Council update: Tuesday 20 March 2018
20 Mar 2018
Following is a summary of tonight's Development Applications Committee meeting.
Note: It is not a record of resolutions.
DA2017/00253 - 39 Scenic Drive Merewether
The DA was approved and consent granted for substantial alterations and additions to the existing dwelling on this property in Merewether.
DA2016/01401 - 21 Parnell Place Newcastle
Council approved the DA for alterations and additions to a building and a change of use from hotel accommodation to a residential flat building with 23 dwellings and car parking.
DA2017/01137 - 78 Bourke Street Carrington
Consent was granted for alterations and additions to the rear of an existing dwelling at 78 Bourke St Carrington, including the enclosure of a deck to increase gross floor area.