Council update Tuesday 12 December 2017
12 Dec 2017
Following is a summary of the ordinary council meeting from Tuesday 12 December. Note: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Extraordinary Development Application Committee
DA2014/1214.01 - 10/569 and 11/569 Hunter Street Newcastle
A development application to extend the operating hours of the Star Hotel from midnight to 1am Monday-Saturday was refused, but their trial hours were extended 12 months.
Ordinary Council meeting
Lord Mayoral Minutes
A Lord Mayoral Minute to prepare a draft submission to the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan 2036, which envisages an integrated metropolitan city across greater Newcaste, for endorsement at the February 2018 Council meeting was supported.
A Lord Mayoral Minute to develop a Disability Employment Strategy to make Newcastle City Council a more inclusive employer was supported.
Adoption of 2018 meeting cycle
Council voted to adopt a schedule for meetings in 2018
Adoption of fees for Lord Mayor and Councillors
Council approved fees payable to the Lord Mayor and Councillors as set down in the Local Government Remuneration Tribunals annual report.
Code of Conduct Complaints Statistics
Council receives and notes Council's Code of Conduct Statistics Complaints Report for the period 1 September 2016 to 31 August 2017.
Adoption of the open and transparent governance strategy
Council has adopted the Open and Transparent Governance Strategy.
Adoption of the code of conduct and its associated procedures and the code of conduct panel
Council has adopted the Code of Conduct and Procedures for the administration of the Code of Conduct and a new panel of conduct reviewers.
Local and neighbourhood centres facade improvement scheme
Council will make grants of up to $4,000 to Carrington and Beresfield businesses -- from a total budget of $60,000 -- to improve their shop fronts during works to improve the local centres.
Union Street, Merewether - proposed kerb extensions and raised pedestrian crossing fronting the junction public school
Council has approved an upgrade to improve safety at an existing pedestrian crossing fronting the Junction Public School.
University to Newcastle city centre cycleway - Maud Street mid-block signals
Council has approved the installation of mid-block traffic signals on Maud St between Prince and Vera streets in Waratah, implement no exits from Vera at Maud and no right turn from Maud into Vera.
Review of community grant and sponsorship program policies - release for exhibition
Council resolved to place the draft Events Sponsorship Program policy, the draft Economic Development Sponsorship policy and the draft Community Place Making Project policy on public exhibition to the end of February 2018.
Adoption of section 5.03 tree and vegetation management of Newcastle development control plan 2017
Council has adopted amendments to the Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012 pertaining to tree and vegetation management.
Rail corridor land - adoption of amendment to Newcastle local environmental plan 2012, development control plan 2012 and planning agreement
Council has endorsed a proposal to rezone the former rail corridor for a range of city-building uses after strong advocacy and rigorous review over the past 18 months.
Notices of Motion
Mayfield road pedestrian refuges
A notice of motion to investigate seven intersections along Maitland Rd, Mayfield, to make potential improvements to pedestrian safety and movement was supported.
Review of special licence conditions in Newcastle CBD
A notice of motion calling on Council to prepare a submission to the review being undertaken by the NSW Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority of licencing conditions in Newcastle’s CBD was supported.
Outdoor fitness equipment strategy
A notice of motion to develop a strategy for the delivery of more outdoor fitness equipment across Newcastle was supported.
Summerhill solar farm tender
A local company will team up with an international property and infrastructure group to design and build a five megawatt solar farm at the Summerhill Waste Management Centre.