Council update Tuesday 22 October
22 Oct 2019
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council Meeting for Tuesday 22 October 2019. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Ordinary business
Adoption of 2018/19 annual financial statements
Council voted to receive and adopt City of Newcastle’s annual financial statements and accompanying notes for the year ended 30 June 2019.
Tabling of disclosures by designated persons – annual report
Council resolved to note the annual disclosure of interest by designated persons returns (for the financial year 2018/2019) by the CEO.
Administration of 2020 Council election
Council resolved to enter an election arrangement with the Electoral Commissioner to administer the 2020 ordinary election of Council.
Supplementary report – exhibition of draft Fern Bay and North Stockton Strategy
The draft Fern Bay and North Stockton Strategy Implementation Plan and Background Investigations will be placed on public exhibition for 28 days.
Adoption of Community Participation Plan
Council adopted the Community Participation Plan and will publish it on the NSW eplanning portal by 1 December.
Adoption of Joslin Street Local Centre Public Domain Plan and Traffic Plan
Council has adopted the Joslin Street Local Centre Public Domain Plan and Traffic Plan.
Acquisition of 8A Albert Street and 161 Railway Street, Wickham
Council resolved to accept the transfer of 8A Albert Street, Wickham, from Rail Corporation NSW for the purposes of widening it and also 161 Railway Street for use as a public road.
Carrington Greenspace Masterplan public exhibition
The draft Carrington Greenspace Masterplan will be placed on public exhibition for a period of 60 days.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the monthly report.
Greater Newcastle Aerotropolis – Appointment of Council’s representatives
Council voted to appoint Lord Mayor Councillors Nuatali Nelmes and CEO Jeremy Bath as shareholder representatives to Greater Newcastle Aerotropolis.
Notices of Motion
National Park Plan of Management
A Notice of Motion to commence a site-specific Management Plan at National Park through consultation with the community and relevant stakeholders was supported.
Emergency Egress for high rise occupants with a disability
A Notice of Motion to receive a report on emergency egress from high-rise buildings for occupants and visitors with a disability, including options for amendments planning documents, was supported.
Contracts with value of $1 million or more
A notice of motion that all contracts greater than $1million that City of Newcastle awards go to a tender process and reported to Council for approval was not supported.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Three Lord Mayoral Minutes were supported at tonight's meeting.
Council agreed to prepare detailed Budget submissions for both Commonwealth and NSW Treasurers to consider as a part of their funding allocation, with 14 projects listed including Stockton Coastal Erosion, Newcastle Art Gallery expansion project, expansion of Newcastle Light Rail, flood mitigation at Wallsend and rate rebates for pensioners.
Council will also prepare a submission to the NSW Productivity Commissioner, providing City of Newcastle’s feedback about how the NSW Government can best support continued growth in living standards for all Novocastrians, with specific reference to the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan 2036 noting that an opportunity exists for legislative reform and support that could expedite the implementation of the Plan.
Following the success of the Lord Mayor’s Scholarship for Women, council accepted the proposal from the University of Newcastle to support the expansion of the scholarship program to create the Lord Mayor’s Scholarship, which will be open to all students facing disadvantage.