Council update Tuesday 16 April 2019
16 Apr 2019
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council Meeting for Tuesday 16 April 2019. NB: it not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
A Lord Mayoral Minute was supported to commit to continue working collaboratively with the re-elected NSW Government but note with disappointment its decision to abolish the position of Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter.
Executive Monthly Performance Report
Council voted to receive the executive monthly performance report for March 2019.
Exhibition of Code of Meeting Practice
Council deferred this motion to seek further information regarding the status of the role of the recently abolished Office of Local Government (OLG), which was until recently the Office responsible for the Administration of the Local Government Act.
41 and 47 Throsby St, Wickham, Endorsement of Amendment to Newcastle LEP 2012 and proposed planning agreement
Council deferred this motion until a public briefing is held on the proposal, the public benefit and principles of value capture.
Exhibition of amendments to Draft S7.12 Newcastle Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019
Council voted to place the draft Section 7.12 Newcastle Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 on public exhibition for 28 days and noted that a workshop be held with the Hunter and Central Coast Development Corporation on plans for the Proposed Honeysuckle Public Domain Plan.
Adoption of Live Music Strategy 2019-2023
Council adopted the Live Music Strategy 2019-2023. Consideration will now be given for the creation of an entertainment precinct in the City to achieve the aims within the plan.
Public Exhibition of the 2019/10 Our Budget (Operational Plan and Delivery Program)
Council resolved to place the draft 2019/20 City budget on public exhibition for at least 28 days prior to final consideration by Council.
Robey Street, Merewether – Proposed one-way and parking restrictions
Council approved proposed parking restrictions and one-way traffic signage on Robey Street, Merewether.
Adoption of Library Strategy 2019-2029
Council adopted The Library Strategy 2019-2029.
Newcastle BIA Review – Stage 2 – Public exhibition
Council resolved to place the Business Improvement Associations in Newcastle Implementation Report on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.
Notices of Motion
Local planning matters
A Notice of Motion was supported to oppose the mandatory introduction of an Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel for Newcastle, with Council affirming its and Council officers’ right to decide on proposals not subject to determination by the Hunter and Central Coast Regional Planning Panel or the Minister for Planning.
Shifting the City of Newcastle to 100 per cent renewable energy
An amended NOM to continue the review of the City’s 2020 Carbon and Water Management Action Plan, and to assess the costs, feasibility and social impacts of deriving 100 per cent of the electricity used across Council’s operations from renewable sources, was supported.
Green roofs, green walls and living buildings
A NOM to develop a policy to support an increase in the installation of green roofs, green walls and living building features, such as walls and roofs, was supported.
Clean Seas Seabin initiative
A NOM to explore partnerships to establish a plastic and rubbish removal initiative in Newcastle Harbour and Throsby Creek was supported.
Tender report - 12 Stewart Avenue office fit-out
Councillors awarded the tender for the $8.2 million fit out of the City of Newcastle's new offices at 12 Stewart Avenue to Graphite Projects Pty Ltd and councillors also noted a reimbursement of $372,256.50 from the building owner which will offset the contract by an equivalent amount bringing the cost of the fit-out to $7.86 million.