City working with key partners on COVID-19 response
13 Mar 2020
City of Newcastle is working in collaboration with government partners including NSW Health to ensure our city is prepared in the event of further spread of COVID-19 to the region.
City of Newcastle’s key objectives are to:
- provide timely information about any changes to services or the operation of our facilities
- support the State and Federal governments to manage the impact of the pandemic
- adjust our operations to further protect public health and the health of our staff.
“Public health is the number one priority for City of Newcastle and all agencies working collaboratively on the COVID-19 response,” Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said.
“We’re working within the Local Emergency Management Committee - with NSW Police, NSW Fire Brigades, SES, Health, and Transport for NSW to ensure that our city is adequately equipped and prepared.
“The City is also liaising with partners including the Office of Local Government, neighbouring councils, the University of Newcastle, Port of Newcastle and the Newcastle Airport to ensure consistent information is shared with our community.
How we are responding:
- The City of Newcastle COVID-19 Planning Team has activated an Emergency Management Action Plan (EMAP) aligned with state and national emergency plans.
- Working with the Local Emergency Management Committee to establish joint approaches and provide consistent advice.
- Establishing a dedicated webpage which is being regularly updated to provide information about our essential services www.newcastle.nsw.gov.au/COVID-19
- Working with event organisers following restrictions on non-essential gatherings of more than 500 people.
- Each City of Newcastle service area is developing a business continuity plan to support the EMAP should the spread of the virus prompt the state and federal governments to introduce greater restrictions on activities within our Local Government Area.
The NSW Health website www.health.nsw.gov.au is the primary source of health information. The City is supporting the NSW Government in sharing information on its channels.
For further information on City of Newcastle’s response to COVID-19 please visit www.newcastle.nsw.gov.au/COVID-19