Council update ordinary council meeting 28 February 2017
28 Feb 2017
Lord Mayoral minute on appointment of Interim CEO
The Lord Mayoral Minute on the appointment of an Interim Chief Executive Officer was laid on the table to an Extraordinary Meeting on Tuesday 7 March.
Executive monthly report
Council received the usual report.
Quarterly Budget Review Statement
Council received the December Quarterly Budget Review Statement.
Beresfield Local Centre Domain Plan - proposed traffic plan
Council voted to approve the traffic management plan to improve safety as part of the Public Domain Plan for Beresfield Local Centre.
Stockton Local Centre Public Domain plan - proposed traffic plan
Council voted to approve the traffic management plan to improve safety as part of the Public Domain Plan for Stockton Local Centre.
Llewellyn Street Neighbourhood Centre - proposed traffic plan
Council voted to approve the Llewellyn Street traffic plan of management to improve safety as part of the Local Neighbourhood Centres and Public Domain Plan.
Minmi East precinct development - proposed upgrades to Minmi Road
This item was laid on the table.
Smart Cities international collaboration
Council endorsed a recommendation to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Global Smart Cities and Communities Coalition (GSC3).
Temporary suspension of alcohol free zones for upcoming events
Council will temporarily suspend alcohol free zones for separate events in Beaumont Street, Birdwood Park, Newcastle West; Civic Park and Keightley Lane, Newcastle.
73 Darling Street Hamilton South - Demolition of structure, erection of grandstand/clubhouse and car park
Council approved an application to demolish structures and build a grandstand, clubhouse and associated infrastructure on community land at 73 Darling Street, Hamilton South.
Newcastle East building heights - adoption of amendment to Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012
Council resolved to endorse a proposal to amend the maximum building height in line with the JRPP decision last year.
Notices of Motion
Lighting Cowper Street Bridge Carrington
A notice of motion for council officers to report back on the decision and process to replace ball-like light fittings on Cowper Street Bridge - with the view to replacing them in line with the former aesthetic of the bridge - was supported.
Ward 4 capital works
A notice of motion to prioritise a range of capital works in Wallsend, Tarro and Beresfield was supported.
Safety along Throsby Creek
A notice of motion to design and install solar lighting along Throsby Creek from Industrial Drive to Lewis Street was supported.
Pilot study on local character
A notice of motion to undertake a pilot study of the local character of Tighes Hill was supported.
Climate change policy
A notice of motion to prepare a draft policy and associated management plan to address the urgent need for action on climate change and to complement the NSW State Government's Climate Change Policy Framework was supported.
Performing animals in circuses
A notice of motion to re-affirm council's prohibition of the use of performing exotic animals in circuses was supported.