Council update: Ordinary Council meeting Tuesday 28 August 2018
28 Aug 2018
Following is a summary of the ordinary Council meeting for Tuesday 28 August 2018. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
A Lord Mayoral Minute to apply for funding from the NSW Government’s clean energy program to continue reducing the City of Newcastle’s energy consumption through further LED lighting upgrades was supported.
Financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2018
Council noted that financial statements for the last financial year were being completed before being referred for audit.
Executive monthly performance report
The usual report was received.
Adoption of revised investment and borrowing policy
Council has adopted the 2018 Investment and Borrowing Policy.
Appointment of Deputy Lord Mayor
Ward 3 Councillor Declan Clausen has been re-appointed Deputy Lord Mayor for the remainder of the Council term.
Adoption of Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy
Council voted to adopt the Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy in accordance with the Local Government Act.
Adoption of the Revised Public Voice and Briefing Policy
Council has adopted the revised Public Voice and Public Briefing Policy to invite those concerned with DAs - but who fail to submit a public voice request during public exhibition - to still address Council.
Draft planning agreement - 5 Hall St Maryville
Council resolved to publicly exhibit a planning agreement in which the developer of 33 two-storey dwellings will replace an adjacent cycle way and build a walkway next to it.
Draft planning agreement - 464-470 King Street Newcastle
Council resolved to publicly exhibit a draft planning agreement in which the developer of a 20-storey residential apartment block -- with retail and commercial units -- will construct a pedestrian and cycle link incorporating public art between King and Hunter streets.
Exhibition of indicative lot layout and staging plan - Blackhill Employment Lands
Council also resolved to place a draft staging and lot layout plan for the Blackhill Employment Lands on public exhibition for 28 days.
Public Exhibition of the Draft City Marketing and Engagement Strategy
Council voted to publicly exhibit the draft 2018-2021 City Marketing and Engagement Strategy.
Organisation Naming Convention
Council endorsed the organisational title 'City of Newcastle' for branding and trading purposes from 1 September 2018.
Temporary suspension of alcohol free zones for upcoming events
Council approved the temporary suspension of alcohol free zones for four upcoming events.
Compassionate Cities Charter
Council resolved to join the Newcastle Compassionate Communities Collaboration to help reduce the negative social, psychological and medical impacts on the community of serious illness, caregiving and bereavement.
Residential road street lighting upgrade
Council voted to engage Ausgrid to replace all non-efficient residential road street lighting with Light Emitting Diodes or LEDs.
Revised acquisitions and deaccessioning policy
Council has adopted the revised Art Gallery Acquisitions and de-accessioning Policy.
Notice of Motion
Sewerage Services required for Hexham
Council supported an NOM to write to Hunter Water's portfolio minister requesting a sewerage connection for Hexham be considered in HWC's future capital works program.
Support for the expansion of the Refugee community support program
Council backed another NOM to call on the Australian Government to improve and expand its refugee Community Support Program.