects and services for the benefit of all Novocastrians.
"In 2024/25 this will see a record $139.5 million earmarked for local facilities and infrastructure projects across Newcastle.
"This includes $14.6 million for roads and footpaths across the city, including $5 million for renewing roads in the western corridor and $7.7 million on stormwater projects and flood planning in areas such as Mayfield East and Darby Street.
"We're also revitalising our coast, city, and urban centres with $9.9 million for projects such as the East End Public Domain Plan, Hunter Street Mall and local centre upgrades at Orchardtown Road, New Lambton, and Georgetown.
"These projects are fundamental to building an inclusive, liveable, and sustainable city, and ensuring we continue to be an attractive destination for visitors and investment."
Other Budget highlights include:
- $21 million to complete the expanded Newcastle Art Gallery
- $14.7 million in improvements to our waste management
- $11 million on recreation and sports improvements, including the Gregson Park playground at Hamilton
- $6 million on new cycleways and transport projects
- $5 million for Longworth Avenue and Minmi Road, Wallsend road renewal
- $4.5 million on coastal management including Stockton coastline protection work
- $4.1 million on the Memorial Drive Road embankment
- $2.8 million on improving bushland and watercourses
- $2.4 million on resources and improvements for Libraries, Civic Theatre and City Hall
- $1.3 million on renewable energy projects including climate action and EV charging.
CEO Jeremy Bath said CN continues to earn respect as an innovative organisation with a strong focus on the future of Newcastle, its economy and environment, and its people.
"We continue to follow the roadmap provided in our Community Strategic Plan, while delivering key initiatives and actions set out in our Community Engagement Strategy, Newcastle Environment Strategy, and Social Strategy. We are also developing new strategies that will help us manage our growing population, including the Broadmeadow Place Strategy," Mr Bath said.
"Investing in our community delivers benefits now and into the future, with estimates that our proposed infrastructure program in 2024/25 will create 735 local jobs and increase total economic output in the LGA by up to $305 million.
"Delivering back-to-back-to-back balanced budgets following the pandemic is not an achievement that occurs by accident. Rather it is the result of the commitment and passion of our 1300 staff who have yet again shown that Newcastle is a city that can provide for its citizens without having to take on huge amounts of debt."