Council update - 15 August
14 Aug 2017
Public Voice Committee
Land bound by Mosbri Crescent and Kitchener Parade The Hill - Adoption of Amendments to Newcastle LEP 2012
Council heard from three objectors and the site owner on a proposal to rezone it from low to medium-density residential. Objectors raised concerns over increased traffic, tree preservation, building heights, a lack of educational facilities and impact on urban amenity. The site owner outlined how a planning proposal for a medium-density residential development had addressed height issues.
Development application 2017/00558 - 37 Darling St Carrington
Council received presentations from two objectors who raised concerns about the effects of industry and noise pollution on neighbouring Scott St residents, inadequate parking, loss of trees and stormwater runoff. Representatives of the applicant said its proposal would support employment, offer storage space and increase separation between dwellings and the proposed building.
Development application 2017/00299 - 150 Scott St Newcastle
Council received presentations from one objector who raised concerns over heritage, zoning, ownership and possible widening of the road. The applicant seeking consent for the adaptive re-use of the Signal Box on the old railway corridor said the DA sought only to conserve its heritage equipment as part of a proposal to create a plaza for recreation and occasional markets.
Development Applications Committee
Development application 2017/00185 - 84 Carrington St Mayfield
Council approved a development application to demolish a garage and shed, make alterations to a dwelling and add two attached two-storey dwellings with integrated single garages.
Development application 2017/00005 - 62 Fleming St Wickham
Council approved the application to demolish an outbuilding and erect a three-storey dwelling.
Development application 2016/01478 - 4 Beach St Newcastle East
Council approved the application to demolish an existing three-storey building and erect a three-storey dwelling in its place.
Development application 2016/01341 - 20 Denison St Newcastle West
Council approved a development application for a $15 million apartment tower with three floors of commercial and retail space. The 15-storey building includes 58 residential apartments and 109 parking spaces.