Council update: Tuesday 11 December 2018
11 Dec 2018
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council meeting for Tuesday 11 December 2018.
NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minute - City of Newcastle 'Buy Local' Procurement Policy
This supported LMM will see the City examine the benefits of purchasing goods, services and works from suppliers/contractors within the Greater Newcastle region and develop a draft policy for Council's consideration.
Lord Mayoral Minute - Richmond Vale Rail Trail Working Party
A LMM was supported to establish a Richmond Vale Rail Trail Working Party comprising Councillors, Council officers and community members from Newcastle, Cessnock and Lake Macquarie.
Code of Conduct complaints statistics report
The report was received and noted.
Adoption of revised Privacy Management Plan
Council adopted the revised plan.
Adoption of Effective Communication between Councillors and Staff Policy
The policy was adopted.
Report on Review of Advisory Committees and Adoption of Advisory Committee Charters
Council adopted a new advisory committee structure and appointed Councillor members to strategic advisory committees for Infrastructure, Strategy and Innovation, Community and Culture, and Liveable Cities.
Determination of PAYG taxation for Councillors
The motion was carried, however it was required to be unanimous in order for Councillors to be eligible for PAYG tax withholding and superannuation. A substantive foreshadowed motion was instead carried that the City write to Federal and State Ministers and Shadow Ministers for Local Government in support of legislation requiring councillors to be paid compulsory superannuation.
Sanctuary Estate, Fletcher - Adoption of Amendment to Newcastle LEP 2012
Council endorsed the Planning Proposal for forwarding to the Department of Planning and Environment.
Cooks Hill, The Hill and Hamilton South Heritage Conservation Areas boundary adjustments - Endorsement of Amendment to Newcastle LEP 2012
Council endorsed the Planning Proposal for forwarding to the Minister for Planning for gateway determination.
Adoption of Hamilton Residential Precinct Heritage Conservation Area - Amendment to Newcastle LEP 2012
Council endorsed the Planning Proposal to create a Heritage Conservation Area for the Hamilton residential precinct and to forward the proposal to the Department of Planning and Environment.
Temporary suspension of alcohol-free zones for upcoming events 2019
The temporary suspension of alcohol-free zones was approved.
Management of parking within the Local Government Area
Council resolved to authorise the Chief Executive Officer to establish and operate or remove parking schemes as provided under the Road Transport (General) Regulation 2013 within the Newcastle Local Government Area.
Land acquisition - Part 12 Albert Street, Wickham - Roundabout and associated works
Council authorised the acquisition of part of the property at 12 Albert St, Wickham to enable the City to complete a shared pathway and roundabout works on the corner of Railway and Albert Streets.
Notices of Motion (NOM)
Minimising disruption
A NOM was supported to note the temporary inconvenience caused to residents by the continued unprecedented construction boom underway in the City and to consider opportunities for Newcastle to replicate and build upon reforms for road construction works that have been introduced by the Victorian Government.
Health burden of coal-fired electricity generation in NSW
A NOM was supported to note a report investigating serious health damage caused by NSW's five coal-fired power stations and to write to the Environment Minister and Shadow Environment Minister to seek commitments for air quality monitoring.
Paris Climate Agreement
A NOM was supported for City of Newcastle to commit formally to the principles and targets of the Paris Climate Agreement and develop a pathway to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the update of the Newcastle 2020 Carbon and Water Management Action Plan.