Council Update Tuesday 23 July 2019
23 July 2019
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council Meeting for Tuesday 23 July 2019. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
A LMM requesting that a submission be made to the Joint Select Committee regarding Sydney’s night-time economy, was endorsed. The submission will refer to information relating to the City’s own progress in this area through the Newcastle After Dark Strategy.
A LMM congratulating former Newcastle MP Jodie McKay’s election as NSW leader of the Opposition, was endorsed.
Ordinary Business
Supplementary report - Public Exhibition of the Code of Meeting Practice
Council resolved to place a new Code of Meeting Practice on public exhibition for 42 days. The key change to the Code is to allow for an extension of time for Councillor speeches from three minutes to five minutes.
Exhibition of Draft Community Participation Plan
Councillors voted to place the Draft Community Participation Plan on public exhibition for a period of 28 days. The plan will outline how and when City of Newcastle (CN) will engage with the community across the planning functions it performs under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
Adoption of Amendment to Newcastle DCP 2012 - section 6.02 Heritage Conservation Areas
Councillors supported a motion to amend Newcastle’s Development Control Plan. The amendments address matters relating to the classification of buildings within Heritage Conservation Areas (HCAs). The new provisions will provide guidance on Development Application submission requirements when the development is within an HCA.
Special Business Rate Expenditure Policy
A new financial incentive scheme, known as the Special Business Rate expenditure policy, which allows businesses, not-for-profit organisations and community groups to apply for around $900,000 to attract more people into the City’s business areas, was supported.
Adoption of the West End Streetscape - Stage 2 Plan
Councillors voted to adopt the West End Stage 2 – Streetscape Plan which will deliver Safe, separated cycle ways, new dedicated green spaces and wider streets ensuring improved pedestrian and motorist traffic flows in West End.
Notices of Motion
Urban Heat Island Research Project
A NOM requesting City of Newcastle holds a public forum on research projects into the Urban Heat Island effect across Newcastle, and outlines possible actions that City of Newcastle may be able to take to mitigate urban warming, was supported.
Rehabilitation of Throsby Creek
A NOM requesting councillors be afforded a public briefing from a member of the Throsby Creek Government Agencies Committee and City Staff in relation to actions outlined in the Throsby Creek Catchment Plan, was supported.
Pollinator Planting Program
Councillors supported a NOM to receive a report on the options for amending the City of Newcastle Urban Forestry Policy and Street Tree Selection Manual. The report will help improve the provision of pollinator forage on City-managed land in Newcastle, including bees and native pollinators.
Public access audit of Automated External Defibrillators
A NOM requesting staff conduct and publish an audit of publicly accessible automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in the LGA to determine the extent of current availability, and future needs, for AEDs at City of Newcastle facilities, was supported.
Gregson Park plan of management and enhancements
A NOM requesting a workshop for Councillors to outline the Plan of Management process for Gregson Park, including opportunities for the community to provide feedback regarding upgrades and future uses of Gregson Park, was supported.