Council update - 26 September 2017
26 Sept 2017
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 26 September 2017, the first meeting of the new term.
Note: It is not a record of resolutions.
Taking of the Oath / Affirmation
Undertaken by the Lord Mayor and all Councillors present.
Lord Mayoral Minute - Marriage Equality
Council supported the Lord Mayoral Minute
- reaffirming the City of Newcastle's commitment to marrigage equality
- to write the federal government and federal opposition advising them of Council's position
- shows support by flying the rainbow flag above City Hall and install banners across the city
- hosts a community event in support of a 'yes'vote
Lord Mayoral Minute - Chief Executive Officer recruitment
Council supported the Lord Mayoral Minute to start the process to recruit a full time CEO. A CEO Recruitment Panel will include Lord Mayor Nelmes, Cr Duncan, Cr Mackenzie and Cr Dunn.
Adoption of Asset Advisory Committee Charter and nomination of Councillor representatives
Crs Dunn and Clausen were appointed to the Asset Advisory Committee.
Nomination of Councillor members to Audit Committee
Crs Mackenize and Dunn were elected to the Audit Commitee.
Executive monthly performance report
The regular report was received.
Nominations for the election of Deputy Lord Mayor
Cr Clausen was elected Deputry Lord Mayor for the 12 months.