Council update: Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 26 May 2020
26 May 2020
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 26 May 2020. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
A Lord Mayoral Minute to extend condolences to the wife and family of former Newcastle Deputy Lord Mayor and union leader Denis Nichols upon his passing was supported.
Another Lord Mayoral Minute endorsing the formation of the Climate Emergency Australia Council and continued advocacy and collaboration on climate change was supported.
A Lord Mayoral Minute for City of Newcastle to make a submission to a draft determination on prices for Hunter Water Corporation from 1 July 2020 was supported.
Ordinary business
Adoption of Local Strategic Planning Statement
Council resolved to adopt the Local Strategic Planning Statement.
Exhibition of draft heritage strategy
Council voted to place the draft Heritage Strategy 2020-30 on public exhibition for 28 days.
Amendment to Newcastle LEP 2012 – Create new heritage item for Parkway Avenue, Newcastle
Council has endorsed a proposal to amend the Newcastle LEP 2012 to create a new heritage item for Parkway Avenue and will have the proposal forwarded to the Department of Planning for formal recognition.
Adoption of the updated East End Stage One Streetscape Plan
Council has adopted traffic changes to the Hunter Street Newcastle East End Stage One Streetscape Plan, which now includes works between Perkins Street and Brown Street after the block wasn't upgraded during the Light Rail project.
Crown Reserves Management – devolved land
Council has endorsed an application to Crown Lands to change the status of three Crown Reserves -Federal Park, Wallsend, Waratah Park and West Park Adamstown - to ensure their ongoing use for sport and recreation under Plans of Managements.
March quarterly review budget review statement
Council received the March Quarterly Budget Review Statement.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the Executive Monthly Performance Report.
Notices of Motions
City of Newcastle rating policy
Council supported a Notice of Motion to apply $2.6 million from a standard rate peg in 2020/21 to hardship measures targeted at individual rate payers experiencing financial hardship, including due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Skilled work regional visa (491) and changes impacting City of Newcastle
Another NOM was supported to write to the Premier, Deputy Premier and NSW Ministers requesting Newcastle and Wollongong be considered 'regional' for the purposes of the 491 Skilled Work Regional Visa, as per the Commonwealth definition.