City calls on the community to shape 2040 vision
01 Apr 2021
The services and facilities required in 2040 are being explored as City of Newcastle prepares a new Community Strategic Plan on behalf of the community.
The new Community Strategic Plan, Newcastle 2040, is the city’s contract between the community and City of Newcastle. It is important that residents, ratepayers, businesses and community groups from across Newcastle work with the City in planning for the next decade and beyond.
Over the coming months, the City will lead face-to-face and online engagement asking the community to consider what they want Newcastle to look like in 2040.
Newcastle 2040 will be used by the City to develop its investment priorities, whether it be how much to spend building footpaths through to the types of festivals the City hosts and attracts.
Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said that Newcastle 2040 will reflect the community’s values and will guide the City’s project delivery plans and annual budgets.
“Now is the time for the community to have their say in developing a blueprint for the future of our city,” the Lord Mayor said.
“Everyone is encouraged to give feedback, from large and small business operators, not-for-profit organisations, parents, newly arrived citizens and university students.
“While City of Newcastle takes the lead role in driving the city towards our shared vision, we all play a part in making Newcastle a place we love now and into the future.
“It’s important that we hear from as many people as possible from all areas of Newcastle so that the priorities we identify match the future everyone in our community wants.
“Newcastle 2040 will define the community’s vision for Newcastle and we’ll look to it for everything we deliver, at every stage, from planning through to investment.”
The City’s current Community Strategic Plan, Newcastle 2030, was developed in 2010, a time when the iPhone 4 was the latest technology, and Eminem was on the top of Australia’s music charts. A lot has changed and there are new and emerging megatrends that must be considered.
City of Newcastle looks forward to listening and learning from the community and have already received ideas from school students at Callaghan College Waratah.
Engagement opportunities will be hosted in a range of locations over the coming months including various community events and throughout Youth Week (16-24 April).
To stay up-to-date with opportunities for community feedback, visit City of Newcastle’s Have Your Say page, and share your ideas on the digital vision wall.