Council update: Tuesday 23 October 2018
23 Oct 2018
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council meeting for Tuesday 23 October 2018. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minute - Recognition of Jill Emberson
Council recognised Jill Emberson, ABC Newcastle broadcaster, for her contribution to raising awareness of ovarian cancer in our community.
Lord Mayoral Minute - Smart parking app success
Council noted the success of the Easy Park pay by phone application with over 5,000 unique user downloads since March 2018 and will look to incentivise increased usage of the app in future.
Executive monthly performance report
The report was received.
Adoption of 2017/18 annual financial statements
Council received and adopted the annual financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2018.
Tabling of Pecuniary Interest Returns - Annual Report
Council noted the tabling of the report.
Internal reporting - Public Interest Disclosures Policy
The policy was adopted.
Draft Section 6.03 Wickham of Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012
Council resolved to adopt draft Section 6.03 Wickham for inclusion into the DCP.
Supercars 2017 Impact Assessment Report
Council received the report.
City Marketing and Engagement Policy
The 2018-2021 City Marketing and Engagement Strategy was adopted.
Planning Agreement - 5 Hall Street, Maryville
Council endorsed the Planning Agreement and authorised the CEO to execute the agreement. The approved plans include a protection zone to ensure the existing mangroves are retained and protected.
Stevenson Park Concept Landscape Masterplan
Council resolved to place the Stevenson Park Masterplan on public exhibition for 21 days and to receive a further report back to Council following the public exhibition.
Notices of Motion (NOM)
Verge gardens
A NOM was supported noting the approach adopted by a number of major Australian local authorities allowing residents to establish verge gardens, and to develop a draft Verge Garden Policy for Council's consideration.
Skate bowl on South Newcastle Beach
An amended NOM was supported committing to a review and finalisation of the coastal engineering report to ensure the proposed skate bowl does not negatively impact on the beach and coastline, and to engage in broader community consultation on the project.
Works program financial details
An amended NOM was supported for the City to provide a quarterly update of the 2019/20 works program to Council and the community via its website.