Council update - 18 October 2017
18 Oct 2017
Following is a summary of the Extraordinary Public Voice Committee meeting of Wednesday 18 October 2017. Note: This is not a record of resolutions.
Council heard from 12 speakers on both sides of the debate about the rezoning of the rail corridor.
Speakers supporting of the proposal spoke about
- the revitalisation projects currently underway and the positive impact these are having on the whole city
- the need for action after many years of decline
- the impact on businesses will be a short term pain for long term gain
- seeing the land used rather than vacant
- the need to create job opportunities and security
Speakers opposing the proposal spoke about
- the need to retain the corridor as a transport corridor for cycling, light rail and other forms of transport
- the impact of zoning changes on existing properties
- the need for a Hunter wide integrated transport plan
- the differences in the original documents and the documents currently on public exhibition
- traffic congestion and longer journey times
NOTE: The rezoning planning proposal is on public exhibition until Monday 23 October, all the documents, an interactive map of the proposal and other related information is available on our website.