Council update - 22 August 2017
22 Aug 2017
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council Meeting for Tuesday 22 August 2017. Note: It is not a record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
A Lord Mayoral Minute to congratulate staff, councillors and outgoing councillors at the end of an extended council term, and a report calling for options to recognise the service of three-term councillors, was supported.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the usual report.
Adoption of investment and borrowing policy
Council voted to adopt an investment and borrowing policy and terminate the previously approved individual investment policy and loan borrowing policy.
Financial statements for the year ended 30 June referred to auditors
Council resolved to refer the financial results for the year ended 30 June for audit.
Proposed land transfer - 299 Pacific Highway Merewether
Council resolved to accept a parcel of land from National Parks & Wildlife Services near Fernleigh Track and classify it operational with the view to providing facilities for cyclists who use the popular off-road track.
Supplementary report - open and transparent governance strategy
Council approved placement of the draft Open and Transparent Governance Strategy on public exhibition from 28 August to 23 October 2017.
McCaffrey Drive, Rankin Park - Proposed kerb extension at Elbrook Drive
Council approved a kerb extension and westbound left-turn slip lane extension on McCaffrey Drive, Rankin Park, to remedy a problem intersection.
Endorsement of Newcastle 2030 End of Term report 2012-2017
Council voted to endorse the Newcastle 2030 Community Strategic Plan.
Adoption of the Smart City Strategy 2017-2021
Council voted to adopt the Newcastle Smart City Strategy 2017-2021.
Supplementary report - exhibition of draft planning agreement for rail corridor land between Worth Pl and Watt St, Newcastle
Council resolved to place the draft Newcastle Urban Rail Transformation Program Planning Agreement on public exhibition for 40 days.
Supplementary report - exhibition of amendment section 6.01 Newcastle City Centre of Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012
Council resolved to place the draft amendment to Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012 Section 6.01 Newcastle City Centre on public exhibition for 40 days.
Supplementary Report - Land Bounded by Mosbri Crescent and Kitchener Pde The Hill - Adoption of Amendment to Newcastle Local Environment Plan 2012
This item was deferred.
Affixation of a Council seal to a deed of indemnity
Interim CEO Jeremy Bath was appointed a Director of Newcastle Airport on 1 August.
Notices of Motion
Lambton Park fenced-off dog leash area
A notice of motion supporting a fenced-off dog park in Lambton Park between Lambton Pool and Lambton Bowling Club was supported.
Need for upgraded community facilities in Jesmond
A motion to receive a report recommending a partnership with the State Government to redevelop Jesmond Neighbourhood Centre to better support programs for refugees and the migrant community was supported.
Amend planning proposal to place light rail on the rail corridor
A motion to amend the rail corridor rezoning proposal to enable light rail on its length was amended to be included in consultation during the 40-day public exhibition period.
Council, Destination NSW and Supercars consultation
A motion to review and modify consultation with Newcastle East residents affected by the Supercars, and relocate the track from next year, was not supported, but the failure of consultation and raising this with Supercars and Destination NSW was carried.