Community invited to update cycling strategy
29 Apr 2020
City of Newcastle is inviting Hunter residents to help shape the future of cycling in the city by taking part in an update of the 2012 Newcastle Cycling Strategy and Action Plan (NCSAP).
Anyone can have their say until 14 May by completing a cycling survey at www.newcastle.nsw.gov.au/YourSay before the updated NCSAP goes on public exhibition for further feedback later in 2020.
“We want to hear from cyclists to find out what’s great about riding around Newcastle, what could be improved and how more locals might be encouraged to get out and enjoy the city under pedal power,” Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said.
“We also want to hear from people who don’t ride, about what we could do to encourage them to start riding.
“We’ve delivered fantastic cycleway projects over recent years, such as the off-road path from Samdon Street, Hamilton, to Selma Street, Newcastle West; a shared path in Brickworks Park, Wallsend; and around Lambton Park to name just a few. We know that the perception of lack of safety is a key barrier to more cycling so have also been trying to address several difficult crossings on cycle routes around the city.
“We are currently planning new routes for Hunter Street, Newcastle West, and from Merewether to the Junction as part of a perpetual program of development.
“We’re lucky to have a relatively flat city conducive to cycling, so we look forward to hearing from the community and updating our overarching strategy.”
The City is taking part in the phone-based Local Government Cycling Participation Survey in conjunction with the current engagement program to obtain additional data, particularly from non-cyclists.
In addition to infrastructure projects, much has been done to encourage greater participation in cycling by updating maps, running bicycle skills workshops and promoting gracious behaviour by path and road users.