Council update Tuesday 24 July 2018
24 July 2018
Following is a summary of the ordinary Council meeting for Tuesday 24 July 2018: NB: it not a full record of resolutions.
A Lord Mayoral Minute to apply for funding for Council projects under the Snowy Hydro Fund Act 2018, should the NSW Government sell its share of the Snowy Hydro Scheme to the Federal Government, was supported.
A Lord Mayoral minute to mark next month's bicentenary of Macquarie Pier's foundation stone with an event celebrating the structure's significance to Newcastle's history was supported.
A Lord Mayoral Minute to support a national Second City Policy Framework with Geelong, Wollongong and other Aussie cities was supported.
Normal business
Executive Monthly Performance report
The usual report was received.
Adoption of Glebe Rd Federation Cottages Heritage Conservation Area - Amendment to Newcastle LEP 2012 and Newcastle DCP 2012
Council has endorsed an amendment to a planning document for the proposed Glebe Rd Federation Cottages Heritage Conservation Area and adoption of new section 6.02 Heritage Conservation Areas of Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012.
Hamilton Residential Precinct Heritage Conservation Area - Endorsement of Amendment to Newcastle LEP
Council has endorsed a planning proposal to begin the process to prepare an amendment to the Newcastle Local Environment Plan 2012 and the Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012 for the Hamilton residential Precinct heritage Conservation Area.
Adoption of the Newcastle Coastal Zone Management Plan - Stockton and Coastline south of the south the harbour
Council has adopted the draft Newcastle Coastal Zone Management Plan 2018 and endorsed its submission to the Office of Environment and Heritage for certification.
Notices of Motion
Lambton Park Memorial Gates - Time capsule
A notice of motion to unearth a time capsule on the centenary of its burial beneath Lambton Memorial gates in Lambton Park on 19 October 1918 was supported.
A notice of motion to endorse the NSW Government's investigation of fast rail and a 70-minute connection between Sydney and Newcastle was supported.
Newcastle Light Rail small business assistance
An alternate notice of motion was supported to note Council's support through rate reductions of businesses experiencing ligh rail-related financial hardship and maintain support through funding to promote, beautify and develop the city centre.
Compassionate Communities
A notice of motion to recognise the establishment of the Newcastle Compassionate Communities Collaboration, a cross-sector collaboration to reduce the impacts of serious illness, caregiving and bereavement, was supported.
Reducing violence against women and children - a city position
A notice of motion to develop a policy that states Newcastle strives to be a safe place for all women and children and takes a proactive role in preventing violence against women and children through urban design, development processes and staff and community education, was supported.
Relocation of Council chamber to 12 Stewart Avenue
Council resolved to relocate the Council chamber to 12 Stewart Avenue, together with the move of administrative staff in 2019, and begin the process to protect City Hall and the existing chamber on the State Heritage Register.