Community invited to have a say on City’s Parking and Cycling Plans
24 Nov 2020
Making the best use of public streetscapes while encouraging active transport and managing parking demand are key features of City of Newcastle’s draft Cycling and Parking Plans.
The City’s draft plans have been developed in consultation with industry stakeholders, who indicated strong support for a safe and connected cycling network, and a robust parking management plan that complements efforts to increase the uptake of walking, cycling and public transport.
The Parking Plan aims for 85% of the city’s 10,600 on-street parking spaces to be filled. This means having one in seven spaces free at any time of the day or week.
Director of Governance David Clarke said he was encouraged by the positive stakeholder input and is now looking for broad community feedback on both plans.
“The Parking Plan outlines actions focused on boosting the efficient utilisation of the City’s 10,600 on-street parking spaces and improving the customer experience,” Mr Clarke said.
“We aim to make the most efficient use of our public streetscapes with this ten-year parking plan, that addresses how to best manage parking demand now and into the future, with the flexibility to adapt to transport trends as our city continues to grow.
“Safety is identified as the number one barrier to people taking up cycling as an alternative to driving in our City and therefore delivering infrastructure and improvements that enhance safety is at the core of our draft Cycling Plan.
“With a relatively flat terrain and the overwhelming majority of our trips under 10km, Newcastle has great potential to shift to active transport options such as cycling.”
The Cycling Plan acknowledges the surge of interest in cycling in recent times, with reports of record bike sales attributed to the measures implemented in response to COVID-19.
“We will ride the wave of this renewed focus and realise the potential that a significant shift to cycling can have for our city, in terms of improving health of our residents, the amenity of our streetscapes and overall liveability,” Mr Clarke said.
“Most people who responded to our cycling survey ride for recreation purposes. We are working towards creating a cycling network that makes it fun, safe and convenient to ride for more everyday trips, such as for education or to the local shops.
“One of our key objectives is to improve access to and within local centres across the City, so that people will be encouraged to swap short car trips for walking or cycling.
“We now look forward to receiving community feedback to refine our plans.”
Draft Cycling and Parking Plans are live on the Have Your Say website.