Council update: Ordinary Council meeting Tuesday 25 September 2018
25 Sept 2018
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council meeting for Tuesday 25 September 2018. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minute - Art Gallery Working Party
A successful LMM will see the formation of a Newcastle Art Gallery Expansion Working Party to formalise efforts to advocate for funding and demonstrate broad, non-partisan support for Gallery redevelopment.
Lord Mayoral Minute - Waste Levy
A LMM to write to the NSW Environment Minister to allow Council to retain 100 per cent of the waste levy to be used to provide better waste management services was supported.
Lord Mayoral Minute - Launch of Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan
Council supported a LMM to welcome the release of the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan, launched on 17 September 2018, and to collaborate with our partners toward the implementation of the plan.
Lord Mayoral Minute - Arts and cultural festivals in Newcastle
The City will support the facilitation and coordination of arts and cultural events throughout Newcastle as part of a successful LMM and staff will report back to Council after engagement with current arts and cultural festival organisers.
Executive monthly performance report
The usual report was received.
Annual financial reporting framework
Council adopted a reporting framework including executive monthly performance reports, quarterly budget review statements, a preliminary end-of-year financial position in August and audited financial statements in October.
Newcastle Airport PTY Limited - Appointment of Council's shareholder representative
The Lord Mayor and CEO have been reappointed shareholder representatives of Newcastle Airport, in which the City of Newcastle is a 50 per cent shareholder with Port Stephens Council.
Adoption of Outdoor Trading policy
Council has adopted a revised Outdoor Trading Policy clarifying the placement of furniture, as well as no-smoking areas, how liquor licensing requirements apply and how dogs can be accommodated outside.
Exhibition of draft Local Approvals - Mobile Food Vending Vehicles Policy
Council resolved to publically exhibit an updated approvals document for mobile food vending vehicles that requires vendors to apply each year and increase their public liability cover in line with the City's requirements.
Public exhibition of draft Community Engagement Policy
The City's draft Community Engagement Policy will go on public exhibition for 28 days from Friday 28 September to Friday 26 October 2018.
Adoption of revised Media Policy
Council adopted a revised Media Policy that has simplified wording on roles and responsibilities and provides flexibility in a fast-paced media environment.
Cities Leadership Institute US and Canada Tour Program 2018 - Participation by City of Newcastle
Cr Carol Duncan will attend the Cities Leadership Institute International Exchange on Health and Innovation 2018 in Canada and the US in support of Newcastle's agenda to create a smart, liveable and sustainable global city.
Brunker Road, Adamstown - Upgrade of existing pedestrian access
Council resolved to upgrade a Brunker Rd pedestrian crossing used daily by school kids and to install kerb extensions to increase driver awareness.
Glebe Road, Adamstown - Proposed traffic changes at Park Avenue, Wood Street and Court Street
Council has approved construction of a median strip on Glebe Rd at Wood St, Adamstown, to put an end to dangerous right turns in and out of Wood St.
Review of s.355 Committees
Council voted to dissolve the operations of six park committees and work with them to ensure all obligations are fulfilled and that future management of parks aligns with the City's Delivery Program.
Outdoor Exercise Facility Plan
Council adopted an Outdoor Exercise Facility Plan to increase the number of outdoor exercise facilities in parks across the city from four to 14.
Notices of Motion (NOM)
Night Mayor
A NOM was supported to explore the creation of a Night Mayor or Night Tsar position for Newcastle who would serve as an ambassador for growing the night-time economy.
Glyphosate and weed management review
A NOM to review the city's weed management plan, including trials of non-chemical methods, was supported.
'Hold My Hand' road safety and awareness signage campaign
Another NOM to help fund a road safety awareness signage campaign by the Little Blue Dinosaur Foundation from November to the end of the summer school holidays was supported.
Newcastle Anti-Poverty Alliance Campaign to increase the Newstart allowance
A fourth NOM, to publicly endorse the Newcastle Anti-Poverty Alliance Campaign to increase the Newstart Allowance and write to the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition in support of an increase, was supported.