Council update Tuesday 23 January 2017
23 Jan 2018
Lord Mayoral Minute - Autonomous vehicle trial for Newcastle expression of interest
A Lord Mayoral Minute to submit an expression of interest for funding from Transport for NSW to develop and co-deliver a connected or automated vehicle trial in the Newcastle LGA was supported.
Notice of Motion to rescind a Council resolution - Adoption of fees for Lord Mayor and Councillors
A Notice of Motion to rescind the adoption of fees for Councillors at December's ordinary general meeting was defeated.
Next City's World Stage: World Urban Forum 9
Council endorsed a resolution for the Lord Mayor to attend the Next City's World Stage: World Urban Forum 9 in Kuala Lumpur next month, with all expenses met by a grant received from the Institute of International Education's Global Travel and Learning.
Submission to the Review of License Conditions for 14 Newcastle CBD venues
Council endorsed a submission to the local liquor licence review recommending venues with exemplary records be exempt from some conditions.