Community invited to have a say on the future of Newcastle
13 Dec 2024
City of Newcastle is inviting the community to provide feedback on its long-term vision for the city, with the update of its Community Strategic Plan, Newcastle 2040, now on public exhibition.
The Plan was adopted by Council in 2022, and this year underwent a review including community consultation to ensure it continues to align with Novocastrians’ shared vision for a liveable, sustainable, inclusive global city.
Lord Mayor Ross Kerridge said the update of Newcastle 2040 is an important step in ensuring Newcastle remains aligned with the aspirations and priorities of the community.
“Newcastle 2040 is a 10-year roadmap identifying where we are now, where we want to be in the future, and how we'll get there,” Cr Kerridge said.
“It's a plan that represents the community's shared vision for Newcastle, bringing together who we are, what we love, our challenges, and our opportunities.
“Since its adoption, City of Newcastle has delivered projects that enhance liveability and inclusivity, including local centre upgrades, improved safety for pedestrians and cyclists, and investments in vital infrastructure such as sporting facilities and stormwater drainage.
“We’ve also made strides in sustainability through climate action and initiatives to achieve net-zero emissions. The review process aims to ensure these efforts remain aligned with community expectations and contribute to the continued success of Newcastle.”
The public exhibition period is now open and concludes on 30 January 2025. All residents, community members and interested stakeholders are encouraged to review the plan and provide feedback by visiting https://haveyoursay.newcastle.nsw.gov.au/newcastle-2040-csp-review
By getting involved, community members also have the chance to win a share of $1,500 in prizes. Community members can participate by completing the online survey or by creating and sharing what they love most about Newcastle with a text, photo or video submission.