City delivers new local centre for Merewether
30 Mar 2021
City of Newcastle has delivered its $2 million upgrade of Llewellyn Street, Merewether ahead of schedule and to budget, creating a safe, attractive space for the community to shop and enjoy.
The upgrade includes new street furniture and landscaping, alongside a range of pedestrian safety improvements including three new raised crossings, kerb extensions to reduce road crossing distances and upgraded footpaths.
City of Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said the project has made the area more accessible for people and has addressed safety and flooding issues along Llewellyn Street.
“This upgrade has completely revitalised this precinct and the improvements will benefit both the businesses and the community now and long into the future,” Cr Nelmes said.
“A highlight is the upgraded space at Dent Street which features new street furniture and an open space for locals and visitors to gather and enjoy a bite to eat and a coffee from the nearby café.”
Councillor Carol Duncan said the project has brought vibrancy and a sense of community to the small precinct.
“I’m really glad the project is now complete as it’s going to benefit a wide range of people. This was a streetscape in need of some love and it’s great to see what City of Newcastle crews have been able to deliver.”
Local business owner Kurt Banks said the upgrades have revitalised the space outside his café, Cuppa Joe’s, and significantly increased the appeal of outdoor dining for his patrons.
“This upgrade is good for the community and businesses and we are looking forward to the positives the new outdoor seating and upgraded footpaths will bring. Both will be great in getting more people to the space and increasing trade.”
The Llewellyn Street upgrade was delivered under the City’s Local Centres program, which is delivering upgrades to suburban centres across the local government area including the recently completed upgrade at Joslin Street, Kotara, the upgrade underway at Mitchell Street, Stockton, and upgrades due for delivery later this year at Shortland and at James Street Plaza, Hamilton.
To find out more about the Local Centres program visit newcastle.nsw.gov.au/localcentres