Council update: Tuesday 24 October 2017
24 Oct 2017
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 24 October 2017.
Note: It is not a record of resolutions.
Taking of the Oath / Affirmation
Undertaken by Councillors Kath Elliott and Peta Winney-Baartz.
Lord Mayoral Minute - Recognition of the service of Mr Andrew Glauser to the people of Newcastle
Council thanked Mr Andrew Glauser, who is leaving Council, for his service as Interim Director Corporate Services and Manager Finance.
Lord Mayoral Minute - Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
A report and workshop will be prepared for councillors regarding support for joining this climate change action initiative.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the monthly report.
Tabling of annual pecuniary interest returns for the period 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017
The tabling of the register of pecuniary interest returns was noted.
Appointment of Councillor representatives to external committees
Councillors were appointed to external committees for the term of membership 25 October 2017 to 11 September 2020.
Appointment of Councillor representatives to advisory committees
Councillors were appointed to internal advisory committees for the term of membership 25 October 2017 to 11 September 2020.
Newcastle Airport Authority - Appointment of Council's shareholder representatives
Council appointed Lord Mayor Cr Nuatali Nelmes and Interim CEO Jeremy Bath
Adoption of 2016/17 Annual Financial Statements
Council received and adopted the Annual Financial Statements and Auditor's Report for the year ended 30 June 2017.
Young Street, Carrington - proposed upgrade to zebra crossing
The existing zebra crossing at Young St Carrington will be upgraded.
Investigations fenced off-leash dog areas at Lambton Park and other locations
Council endorsed the current review of off-leash dog area provision and the establishment of four fenced dog parks within the Newcastle LGA, noting the importance to the community of a dog off-leash area in Lambton Park.
Glebe Road, Adamstown - proposed upgrade to zebra crossing
Council approved the proposed upgrade to the existing zebra/children's crossing
26 Edith St Waratah (Wrightson Reserve) and RD 20435 - adoption of amendment to Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012
Council endorsed the planning proposal to reclassify land at 26 Edith St Waratah (Lot 374 DP 755247) from community to operational and to rezone the land.
Ordnance St Newcastle - Endorsement of proposed amendment to Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012
Proposal endorsed to reclassify land at 1 Ordnance St Newcastle (former bowling club site) to remove the additional permitted use of a function centre and kiosk.
Submission to Department of Planning and Environment - short term holiday letting
The draft submission was endorsed for lodgement with the Department of Planning and Environment.
Establishment of a Disability Inclusion Advisory Committee
Council adopted the draft Disability Inclusion Advisory Committee (DIAC) charter and appointed Crs Byrne, Winney-Baartz and Duncan as members of the DIAC.
Cities Leadership Institute US Tour Program 2017 - participation by the City of Newcastle
Council supported participation in the program.
Supplementary Report - Land bounded by Mosbri Crescent and Kitchener Parade, The Hill
Proposal endorsed to amend the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012 (LEP) and rezone land bounded by Mosbri Crescent and Kitchener Parade, The Hill.
Notice of Motion - Newcastle Council Apprenticeship Scheme
Motion endorsed for staff to provide a report on Council's apprenticeship program and capacity to expand this type of employment.
Notice of Motion - Phase out of single-use plastic bags
Motion endorsed to promote reduction in use of single-use plastic bags and to assist/education Newcastle businesses to reduce their use.
Notice of Motion - Independent event assessment of the Newcastle 500
Motion endorsed for Council to engage an independent, expert third party to assess the benefits and costs associated with Council's support for the Newcastle 500 event.
Notice of Motion - Beresfield Swimming Centre
Beresfield Swimming Centre operating hours expanded for the 2017/18 season and Council staff to investigate upgrades to the pool facility.
Notice of Motion - Stevenson Park Upgrades
Upgrades to be delivered to Stevenson Park Mayfield West in FY 2018/19 following community consultation.
Notice of Motion - Stockton traffic and parking
Motion endorsed for Council to look at options to expand car parking options in Stockton.
Notice of Motion - Council Street, Cooks Hill
Council to review the proposal for re-opening of Council Street in a workshop to make sure plans are consistent with the Cooks Hill Local Area Traffic Management Scheme.
Notice of Motion - Refurbishment and upgrade of Lambton Pool
Council staff to provide a report at the 28 November 2017 Ordinary Council meeting on the options for the refurbishment and upgrade of Lambton Pool.
Confidential Session report
Council supported three confidential session items on outdoor trading fees, office accommodation and a property matter in Wallsend.