City of Newcastle confirmed as a key player on the Deputy Premier's Stockton Erosion Taskforce
28 May 2020
City of Newcastle has welcomed news that mass sand nourishment for Stockton Beach is a step closer following the Deputy Premier’s announcement of the Stockton Erosion Taskforce’s membership and terms of reference.
Minister Barilaro made the announcement during a visit to Newcastle earlier today, where he confirmed City of Newcastle would play a key role with the Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes and a senior City engineer on the Taskforce.
(L-R): Member for Newcastle Mr Tim Crakanthorp MP, NSW Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW John Barilaro, Dr Ron Boyd, Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes and Mark Armstrong, Geological Survey of NSW.
The Taskforce has been formed following the placement of the City’s draft Stockton Coastal Management Plan (CMP) on public exhibition. The CMP is a long-term plan to manage the erosion at Stockton which includes working with the Taskforce on a pathway for mass offshore sand nourishment.
Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said the official formation of the Taskforce was a critical step in achieving the best outcome for Stockton Beach and the Newcastle community.
“It is important that City of Newcastle plays a key role on the Stockton Erosion Taskforce and today’s announcement will allow that to happen,” the Lord Mayor said.
“We have developed a draft Stockton CMP in partnership with the local community, and in collaboration with the NSW Government, knowing that the Deputy Premier is committed to working closely with us to address long term erosion at Stockton.
“This issue is bigger than us as a City and any one Government department, which is why the Taskforce is so important in cutting through silos and determining a clear pathway for mass sand nourishment.
“I met with the Deputy Premier today to again discuss the future of Stockton Beach and I look forward to working with him and the Taskforce from our first meeting next month.”
“On behalf of the City of Newcastle, I thank the Deputy Premier for his ongoing commitment to finding a long term solution to address coastal erosion at Stockton Beach.”
The purpose of the Taskforce is to provide advice and recommendations to both the NSW Government and City of Newcastle on such issues as sand sourcing, actions to mitigate loss of community amenity and seeking the priority capital and operational funding required.
The Deputy Premier will Chair the Taskforce, which will also feature representatives from the Worimi Aboriginal Land Council, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Department of Regional NSW, Port of Newcastle and the NSW Coastal Council.
The Chair of the Stockton Community Liaison Group, Barbara Whitcher, will also take up a position. Two other community representatives will also hold positions on the Taskforce along with the Member for Newcastle Mr Tim Crakanthorp MP.
To find out more and provide feedback on the draft Stockton CMP, visit newcastle.nsw.gov.au/YourSay