City of Newcastle optimises kerbside collection schedule to accommodate housing growth
17 July 2022
Household bin collections are set to change for some properties across Newcastle to enhance service and processing efficiency at the kerbside.
The revised schedules will take effect from Monday 1 August, with about 20% of households experiencing a switch in the week their recycling and garden organics bins are collected. Two thousand Rankin Park and Wallsend residences will also be assigned a new service day.
City Wide Services Director Alissa Jones said the updated schedules will allow City of Newcastle to provide an optimised collection system that caters for the ongoing population growth being experienced across the city and particularly in the western suburbs.
"City of Newcastle is committed to meeting the needs of our city's growing population, which has increased by around 14 per cent during the past decade and is forecast to pass 200,000 residents by 2041," Ms Jones said.
"Amending our waste collection routes now will provide better outcomes for our existing customers while also future-proofing the efficiency and reliability of our kerbside service as waste needs continue to grow across the city and especially in our western suburbs, with an additional 4,000 homes anticipated in Fletcher, Minmi, Elermore Vale and Rankin Park alone by 2041.
"Changing service weeks, and in some cases service days, will allow for a more even spread of kerbside bins that require emptying throughout the week. This will help our collection crews provide a more reliable and punctual service to all residents across Newcastle."
The revised collection routes have been modelled on the current and future waste needs across the city as well as customer feedback regarding service and processing efficiency to provide a more resilient and robust service for all residents.
The changes will apply to properties in parts of Adamstown, Beresfield, Blackhill, Elermore Vale, Hamilton East, Hamilton South, Jesmond, Maryland, Mayfield, Mayfield West, Merewether, New Lambton, New Lambton Heights, North Lambton, Rankin Park, Tarro and Wallsend.
Affected households will receive a letter this fortnight explaining the changes and their new collection schedules.
Residents can also look up their address on the City of Newcastle website at newcastle.nsw.gov.au/collection-days to find out if and how the changes apply to them.
Households retaining their existing collection schedule may notice a change in the time of day their bins are serviced, therefore it remains important that all residents have their bins on the kerb by 5am on collection day.