Council update - 13 June 2017
13 June 2017
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council meeting of 13 June 2017. Note: It is not a record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minute: Light rail extension and network
Council supported the minute to update Council's Connecting Newcastle: Our Urban Renewal Vision to include nine light rail network extensions including:
- Wickham to Broadmeadow
- Broadmeadow to Hunter Stadium
- Broadmeadow to Adamstown
- Wickham to Mayfield
- Wickham to John Hunter Hospital
- Warabrook to the University of Newcastle
- Wickham to Newcastle Airport
- Broadmeadow to Glendale
- City centre to the Bathers Way
Council will also lead the formation of a working party to progress this vision with relevant government agencies.
Pilot study to establish local character
Council supported a project framework to undertake a pilot local character study in Wickham. A working party of councillors, urban design professionals, local residents and representatives from business and community groups will guide the project.
Reclassification of land at 21 Bradford Close, Kotara
Council endorsed the planning proposal to reclassify land at 21 Bradford Close, Kotara from community to operational.
Endorsement of proposed LEP amendment for Harriet Street and Christo Road, Waratah
Council endorsed a planning proposal to rezone land at 58-60 Harriet Street, Waratah and 115 Christo Road from R2 low density residential to R3 medium density residential. The proposal will be sent to the Minister for Planning and Environment for consideration.
Notice of motion: Invitation to join Climate Council's Cities Power Partnership
Council supported a notice of motion to provide in principle support in becoming a partner with the Climate Council's city power partnership. The partnership will help local councils change the way they use and generate energy. A further report on this issue will be scheduled for the 25 July 2017 meeting.